2000 CPEO Military List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 15:14:25 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Vieques message Digest for 10-23-00
Vieques Message Digest

1)Viequenses prove incapacity of the Navy
2)A delegation of Viequenses penetrated the US Navy bombing range...
3)Hundreds of protesters take down Navy fence in Vieques I
4)Hundreds of protesters take down Navy fence in Vieques II

Please respond directly to <bieke@coqui.net>

Message #1

Committee for the

Rescue and Development of Vieques

PO Box 1424    Vieques, Puerto Rico  00765

Tel. (787) 741-0716   E mail:  bieke@coqui.net

Special report, 21 October, 2000

>From the Vieques Peace and Justice Camp

Viequenses prove incapacity of the Navy

A group of Viequenses risked their lives and health in order to 
demonstrate to the Navy that we Viequenses do not fear their violence, 
and that we will not leave them in peace until they leave us in peace.

The group includes Radmes Tirado, whose work for the October 1 
activities demonstrated that the great majority of his people are 
prepared to take more steps to remove the Navy from our land and sea. 
Thousands of Viequenses responded on that day to the call of Radames.

The group also included the untiring Angel (Tato) Guadelupe, a key 
figure during the period of the resistance camps in the bombing range, 
Agapito (Pepo) Belardo Santiago, Juan Silva Rosa (whose wife Minguita - 
may she rest in peace - died of cancer a few days before the murder of 
David Sanes), Emilio Garcia (a Vietnam veteran who heads the group 
Viequense Veterans for Peace), Justino Lopez Ortiz (the Deacon of the 
Catholic Parish), Jose Cedric Morales (a prominent local merchant), 
and seventy-year old Angel Navarro ( a Korean War veteran).

Robert (Bob) Rabin, who also joined this group of warriors, was chosen 
by Federal Judge Aida Delgado - following orders from the Navy - for 
special punishment. While the other group members were freed upon 
promising to pay bail of $1,000 before a deadline, Robert Rabin was 
required to post a higher bail of $5,000 - payable immediately. Since 
the court's offices had already closed for the day, Rabin had to spend 
the night in the federal prison (in Guaynabo, PR), to wait for the 
offices to reopen the next morning, Thursday, October 19.

Under orders from the Navy, the judge tried to impose upon Rabin the 
condition that he would abstain from calling on others to defy the Navy 
through the practice of peaceful civil disobedience. "I'm a leader of a 
community organization struggling against the Navy bombing," retorted 
Rabin. "I have the responsibility to support those in disobedience."

Rabin's lawyer,Linda Backiel, accused the court of violating his 
constitutional rights by imposing conditions that violate the First 
Amendment (free speech). (PR) Senator Velda Gonzalez, who was in court 
to support the accused, offered to pay Rabin's bail right then and 
there; however, the judge ordered his immediate incarceration "because 
the federal offices are already closed." All of the people of Vieques in 
struggle, and all Puerto Ricans of conscience, hold the United States 
Navy responsible for the personal safety of our unjustly imprisoned 

This daring action taken by Viequenses (of penetrating the bombing range 
during military maneuvers) uncovers three points. The first is the 
Navy's inability to contain civil disobedience. After arrogantly 
parading their warships along our coasts in imperialistic fashion - and 
in spite of dozens of patrol boats that impose a military state of siege 
on our Island - a few fishermen (who the Navy is trying to subordinate) 
transported their brothers to the bombing range. The group of Viequenses 
was already in the range when the maneuvers began. The Navy was advised 
of their presence, but even so began bombing. This manifests the second 
point: the Navy's criminal immorality, their absolute inhumanity - when 
even after being advised of human presence on the bombing range 
continued their bombing, just so that (Navy spokesman) Lt. Jeff Gordon 
could claim that Viequenses were incapable of stopping the exercises.

"We could have stayed longer and interrupted their exercises even more," 
Radames tells us. "They didn't dare look for us because theyB4d have 
to hike through dangerous lands, but since we know the area better than 
they do, we are able to stay as long as we want. We had to leave because 
Angel (Navarro), who is more than seventy years old, had problems with 
his diabetes and needed care. Pepo climbed up to to the OP (observation 
post), entered the OP, and told the marines there - who were frightened 
to see him - that we had a companion who needed medical attention. 
Otherwise we would have stayed."

