From: | |
Date: | Tue, 26 Sep 2000 13:43:48 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] Informe de Vieques - Vieques Update |
*SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH* Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques Apartado 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765 (787) 741-0716 E mail: Informe del Campamento Justicia y Paz 19 de septiembre de 2000 El sabado pasado, a las 7PM, poco antes de iniciar la vigilia que todos los sabados celebramos en el Campamento Justicia y Paz, salio un Cherokee con varios militares del porton de Camp Garcia (al cruzar la calle de Justicia y Paz). Escuchamos un miembro de la Fuerza de Choque gritar a los otros que los militares solicitaban escolta para ir a la maquina ATH en el Banco Popular del pueblo. (Un destacamento de la FC de la Policia de PR provee seguridad a la Marina en el porton de Camp Garcia 24 horas-7dias a la semana desde el 4 de Mayo, y les ofrece escolta a los vehiculos militares que transitan en el sector civil.) Inmediatamente llamamos a nuestra gente en el pueblo para que los recibieran en la maquina ATH. Cuando llegamos de Justicia y Paz al Banco Popular, ya habia una docena de viequenses denunciando la presencia de estos militares que sacaban chavos de la ATH bajo la cuidados mirada de sus protectores de la Fuerza de Choque. Los policias tomaban posiciones en la acera y la calle para evitar una agresion contra los militares. Llegaron dos patrullas mas, y tambien pararon un par de carros mas de nuestra gente al percatarse de la situacion. Se les grito a los militares lo que usualmente les gritamos: NO LES QUEREMOS EN NUESTRAS CALLES. QUE SE VAYAN DE AQUCD. QUE REGRESEN A LA BASE. Cuando uno de los militares puso cara de chistoso, le gritamos mas enegicamente: TU CREES QUE ESTO ES UN CHISTE? LLEVATE ESE VENENO MILITAR QUE PRODUCEN AQUI A LA CASA DE TU MADRE! CUC1NTOS NID1OS EN TU VECINDARIO TIENEN PLOMO, MERCURIO, URANIO EN SU SANGRE?!! El soldadito se metio en el Cherokee con una cara de escamao, los policias se recogieron y se fueron. Este incidente, que duro unos veinte minutos, demuestra varias cosas: la indignacion de nuestro pueblo ante la politica de proteccion que la Policia de Puerto Rico provee a la Marina; la politica de provocacion de la Marina al permitir que su personal salga de la base y transita por las calles del pueblo; la necesidad de desarrollar estrategias que obstaculizan este movimiento militar enb el sector civil. Durante la vigilia esa noche, la primera sesion de conversatoria se dedico a este tema y se acordo: buscar asesoria legal sobre consecuencias-implicaciones legales de bloquear la calle a los militares (sentarse, pararse, usar el carro,etc.) y crear un equipo de personas para vigilar el movimiento militar en la zona civil y comunicar rapidamente la informacion para tomar acciones apropiadas. Iniciamos la vigilia esa noche con un informe de la salud de Dona Luisa Guadalupe, baluarte de nuestro Campamento Justicia y Paz. A dona Luisa, con sus 83 anos, le hicieron una operacion de corazon abierta la semana pasada. Info. preliminar indica que esta recuperandose normalmente. Al recibir este informe se habran celebrado el Dia Nacional en Solidaridad con Vieques el 22 de septiembre en Washington, D.C. Felicitamos a los muchos companeros y companeras que por meses trabajan fuertemente para organizar este importante acto de solidaridad en la capital federal. En particular, reconocemos el trabajo destacado en la coordinacion de las actividades del 22 del Lcdo. Flavio Cumpiano, representante de nuestro comite (Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques) en Washigton, DC,. El CPRDV trabaja tambien en varios otros proyectos relacionados con esta lucha de vida o muerte por terminar con la presencia militar aqui. Durante los proximos meses miembros del Comite Pro Recate participaran en conferencias internacionales en Japon (Okinawa) en, Inglaterra (sobre las armas de uranio 238), en Michigan y en San Diego California (Proyecto de Toxicos Militares). Trabajamos con nuestro Grupo de Apoyo Tecnico y Profesional en el desarrollo de un plan comunitario sobre el futuro uso de los terrenos a rescatarse de la Marina. Desarrollamos una campana educativa con la presentacion de documentales en pantalla grande en los barrios de Vieques que comenzara en el mes de noviembre. En el Campamento Justicia y Paz, continuamos desarrollando actividades y nuestras facilidades para reuniones y acciones de protesta. Ya el Albergue Justicia y Paz esta lista y utilizandose. Se han celebrado varias reuniones y talleres y nos preparamos para albergar una de las muchas delegaciones de la Isla Grande que participaran en las acciones del 1 de octubre. En el albergue nos reunimos con el ex prisionero politico Luis Rosa; nos reunimos semanalmente el CPRDV; se llevo a cabo un taller de plegarias-banderines; se ensayo la obra-protesta de los Artistas por la Paz; recibimos a Ruben Berrios; se han quedado decenas de personas