From: | |
Date: | Wed, 2 Aug 2000 11:35:00 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] Construccion Albergue Campamento Justicia y Paz de Vieques |
(Scroll down for English) Proyecto Construccion Albergue Justicia y Paz para Vieques El Campamento Justicia y Paz de Vieques, frente a la entrada de la base naval, Camp Garcia en la Isla Nena, donde bombardea la Marina de Guerra de EU, es uno de los puntos centricos de la lucha contra la presencia militar aqui. Actualmente se construye un albergue en los terrenos del campamento para ofrecerles alojamiento a la mucha gente solidaria que viene a quiarse y a participar en las actividades de protesta, acciones de desobediencia civil y a ofrecer servicios en apoyo a la lucha. Solicitamos la ayuda economica de las personas y orgnaizaciones solidarias con la cuasa viequense para completar este proyecto. El Campamento Justicia y Paz Fundado el 4 de diciembre de 1999, con el fin de bloquear la entrada y salida de la base militar, el Campamento Justicia y Paz (CJP) fue un elemento vital en el sistema de apoyo a los campamentos establecidos en la zona de tiro hasta los arrestos del pasado 4 de mayo. El CJP se convirtio en un centro de acopio de provisiones agua, comida, baterias, medicina, etc. que todos los dias se enviaban en lanchas de pescadores a los campamentos en la zona restringida. El CJP fue la base de comunicaciones entre la poblacion civil y los campamentos de resistencia. La accion de desobediencia civil pacifica en el CJP fue obstruir, mediante el uso de cuerpos humanos, el flujo de vehiculos, personal o equipo militar por el porton de Camp Garcia. Esta mision se llevo a cabo exitosamente hasta el 4 de mayo cuando aproximadamente sesenta personas mayormente viequenses fuimos arrestados o "secuestrados" por las fuerzas militares. Despues del 4 de mayo, el CJP reorganizo sus recursos humanos, fisicos y espaciales para continuar como campamento de resistencia a la agresion militar en Vieques. Recibimos cientos de personas cada semana, tanto de Vieques como de la Isla Grande y del exterior. La oficina del campamento continua como centro de mando y de comunicaciones durante las acciones de desobediiencia civil. Tambien sirve como sede de reuniones y lugar de actividades de protesta del Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques (CPRDV) y las otras organizaciones comunitarias que luchan por la Paz de Vieques. Todos los sabados se lleva a cabo en las facilidades del CJP la Vigilia por la Paz que coordina el CPRDV desde miiados de 1998. El companero Noel HernE1ndez diseno y dirige la construccion del Albergue Justicia y Paz de Vieques que comenzo la semana pasada y que esperamos terminar a mediados de este mes de agosto. Apelamos a los companeros y a las companeras solidarios con la causa de Vieques para ayudarnos a sufragar los costos de este proyecto que se espera sobrepasen los cinco mil dolares. Para mas informacion, nos pueden llamar al Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques al telefono, (787) 0716 o al celular 375-0525 Donativos pueden enviarse al CPRDV, Aptdo. 1424, Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765 o depositarse en la cuenta del ComitE9, Banco Popular #112 868231 Favor de enviar este mensaje a tus contactos. English Construction Project: Peace and Justice Shelter Vieques Peace and Justice Camp (PJC), in front of the entrance to the Navy facility, Camp Garcia here in Vieques, where the US Navy does its bombing practice, plays a central role in the struggle against the military presence on the island. Currently, a shelter is under construction on the camp grounds to offer housing for the many people who come in solidarity to stay at PJC and participate in protest activities, civil disobedience actions and to offer services for the struggle. We are asking for financial support from people and organizations who solidarize with the Vieques cause to help complete this project. Peace and Justice Camp Founded on 4 December, 1999, with the aim of blocking the entrance and exit to the military base, Vieques Peace and Justice Camp was a vital element in the support system for the resistance camps set up in the bombing area until the arrests on May 4th. The PJC became the collection center for provisions - water, food, batteries, medicines, etc. - that were sent daily by fishing boat to the camps in the restricted zone. The PJC was also the center of communications between the civilian population and the resistance camps. The peaceful civil disobedience action of the PJC was the obstruction, with human bodies, of vehicles, personnel or military equipment through the gate to Camp Garcia. This mission was carried out succesfully until the 4th of May when around sixty people - mainly Viequenses - were arrested, or "kidnapped" by the military forces at the camp. After May 4th, the PJC reorganizeed its human, physical and spatial resources to continue as a resistence camp against the military aggresion on Vieques. We receive hundreds of people each week from Vieques, from the main island and from other countries. The camp's office continues to be the command and communications center during civil disobedience actions. We also serve as headquarters for the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques (CRDV) and meeting and protest space for all the community organizations that struggle for Peace on Vieques. Every Saturday a vigil is held at the camp, coordinated by the CRDV since 1998. Friend to the camp, Noel Hernandez, designed and directs the construction of the Peace and Justice Shelter that began last week and is expected to be finished at mid month. We appeal to those friends in solidarity with the Vieques cause to help us with the costs of this project, estimated to be over five thousand dollars. Donation For more information please contact the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques at (787) 741-0716 or 375-0525 Donations can be sent to the CRDV at P.O. Box 1424, Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765 or deposited in the Committee's account: Banco Popular # 112 868231 Please forward this message. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: ___________________________________________________________ T O P I C A The Email You Want. Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Your Favorite Topics | |
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