2000 CPEO Military List Archive

From: bieke@coqui.net
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 10:59:51 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Vehiculos militares causan accidentes en Vieques?
Scroll down for English

Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques
Apartado 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765
(787) 741-8651 E mail bieke@coqui.net

21 de septiembre de 2000


Continuan accidentes de transito provocados por militares en Vieques

Ayer, miercoles 19 de septiembre a las 9:00 AM un enorme camion militar
choco con un carro que conducia el viequense, Angel Rivera en el Barrio
Esperanza. Esto fue el mas reciente de una serie de accidentes causados por
vehiculos militares en las calles civiles de Vieques en los pasados meses.
El accidente de ayer termino en graves danos al carro de Rivera y un ataque
nervioso que sufrio su esposa, 
Nilsa Garcia Franco. Habra una vista judicial en el tribunal de Vieques
sobre este caso la semana proxima.

Hace un mes otro camion de la Marina de tamano exagerado, que pasaba por el
barrio Destino en camino a la base, Camp Garcia, destruyo el carro de don
Guillermo Brignoni, mientras este esperaba en su marquesina el paso del
camion. El chofer, un anciano viequense, tuvo que recibir atencion medica
en el Centro de Salud de Vieques debido a la condicion nerviosa que produjo
el incidente.

Una semana antes del accidente en el Destino, otro arrastre militar,
cargando una enorme maquinaria en el sector Martineau de la Isla Municipio,
partio un cable electrico que cruzaba la calle en el area del complejo
turistico Martineau Bay Resort. Un joven trabajador del proyecto resulto
seriamente herido cuando agarro el cable para removerlo de la calle y
evitar un accidente mayor.

En cada uno de estos incidentes causados por vehiculos de la Marina,
agentes de la Division de Operaciones Tacticas estuvieron escoltando a los
militares. "A pesar de la escolta policiaca, la manera temeraria con que
conducen los marinos en nuestras calles y el tamano inapropiado de los
camiones para nuestras pequenas calles han causado esta serie de
accidentes," explico Nilda Medina, portavoz del Comite Pro Rescate y
Desarrollo de Vieques.

Portavoces del comite viequense han hecho varias exhortaciones al
Superintendente de la Policia, a la Alcaldesa de Vieques y a los militares
a que cesen el transito militar en las calles de la zona civil de Vieques.

Contacto: Robert Rabin, CPRDV

English Version

Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques
P.O. Box 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765
(787) 741-0716 E mail: bieke@coqui.net

21 September, 2000


More accidents on Vieques roads caused by military vehicles

On Wednesday, 19 September, at around 9:00 AM, a huge militar truck crashed
into a car driven by a young Viequense, Angel Rivera, in the Esperanza
sector. This was the most recent of a series of accidents caused by
military vehicles on civilian roads here during past months. The accident
yesterday resulted in serious damages to Rivera's car and a
nervious-epileptic attack suffered by his wife, Nilsa Garcia Franco. A
hearing is scheduled for the following week.

Last month another military truck of exaggerated size, passing through the
Destino sector of Vieques on the way to the Navy base at Camp Garcia,
destroyed a car belonging to Guillermo Brignoni, who was waiting in his
driveway for the truck to go by. The driver, an elderly Viequense, received
treatment in the local hospital for the nervous condition that resulted
from the accident.

A week before the accident in Destino, another militar flatbed truck,
carrying an enormous tractor on the road in the Martineau area of Vieques,
snapped the electric cable that crossed the street close to the Martineau
Bay Resort. A young worker from the resort was seriously injured when he
tried to move the live cable to aviod a major accident with passing cars.

During each of these incidents caused by Navy vehicles, agents from the
Tactical Operations Division of the PR Police were escorting the sailors.
"Despite the police escort, the dangerous way the Navy people 
drive on our streets and the inappropriate size of the huge trucks for our
small roads have caused this series of accidents," explained Nilda Medina,
spokeswoman for the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques.

Members of the Committee have urged the Superintendent of Police, the Mayor
of Vieques and military officiales to stop the use of Vieques civilian
roads by military vehicles.

Contact: Robert Rabin 741-0716


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