From: | |
Date: | Mon, 15 May 2000 09:28:01 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] Sign-on letter to OMB on DoD's impending range rule |
Please Post- Anyone wishing to sign-on to this letter should send their name, organization (please state if only for identification purposes), base (if active or RAB member), city and state to Tara Thornton at Thank you, Tara Thornton Military Toxics Project May 15, 2000 Mr. Art Fraas Office of Management and Budget New Executive Office Building Suite 10202 725 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20503 Dear Mr.Fraas, We, the undersigned are writing to you today to express our concern over the Department of Defense's draft final range rule currently under review by the Office of Management and Budget. We understand the extent of the problem of range cleanup and UXO remediation is daunting. The military estimates there might be as many as 25 million acres of land on closed, transferred, and transferring ranges contaminated with unexploded ordnance and chemical munitions. The estimated cost to clean up these ranges is expected to exceed 15 billion dollars. As costly as remediation may be, the human, cultural, and environmental costs of letting munitions lie where they fell may be even more costly. Impact ranges for artillery; bombs and conventional armed rockets are located in every section of the country, as well as abroad. Not only are they littered with potentially explosive devices, but also chemical contamination from exploded and unexploded munitions is leaching into the environment. Studies conducted at training ranges suggest that explosive and propellant contaminants migrate to groundwater. In 1994, a study conducted at a firing range at Fort Ord in California found that the impact areas were contaminated with residues of high explosives, including HMX, RDX, and TNT. In 1997, the US EPA Region I ordered the military to cease training activities at the Massachusetts Military Range on Cape Cod, MA due to concern for drinking water contamination. Recently, they invoked the Safe Drinking Water Act to protect the health of persons and the environment; and ordered the training ranges and impact areas to be cleaned up. At the Lowry Range (Buckley Field) in Colorado, a formerly used defense site, the Army Corps underestimated the extent of the hazard and only undertook a comprehensive cleanup, using its most recent technology, when pressured by state agencies. In addition to environmental issues, we are also concerned about biological, health and cultural impacts: At the Army's Eagle River Flats artillery range in Alaska, there was an unusually high mortality rate among waterfowl that feed and nest in this area during spring and fall migrations. After a year long study, researchers at the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) and Dartmouth Medical School determined the deaths were caused from the ingestion of white phosphorus particles left from smoke-producing shells fired into the range. Many of the training ranges in Alaska and elsewhere have adversely impacted the Native population. The lands where many of the ranges are located were traditionally used for hunting and fishing grounds. Now the birds, fish and other wildlife that roam the ranges have high levels of heavy metals and other contaminants. There are high rates of cancer around munitions ranges like Camp Edwards on Cape Cod, MA, Toole Army Depot in Utah, Sierra Army Depot in California, and Vieques, Puerto Rico. A 1992 epidemiological study of the community surrounding Camp Edwards suggests a correlation with exposure to air-born toxins from open burning of munitions and propellant bags to increased cancer rates. It's easy to see why we are so concerned with DoD's impending range rule. Communities around the country and overseas will be greatly affected by the final outcome of the range rule. OMB must require that any rule provide stringent protection of public health and safety. The Defense Department should not hold unilateral dispute resolution or decision-making authority over any decisions on whether and how to clean up UXO and related wastes. At Camp Bonneville in Washington and Fort Ord in California, reuse is being delayed because the military has thus far been unable or unwilling to clear the property to safe levels. The range rule should be fully consistent with CERCLA and the National Contingency Plan and should include provisions for public participation. In 1999, the US Army disbanded the Fort Ord Restoration Advisory Board and has essentially squelched public participation. As recent as May 12, 2000, McClellan Air Force Base officials ousted every member of a community advisory board that scrutinized the cleanup of the heavily contaminated military installation. Many see this as the military limiting access to public participation, to only those views, which are friendly to the military. The risk methodology, being developed in support of the range rule, should be simple enough for public stakeholders to understand and use. Finally, any portions of the range rule that has undergone significant changes since the closing of the initial public comment period in December 1997 should be made publicly available for comment prior to promulgation. We look forward to hearing OMB's position on the above concerns. Sincerely, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: ___________________________________________________________ T O P I C A The Email You Want. Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Your Favorite Topics | |
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