From: | |
Date: | Mon, 9 Oct 2000 13:46:18 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] Equipo Crisiano por la Paz de Vieques Christian Peace Makers for P |
(Scroll down for English) Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques Apartado 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765 Tel. (787) 741-0716 Fax (787) 741-0358 Email: Comunicado de Prensa Contacto Domingo, 1 de octubre, 2000 Kathryn Railsback: 787-741-0716 EQUIPO CRISTIANO EN ACCION POR LA PAZ SE UNE A LA DESOBEDIENCIA CIVIL, MARCHA-CONCENTRACION EN VIEQUES Seis miembros del Equipo Cristiano en Accion por la Paz (CPT) viajaron de diversos puntos en los EU y Canada para unirse al reclamo de los residentes de Vieques, Puerto Rico, para el cese inmediato y permanente del bombardeo de la Marina de Guerra de EU en la isla. Dos miembros participaron en una accion de desobediencia civil al entrar a la Facilidad de Almacenaje de Municiones Navales en la parte oeste de Vieques. Cincuenta y cinco personas que entraron fueron arrestadas y estan detenidas en la Carcel Federal de Guaynabo. Otros miembros de la delegacion de la CPT proveyeron apoyo y se unieron a una manifestacion de aproximadamente 5,000 personas en Vieques. Los manifestantes, principalmente de Vieques, incluyeron lideres religiosos, maestros, abogados, empleados federales y representantes de una variedad de organizaciones civicas. "Entraremos porque la presencia humana paraliza el bombardeo," dijo Cliff Kindy, miembro de la delegacion, para explicar porque entro a la base. "La Marina todavia no ha escuchado la voz del pueblo puertorriqueno quienes dicen, "Ni una bomba mas, ni un minuto mas." Angela Freeman explico que entraba a la base motivada por el amor cristiano por, y en solidaridad con el pueblo de Vieques. "Es importante que tanto los canadienses como los estadounidenses examinen sus papeles en la destruccion de Vieques," dijo. El CPT coordino su visita a Vieques con el Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques y el Campamento Justicia y Paz, ubicado directamente frente a la entrada de Camp Garcia, la zona de bombardeo de la Marina. El grupo conto tambien con la ayuda en San Juan del Proyecto Caribeno de Justicia y Paz. CPT es una organizacion basada en la fe que envia delegaciones pacifista a una variedad de situaciones de crisis en distintas partes del mundo. CPT ofrece una alternativa organizada y no violenta a la guerra y otras formas de conflicto letal entre grupos. Miembros de las delegaciones proveen motivacion para individuos y para comunidades que experimentan la violencia, retando la violacion de los derechos humanos, y promueven la no violencia activa para resolver conflictos. (English Version) Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques Apartado 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765 (787) 741-0716 Fax (787) 741-0358 Email: For immediate release: Contact: Sunday, October 1, 2000 Kathryn Railsback: 787-741-0716 CHRISTIAN PEACEMAKERS JOIN CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, DEMONSTRATION ON VIEQUES ISLAND Six members of a Christian Peacemaker Team (CPT) delegation travelled from across the U.S. and Canada to join residents of Vieques Island, Puerto Rico in demanding an end to the U.S. Navy's bombing on the island. Two members participated in a civil disobedience action by entering the U.S. Naval Ammunition Storage Depot on the western end of Vieques. Fifty-five people who entered the base have reportedly been arrested and are being detained at the Guaynabo Federal Prison in San Juan. Other delegation members provided support and joined in a demonstration and march with approximately 5,000 other participants. The demonstration participiants, who were primarily from Vieques Island, included clergymembers, teachers, attorneys, federal employees, and numerous other civic organizations. "We're going in because human presence stops the bombing,"said delegation member Cliff Kindy, explaining his reasons for entering the base. "The Navy still hasn't heard the voice of the Puerto Rican people, who are saying, 'Not one more bomb, not one more minute.'" Angela Freeman explained that she was entering the base out of Christian love for, and in solidarity with the people of Vieques. "I believe it is important for Americans and Canadians to examine their roles in the destruction of Vieques," she said. The CPT coordinated its stay in Vieques with the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques and the Peace and Justice Resistance Camp, which is located directly across from the entrance to the Navy's bombing range at Camp Garcia. The group also had the support in San Juan of the Caribbean Project for Peace and Justice. CPT, a faith-based organization, sends short-term peacemaker delegations into a variety of crisis settings around the world. CPT offers an organized, nonviolent alternative to war and other forms of lethal inter-group conflict. Delegation members provide encouragement for individuals and communitites experiencing violence, challenge violations of human rights, and promote active nonviolence as a means of settling disputes. Robert L. Rabin Siegal Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques Apartado 1424 Vieques, PR 00765 (787) 741-0716 cel. 375-0525 A1FUERA LA MARINA DE VIEQUES! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: ___________________________________________________________ T O P I C A The Email You Want. 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