From: | CPEO Moderator <> |
Date: | Thu, 20 Jan 2000 10:49:35 -0800 (PST) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] EPA Letter to DOD 1-14-2000 |
U.S. EPA sent the following letter regarding the cleanup order at the Massachusetts Military Reservation to the Pentagon last week: UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, DC 20460 January 14, 2000 Ms. Sherri W. Goodman Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security) 3000 Defense Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301-3000 Dear Ms. Goodman: Thank you for your January 12, 2000, letter expressing your concerns about EPA Region I's order issued under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) against the National Guard Bureau and the Massachusetts National Guard at the Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR) on Cape Cod. We have carefully reviewed your concerns and the issues you raise and we do not believe the order should be withdrawn or modified as you have requested. The order is effective today, January 14, 2000. As you know, this order follows two previously issued SDWA orders covering the Camp Edwards portion of MMR. The order is based on information resulting from the initial SDWA order, and other additional information. These orders have been issued to protect Cape Cod's aquifer, which is the sole drinking water source for the 200,000 year round and 500,000 seasonal residents. Substantial portions of the aquifer are seriously contaminated already from past military practices at Otis Air Force Base at the southern end of MMR. That portion of the aquifer directly underneath Camp Edwards' training ranges and impact area, the so-called Sagamore Lens, is the intended future water supply for the Upper Cape Cod communities. There is now ample evidence that military munitions used and disposed of during training at Camp Edwards have contaminated parts of the Sagamore Lens with RDX and other toxic compounds--evidence that DoD, in its objection to EPA's April 1997 SDWA order restricting training at Camp Edwards, asserted would not be found. In fact, 10 percent of the monitoring wells installed as part of the groundwater study conducted pursuant to the February 1997 SDWA order show RDX concentrations above EPA?s health advisory. Cleaning up and preventing any further contamination of the Sagamore Lens is crucial to Cape Cod's future, in terms of both public health and economic well being. It is EPA's mission and statutory mandate to protect the public health with its most effective tools available. The Safe Drinking Water Act is a unique authority that Congress gave EPA to use in a preventative and prospective manner to protect underground supplies of drinking water. It is used to treat or reduce contamination, or to prevent harmful conditions from materializing. It is the most effective and appropriate tool EPA has to deal with this matter. We trust you would agree that it is EPA's responsibility, not the Department of Defense's, to determine how best to apply the statutes it is charged with administering. Given the historic military activities that have already contaminated over 66 billion gallons of this sole source aquifer, it is critical that preventative measures, as well as remedial measures, be taken now to preserve the quality of Cape Cod's drinking water. It is the precise purpose of SDWA Section 1431 to protect an underground source of drinking water (USDW) from contaminants which are present, or which are likely to enter the USDW. The authority to act to prevent contamination which may present a threat to a drinking water supply in the future from becoming a reality is well established by the legislative history of Section 1431 and court decisions. The DoD position that any and all work at Camp Edwards should be done under the Federal Facilities Agreement established under CERCLA at MMR pointedly ignores a fundamental disagreement between EPA and DoD's how to address the thousands of rounds of unexploded ordnance (UXO) at Camp Edwards. DoD has stated that it will not clean up UXO at active ranges until it actually causes harm. DoD claims that UXO has not caused harm at MMR. EPA has determined that the UXO needs to be dealt with before further harm is caused at this site. Again, this is why the Safe Drinking Water Act, with its focus on preventing harm, is the most appropriate tool to use in this situation. DoD would wait until the range became closed (the term of its lease with MMR expires in 2026) or until the aquifer is proven to have been already contaminated by UXO, before beginning to address UXO under CERCLA. The Safe Drinking Water Act provides clear authority to address contamination of this sole source aquifer, or the potential of future harm, caused by the presence of UXO. Section 1401 (6) of the SDWA defines "contaminant" broadly to include any "physical, chemical, or radiological substance or matter in water." This applies even when the contaminant is not yet present in the underground source of drinking water. The use of the term "likely to enter" in section 1431 of the SDWA means that this section of the act can be used to issue orders early enough to prevent the potential harm from reaching the USDW. Moreover, the definition of USSDW at 40 CFR section 144.3 includes aquifers that currently supply a public water system and those that simply have the potential to supply such a public water system. This fundamental disagreement between EPA and DoD over the handling of UXO at Camp Edwards is further illustrated by the following facts. Significant numbers of live unexploded ordnance have been uncovered through DoD's sampling efforts conducted pursuant to the previous SDWA order. In addition, more than 1,100 mortar rounds were discovered buried at the only range where a comprehensive survey for unexploded ordnance has been conducted to date. There are more than 30 ranges where unexploded ordnance surveys have not taken place, but which will be investigated and cleaned up as a result of Region I's SDWA order issued last Friday, January 7. In addition, there is sound evidence that UXO at MMR may contaminate groundwater at levels exceeding health advisories established under the SDWA. The ongoing groundwater study provides clear evidence that UXO that was disposed of at MMR has already caused soil and groundwater contamination. Data from soil sampling at known disposal locations, including CS-19, Demolition Area 1, the Armored Personnel Carrier and the steel lined pit, all show high levels of contamination by explosives and other compounds. Groundwater sampling downgradient of three of the UXO disposal sites also contain levels of explosives that exceed the Health Advisory of 2 ppb for RDX. As noted above, the Department of Defense has denied the potential for environmental degradation associated with UXO that remains where it has landed. For example, in discussions in connection with EPA's second administrative order restricting training activities, Col. Wright, then Chairman of the Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board, unequivocally stated to EPA Region I in 1997 that the potential for contamination from broken or leaking UXO is "virtually zero." For example, according to several DoD documents which are cited in Region I's order: 1. Propellant, explosive and pyrotechnic compounds may be released into the environment when the munitions casing is damaged or deteriorated. See Range Rule at 62 Fed Reg. At 50800. 