solidarias de la Isla Grande y de EU. La mayoria de los 56 viequenes arrestados en acciones de desobediencia civil se reunieron en el Campamento para asegurar la coordinacion y conocimiento colectivo de los casos. El CPRDV coordina y cubre los gastos relacionados con la transportacion y otros aspectos de los procesos judiciales de nuestra gente en lucha. Terminamos este informe con un documento del Archivo Historico del CPRDV-Campamento Justicia y Paz: MENSAJE INTER-GENERACIONAL PRESNETADA EL DIA DE LA CADENA HUMANA EN CAMP GARCIA EL PASADO MES DE AGOSTO Los ninos de Vieques queremos paz. Queremos que se vaya la Marina para asi terminar con las practicas de guerra que tantos danos nos han causado por muchos anos. La verja de la Marina nos separa de nuestras tierras, donde queremos jugar y crecer. La verja de la Marina es como un monstruo que dana nuestros mejores suenos. Los ninos de Vieques quisieramos ver el fin de las verjas militares. Queremos un Vieques Libre para nuestros padres y abuelos, para nuestros hermanitos y para todos los puertorriquenos que tambien aman a Vieques. Ayudenos a sacar ese monstruo de nuestra Isla Nena. La juventud viequense esta en pie de lucha por la paz de nuestra isla y en defensa de nuestros derechos humanos. No podemos permitir que la Marina sigue con sus practicas que destruyen nuestra tierra, nuestro Vieques. El compromiso de los jovenes con esta lucha se demostro esta semana con nuestra primera incursion a la zona restringida. Definitiviamente vamos a regresar. Y vamos a regresasr cuantas veces sea necesario para reclamar nuestro derecho de vivir en paz y con dignidad. Tenemos que abandonar a nuestras familias para estudiar en la Isla Grande. La presencia militar y el control sobre nuestras tierras estrangula nuestro desarrollo economico. Asi que despues de estudiar, no tenemos oportunidad de trabajo aqui, y nos vemos obligados a separarnos de lo que mas queremos - nuestras familias y nuestra Isla Nena. Esta verja de la Marina es simbolo del poder militar que por decadas ha traido mucho sufrimiento a nuestro pueblo. Esta verja de alambre de pua y serpentina representa la muerte de nuestra gente. Como la muralla de Berlin, esta verja tiene que caer. Nosotros los jovenes estamos dispuestos a participar en el desmanelamiento de esta muralla de alambres que nos quita lo que nos pertenece por derecho natural. Cuando llegue el momento - y sabemos que no es hoy, aunque podria ser manana - cuando llegue el momento de tumbar esa verja de Norte a Sur, los jovenes viequenses estaremos presente. Por mas de medio siglo la Marina ha atacado la familia viequense, obligando a nuestros esposos a buscar trabajo en otros lugares y a nuestros hijos a salir en busca de estudios. Han acosado y violado a nuestras mujeres. Han envenenado nuestra tierra, aire y agua. Es tiempo de ponerle fin a este atropello. Es tiempo de unir a la gran familia viequense; a esta gran familia puertorriquena en defensa de Vieques. Las verjas de la Marina no podran jamas parar la marcha de la historia y la justicia. Esta verja no detendra la marcha de nuestro pueblo hacia su destino - que es tener un Vieques Libre de la Marina. Hoy nos reunimos frente a la verja militar para conocerla de cerca, contemplar las tierras nuestras presas al otro lado. Hoy pondremos cintas y banderas, reflexionaremos y oraremos por la paz nuestra y la de las futuras generaciones. Pero en otro momento nos encontraremos frente a esta verja con el deber en la mano, con la historia de tantos atropellos en el corazon y con el compromiso de terminar con todas las barreras que nos separan de nuestro patrimonio territorial y de nuestra paz. La familia viequense esta unida ante la amenaza de la Marina. Vieques es nuestro, rescatemoslo. La experiencia es el mejor maestro. Los que hemos vivido los muchos anos de abusos militares estamos tambien presente en este momento historico de la lucha por nuestra paz. Hemos vivido decadas de atropellos y mentiras, promesas y enganos, de politicos y militares que utilizan a Vieques para sus propositos que nada tiene que ver con el bienestar de nuestro pueblo. Vivimos las expropiaciones de los anos 40. Vivimos las amenazas de sacarnos a todos de Vieques en 1947 y 1961. Estuvimos cuando mataron a Mapepe en el 52 y durante los motines y peleas los sesenta y setenta. Luchamos contra la expropiacion de Esperanza y toda la costa sur en 1964. Estuvimos cuando lanzaron la bomba atomica en 1966. Luchamos junto a los pescadores en el 79'. Luchamos contra el Radar que impusieron a pesar de nuestras protestas. Y estamos aqui, hoy, para decir presente. Hemos visto a muchos de nuestros hijos, hermanos y padres morir de cancer y de otras enferemedads producto de la contaminacion militar. Es tiempo de unir a todas las generaciones de viequenses para gritar con una sola voz NO MAS BOMBARDEO NO MAS CANCER! QUEREMOS PAZ PARA VIEQUES! Robert Rabin CPRDV/Camp. Justicia y Paz (English Version) Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques