From: | |
Date: | Thu, 13 Apr 2000 09:46:37 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
FOR RELEASE THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2000 CONTACTS: NORM HARRY, CHAIRMAN, PYRAMID LAKE PAIUTE TRIBE PHONE: (775) 574-1000 JACK PASTOR, RESIDENTS AGAINST MUNITIONS PHONE: (530) 257-9400 GRACE POTORTI, RURAL ALLIANCE FOR MILITARY ACCOUNTABILITY PHONE: (775) 677-7001 / (775) 677-9751 SCOTT ALLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COX & MOYER PHONE: (415) 543-9464 LAWSUIT SEEKS HALT TO OPEN AIR DESTRUCTION OF OBSOLETE WEAPONS BY U.S. ARMY A coalition of groups filed suit against the United States Department of the Army (Sierra Army Depot, CA) on Thursday, April 13, 2000, for violations of the California Health and Safety Code. The coalition wants to stop the Sierra Army Depot from disposing of over 86 million pounds per year of military bombs, mortars, artillery shells, rocket motors, land mines, and grenades by open burning and open detonation (OB/OD). There are alternative technologies available to the Army for the disposal of these hazardous waste munitions, without polluting the environment and endangering the health of people. The Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Rural Alliance for Military Accountability, Residents Against Munitions, Jack Pastor, Larry Beach, and Kim Ramos (the coalition) contend that the OB/OD creates toxic plumes of carcinogenic chemicals, including mercury, lead, beryllium, copper, etc. to be released into the air, water, and soils of the environment. Blast waves from the Army's activities at the Depot rattle windows, walls, and floors of houses located many miles away. Norm Harry, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Chairman stated, "The Army continuing to conduct its OB/OD operation without a permit is a blatant disregard to the voiced concerns of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Washoe County, the State of Nevada, and Senator Reid. The Tribe may have concerns with Environmental Justice issues. The Tribe will continue to support the implementation of the best available technology for the disposal of obsolete munitions and ordnance. We have fought vigorously to protect the resources within our jurisdictional boundaries, and we will continue to exhaust all available means to protect the health and welfare of our most important resource...our people!" Jack Pastor, spokesperson for Residents Against Munitions stated, "If we can put a man on the moon, we should be able to build a blast chamber to dispose of our obsolete weapons." Pastor continued, "For the military to knowingly and willingly dump toxic chemicals on its own people is a violation of our civil rights." Grace Potorti, Executive Director of RAMA stated "For decades the military has used rural residents as guinea pigs for poisonous activities which would not be accepted elsewhere". Potorti continued, "Clearly it is time for the U.S. Army to jump on the bandwagon and use environmentally safe alternatives to this caveman method of weapons destruction." Additional Contacts: Kim Ramos, Residents Against Munitions / Phone: (530) 253-3289 "United States citizen's health and property are not subject to the uncontrolled power of the Army. Our preamble to the constitution establishes justice and ensures us domestic tranquility. It seems as though we are living in a war zone and the Army has somehow proclaimed eminent domain over our lands and health. It is peacetime, therefore the Army is accountable for the demolition process." Larry Beach, Residents Against Munitions / Phone: (530) 253-3289 "The Army's Open Burning / Open Detonation of munitions & rocket motors is out of control. Standard operating procedures are routinely violated resulting in excessive db levels, shock waves and toxic plumes that travel over populated areas affecting humans, animals, property and the environment." Sally Pastor / Phone: (530) 257-9400 For a full copy of the lawsuit visit: You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: _________________________________________________________ Enlighten your in-box. | |
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