2. UXO that had remained in the ground at the J Range at MMR were "extremely corroded." Note that while these munitions had been underground for an estimated thirty years, the ranges at MMR have been in use for close to 90 years and presumably contain UXO that are even more heavily corroded than those found at the J Ranges. June 1998 Report to Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army from U.S. Army Defense Ammunition Center. 3. Some munitions undergo a low order detonation and produce high explosives residues in or on munitions fragments. One such low order detonated shell at the J Range was confirmed to be contaminated with RDX. See 1998 Report for USADAC. 4. Munitions may leak TNT, even when stored under the controlled conditions of an above ground ammunition supply point. 5. Explosives contamination from UXO may occur as a result of low order detonations, corrosion, or fragmentation of munitions. We now know that this statement is incorrect, and EPA musttake appropriate action. Moreover, the groundwater study has revealed explosives in groundwater downgradient of a number of the high use target areas in the impact range. There are only two plausible sources of this contamination: explosives resulting from live firing or explosives from UXO. NGB has steadfastly maintained that explosives from live firing is not the source of explosives contamination in the aquifer. If that is the case, UXO is the only other plausible source of explosives contamination in groundwater. Just as EPA would be authorized to act if it had knowledge that underground storage tanks or corroding drums containing toxic materials threatened a potential drinking water supply, so too is EPA authorized to require remediation of UXO which are subject to fragmentation and corrosion and which contain explosives. Ultimately, the Region's choice to use EPA's authority under the SDWA, rather than EPA's authority under the (CERCLA), is a matter within the enforcement discretion of EPA as an independent regulatory agency. Region I's use of it's authority under the SDWA was carefully considered with due consideration for both its practical necessity and legal appropriateness under the facts of this case. Given the course of the negotiations between EPA Region I and DoD over four months, the Region determined that the issuance of this SDWA order was a necessary exercise of its authority and in the best interest of the public. As you know, Region I had hoped to come to an agreement with the National Guard Bureau to proceed with the work under an administrative order by consent. Regretfully, that did not occur. Region I originally notified the NGB of its intent to order response actions at MMR four months ago. Meetings were held that included Raymond Fatz of your office, General Squier of the NGB, Tad McCall of the Air Force, and others. Region I made its view clear that the Safe Drinking Water Act was the most appropriate and expeditious mechanism to deal with the cleanup of Camp Edwards and to prevent further degradation of the sole source aquifer and Region I provided a draft order on consent along these lines. The DoD's response to Region I failed adequately to respond to EPA's order on consent. The DoD response did not include the actions the Region stated were necessary to prevent damage to the Cape Cod Aquifer, and to protect the health of persons. The DoD response completely failed to address the time frames set out in the Scope of Work attached to the order. Rather, DoDs "compromise" was to strike the Scope of Work entirely. The DoD compromise eliminated the Region's requirement for a feasibility study for remediation of surface and subsurface UXO., and contemplated only an agreement to discuss matters with EPA, with no agreement for DoD to undertake any actions. It also should be noted that your letter states incorrectly that the Massachusetts National Guard was prepared to act to take remedial action, and that the National Guard Bureau was "waiting permission" to undertake rapid response actions. In fact, the Region has not received any proposal for a removal or response action from either Respondent to the order. We also strongly disagree that Region I's actions are at odds with the ongoing discussions between EPA and DoD now taking place for addressing unexploded ordnance at DoD's closed, transferred, and transferring ranges (CTT Principles Discussion) and the discussions over the pending Range Rule. The Region I order is aimed at a situation at an active range which is not addressed in, and is entirely separate from, the ongoing discussions. Furthermore, as you know, even with respect to CTT ranges, EPA has expressly reserved its right to use its imminent and substantial endangerment enforcement authorities, including those under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Some of the same individuals on your staff and from the military services now participating in the ongoing CTT Principles Discussion and Range Rule talks have also participated in discussions with EPA at the Regional and Headquarters level over the last few months regarding the matters addressed in the Region I SDWA order. Region I's use of its SDWA authority at Camp Edwards should come as no surprise. Finally, your letter also suggests that by proceeding under the Safe Drinking Water Act, Region I is somehow abandoning EPA's commitment to work in a collaborative process with full public participation. This is not the case. EPA remains committed to working with a full and open public process. The order requires all remedial decisions to undergo a public participation process, including public meetings and comment, as extensive as under CERCLA. In addition, EPA and the NGB already meet every four to six weeks with community members in the Impact Area Review Team. If there are improvements that can be made to the public process, EPA is more than willing to make those changes. EPA continues to remain committed to building a collaborative, cooperative, and effective approach toward addressing environmental risks that EPA and DoD both are well aware exist at a significant number of DoD sites throughout the United States. We look forward to our continued efforts together to build that relationship of trust and accountability through which we will make even further progress in addressing the many complex problems we both face in protecting public health and the environment. Sincerely, /s/ Steven A. Herman Assistant Administrator Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance /s/ Timothy Fields, Jr. Assistant Administrator Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response cc: Senator Edward M. Kennedy Senator John F. Kerry Representative William D. Delahunt Michael McCabe, Acting Deputy Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency Mindy Lubber, Acting Regional Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency Region I You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: _____________________________________________________________ Check out the new and improved Topica site! | |
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