P.O. Box 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765 (787) 741-0716 E mail: Vieques Update from the Peace and Justice Camp 23 September, 2000 Last Saturday around 7PM, just before the Vigil we celebrate each Saturday at Peace and Justice Camp, Navy personnel in a Cherokee jeep approached the gate to Camp Garcia from inside the base (across the street from Peace and Justice). We heard one of the Riot Police scream to the others that the military wanted an escort to go to the ATH machine to get cash from the bank in town. A detachment of Riot Police of the PR Police which provide security to the Navy at the entrance to Camp Garcia 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a week since the arrests on May 4th, offering escorts to military vehicles that transit the civilian sector. We immediately called our people in town to receive the Navy personnel at the ATH machine. When we arrived at the bank from Peace and Justice, there were already a dozen Viequenses denouncing the presence of the military using the ATH machine under the watchfull eyes of the Riot Police. The policemen took up positions in the street and sidewalk to avoid any possible aggression toward the soldiers. Two more police cars showed up and a few more or our people began to arrive. We yelled at the military people what we ususally yell: WE DON'T WANT YOU ON OUR STREETS. GET OUT! GO BACK TO THE BASE! When one of the sailor's smirked sarcastically, we yelled more energetically: DO YOU THINK THIS IS A JOKE? TAKE THE MILITARY POISON YOU PRODUCE HERE TO YOUR MOTHERS HOUSE! HOW MAY CHILDREN IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD HAVE LEAD, MERCURY, URANIUM IN THEIR BLOOD?! The sailor got into his Cherokee jeep with a new expression, a bit more serious. The police got in their cars and they all left together. This incident, that lasted some twenty minutes, pointed out several things: the high level of indignation of our people toward the policy of protection which the Puerto Rico Police provide for the navy; the policy of provocation the Navy develops, allowing its personnel to drive through the civilian sector; the need to develop strategies to block the movement of military vehicles on the civilian roads. We opened that night's public discussion - part of the Saturday night vigils - on the topic of military vehicles in the civilian area: the need for legal advice on consecuences and legal implications of actions to block the military on our roads (sit downs, standing in the road, using cars, etc.) and the need to create a team to monitor the movement of military personnel in the civilian sector. We began the vigil last Saturday with a report on the health situation of Dona Luisa Guadalupe, a fundamental element in the struggle of our community and of the Peace and Justice Camp. Dona Luisa (83 years old) had open heart surgery last week. Preliminary info. indicates normal recovery continues. By the time this report gets out, the National Day of Solidarity with Vieques in Washington, D.C. will have taken place. We congratulate the organizers of this important event, in particular, we salute our good friend and representative of the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques (CRDV) in Washington, lawyer Flavio Cumpiano. El CRDV works on several projects related to this life and death struggle to end the military presence here. During the next couple of months members of the Committee will participate in international conferences in Japan (Okinawa) and England (on Depleted Uranium weapons) and in several cities in the US. We continue to concentrate great efforts with our Technical and Professional Group in Support of Sustainable Development in a Free Vieques. We are also preparing an educational campaign in the neighborhoods of Vieques through big screen presentations of a series of documentaries on the struggle beginning in November. At the Peace and Justice Camp we continue carrying on community meetings and protest actions. The Peace and Justice Shelter is 99% finished. We have held several meetings and workshops already in the building and we will be housing several delegations and people arriving for protest actions beginning in early October. The shelter was the site of the reception at Peace and Justice of Ruben Berrios. Shortly after, we had a community meeting with ex political prisioner Luis Rosa and workshops on preparing peace banners have also been held in the building. Part of the Artists for Peace group that recently participated in a civil disobedience action here stayed at the shelter and rehearsed part of the action there. Last week a meeting was held at the Camp with most of the 56 Vieqenses arrested since 4 May in civil disobedience actions to coordinate legal actions and make us all aware of pending cases. The CRDV coordinates and covers transportation and other costs related to the judicial processes for our people in the struggle. Vieques children want peace. We want the Navy out and we want an end