From: | |
Date: | Wed, 19 Jan 2000 16:22:55 -0800 (PST) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] News about toxics in U.S. News World Report |
What follows is an article about the toxic waste problem in the Philippines just came out in this issue of U.S. News World Report. You can view it for yourself at: What the military left behind ANGELES CITY, PHILIPPINES When the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo buried the region in volcanic ash and hastened the departure of United States forces from Clark Air Base, some 20,000 homeless Filipino families were relocated onto the sprawling installation. The new residents dug wells, planted crops, and settled unaware that the ground water they drank and bathed in, the soil their rice and sweet potatoes grew in, and the creeks and ponds they fished in were contaminated by toxic substances dumped during a half century of U.S. tenure. Within a few years, health workers began tracking a rise in spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, and birth defects; kidney, skin, and nervous system disorders; cancers, and other conditions that can be caused or exacerbated by exposure to chemical toxicants. Between May and July of 1995, for example, five infants were born suffering from the same central-nervous-system disorder. From that congenital birth defect cluster, only Abraham Taruc survives today, a stunted, 4-year-old human rag doll unable to speak or walk, barely able to move or swallow. Pollution blamed. Philippine doctors and government officials supported by independent studies by Western health and pollution experts believe that Abraham and hundreds of others were poisoned by heavy metals like lead and mercury; degreasing solvents, used oil, pesticides, acids, asbestos, and old munitions. The rising incidence of serious health conditions and premature deaths suggests causes beyond poverty and poor medical care. When the Air Force departed Clark, it conducted a hasty removal of waste containers but refused Philippine government requests for data on toxic dumping. Today, the Pentagon acknowledges polluting major overseas bases but insists that the United States isn't obligated to clean them up. "Our laws do not permit us to spend funds for the purposes you have requested," wrote U.S. Defense Deputy Under Secretary Sherri Goodman last June to a Philippine senator seeking help. That hardly satisfies critics such as Myrla Baldonado of the Manila-based People's Task Force For Bases Cleanup: "The U.S. may have a legal loophole, but what about the moral obligation? People are sick, dying, or dead." This year, the DOD will spend $2 billion on cleaning up at installations in the United States and its territories but only $18.6 million total at bases in Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Japan, and South Korea. The Philippines gets nothing. Meanwhile, with no alternative housing, some 4,000 families remain at Clark, drinking the same mercury-laced water and growing vegetables in the same poisoned soil. -M.S. You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: _____________________________________________________________ Check out the new and improved Topica site! | |
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