2000 CPEO Military List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 18:13:35 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] National Policy Dialogue on Military Munitions Final Report
Chapter 1 Introduction


The National Policy Dialogue on Military Munitions Final Report is the end
result of several years of discussions among the Department of Defense
(DOD), and its stakeholders about their interests and their effects on
communities(1), including those where environmental justice is a concern.
The Dialogue participants represent perspectives from both within and
outside of DOD, regulating agencies at the federal, state, and tribal
level, environmental groups, environmental justice groups and communities
affected by munitions and military installations. While these diverse
perspectives may have different concerns and opinions about the management
of munitions, they share a common concern about the health and safety of
their communities.  Those who share this concern vary from those who have
lived and raised their families in the community for decades to DOD
families and employees who live on or near installations.  This has been a
collaborative effort to holistically describe, quantify, and make
recommendations to a complex issue that has to-date only been addressed in
a piecemeal and fragmented fashion.  However, this Report should not be
considered a consensus of the Dialogue members.



To request a copy of the report email contact

US Army Environmental Center-Technical Information Center


or call 410-436-1239

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