to war activities that have caused so much damage for so many years. The Navy fence separates us from our lands, where we want to play and grow. The Navy's fence is like a monster that destroys our best dreams. The children of Vieques, we want to see an end to the military fences. We want a Free Vieques for our parents, our grandparents, our little brothers and sisters and for all the people of Puerto Rico that love Vieques. Help us get this monster out of our Isla Nena (Vieques - the Baby Island) Vieques youth is on the march for peace in our island and in defense of our human rights. We cannot permit the Navy to continue its practices that destroy our land, our Vieques. The commitment of the young people to this struggle was clearly demonstrated last month with our first organized entrance into the restricted area. We will definitely return. And we will enter as many times as is necesarry to reclaim our right to live in peace and with dignity. We are forced to abandon our families to study on the main island. The military presence and their control over our lands strangles our economic development. Therefore, after studying, we have no opportunities of work here, and are forced to remain separated from our loved ones - our families and our Vieques. This Navy fence is a symbol of military power that for decades has brought great suffering to our people. This fence with its barbed wire and razor wire represents the death of our people. Like the Berlin Wall, this fence must come down. We young people of Vieques are prepared to participate in dismantling taking down this fence which robs us of that which by natural right belongs to our community. When the moment comes - and we know its not today, but it could be tomorrow - when the moment comes to take down the fence from North to South, Vieques youth will be present! For more than half a century the Navy has attacked the Viequense family, forcing our husbands to search for work in other places and our sons and daughters to leave in order to study. They have attacked and raped our women. They have poisoned our land, air and water. It is time to put an end to this violation. It is time to unite the greater Viequense family and the greater family of Puerto Rico in defense of Vieques. The Navy fences could never stop the march of history and justice. This fence will not halt the march of our people toward its destiny - that is to have a Vieques Free from the Navy. For more than half a century the Navy has attacked the Viequense family, forcing our husbands to search for work in other places and our sons and daughters to leave in order to study. They have attacked and raped our women. They have poisoned our land, air and water. It is time to put an end to this violation. It is time to unite the greater Viequense family and the greater family of Puerto Rico in defense of Vieques. The Navy fences could never stop the march of history and justice. This fence will not halt the march of our people toward its destiny - that is to have a Vieques free from the Navy. Today we meet in front of this military fence to know it up close, to contemplate our lands trapped on the other side. Today we place ribbons and flags, we reflect and pray for our peace and that of our future generations. But at another moment we will find ourselves in front of this fence with a sense of duty in our hand, with the history of so many abuses in our hearts and with the commitment to do away with all the barriers that separate us from our territorial patrimony and our peace. The Viequense family is united against the Navy threat. Vieques is ours, lets rescue her! Experience is our best teacher. Those of us who have experienced for many years the military abuses are also present at this historic moment in our struggle for peace. We have lived decades of violations and lies, promises and trickery, from politicians and the military who use Vieques for their purposes that in no way contribute to the well being of our people. We lived the expropriations of the 40's. We lived the attempts to take all of us out of Vieques in 1947 and 1961. We were here when they killed Mapepe in 52' and during the riots and fights of the sixties and seventies. We fought against the expropriation of Esperanza and the Southern coast in 1964. We were here when they lost the atomic bomb in 1966. We fought together with the fishtermen in 79'. We fought against the Radar that they built despite our protests. And we are still here, to say present@!. We have seen many of our children, brothers and parents die of cancer and other illnesses caused by military contamination. We say: NO MORE BOMBS! NO MORE CANCER! WE WANT PEACE FOR VIEQUES! R.Rabin, CRDV/Justice and Peace Camp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: ___________________________________________________________ T O P I C A The Email You Want. Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Your Favorite Topics | |
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