The third point is that - in naked violation of the so-called 
Presidential directives - now we have witnesses that the criminal Navy 
continues bombing with "live" ammunition. Pepo Belardo - a serious man, 
a man of peace, who deeply believes in truth regardless of the 
consequences - tells us: "We saw the explosions of the bombs. The bombs 
are not inert ("dummy" bombs). Inert bombs do not explode. We heard 
them, we saw the cloud of smoke. Next time that we enter we will 
photograph or film them.''

(Article taken from the periodical LA VOZ DE VIEQUES, 19 October, 2000.)

Rabin was liberated from jail on Thursday, 19 October at 12 noon after 
paying the five thousand dollar bail. The conditions read by the court 
official did not include refraining from urging people to participate in 
actions of civil disobedience. During the vigil on Saturday, 21 October, 
Rabin used the 5 thousand dollars "agitator's liscence" and urged those 
present to enter into the military zone at the appropiate moment.

Robert L. Rabin Siegal

Message #2



P.O. Box 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765

Tel. (787) 741-0716 Email: bieke@coqui.net

October 17, 2000


A delegation of Viequenses penetrated the US Navy bombing range on the 
Eastern end of Vieques early this morning. The group took the name, 
Luisa Guadalupe Brigade, in honor of this 85 year old anti Navy activist 
and member of the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques 

Members of the Brigade include the Deacon of the Catholic Church of 
Vieques, Justino Lopez, Jr.; the ex Mayor of Vieques for the Statehood 
Party (PNP- 1976-80); Viequense Chamber of Commerce leader, Sedric 
Morales; Angel Guadalupe, nephew of Luisa Guadalupe and veteran of US 
military; Robert Rabin, spokesman for the CRDV and the Vieques Peace and 
Justice Camp. The sixth member of the brigade is Juan "Guito" Silva, 
Viequense whose wife Minguita died of cancer shortly before the killing 
of David Sanes.

The Viequenses got through the tight military security and entered the 
restricted zone on the Eastern extremity of Vieques with the purpose of 
creating obstacles for Navy bombing announced for the following days. 
The group dispersed in teams to different points in the bombing zone.

Spokesmen for the CRDV pointed out tha the US Navy would be held 
responsible for any damages suffered by the members of the Luisa 
Guadalupe Brigade while they were in the impact area.

Another brigade made up of Vieques Veterans for Peace entered 
simultaneously and included Viequense veterans of the US military - 
Emilio Garcia, Agapito Belardo and seventy year old Korean War 
Veteran, Luis Angel Navarro.

More civil disobedience actions are expected during the current 
maneuvers, the largest to take place here since the death of David Sanes 
on 19 April, 1999.



Message #3



P.O. Box 1424    Vieques, Puerto Rico  0076

Tel. (787) 741-0716  E mail:  bieke@coqui.net

22 October, 2000


Hundreds of protesters take down Navy fence in Vieques

Hundreds of Viequenses tore down enormous sections fo the military fence 
in the area of gate to Camp Garcia, entrance to the bombing zone in 
Vieques, during a protest against the U.S. Navy presence on the Baby 
Island.  According to leaders of the community struggle, the Second 
Human Chain was organized to continue the process of taking down the 
fences that separate the people from their lands.

During the month of October, the Navy carried out the largest maneuvers 
since the death of David Sanes on April 19th, 1999.  Tens of thousands 
of troops, a large number of warships from the U.S. and NATO countries, 
bombed intensely the Eastern part of the island last week.  In the 
middle of the bombing practice, nine Viequenses entered the impact area 
and remained in the bombing zone for twenty four hours until being 

The process of taking down the military fences has been continuous, with 
small brigades working in different areas of the base perimiter.  
TodayB4s protest, however, was the first organized action in which  
hundreds participated in the project of taking down the NavyB4s fence, 
symbol of military control of the lands the people of Vieques want back.

Church leaders, merchants, fishermen, elderly people, children and 
representatives of the diverse groups that struggle for an end to the 
military presence on the island municipality all participated in the 
Human Chain.


Message #4


P.O. Box 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 0076

Tel. (787) 741-0716 E mail: bieke@coqui.net

22 October, 2000


Hundreds of protesters take down Navy fence in Vieques

Hundreds of Viequenses tore down enormous sections fo the military fence 
in the area of gate to Camp Garcia, entrance to the bombing zone in 
Vieques, during a protest against the U.S. Navy presence on the Baby 
Island. According to leaders of the community struggle, the Second Human 
Chain was organized to continue the process of taking down the fences 
that separate the people from their lands.

During the month of October, the Navy carried out the largest maneuvers 
since the death of David Sanes on April 19th, 1999. Tens of thousands of 
troops, a large number of warships from the U.S. and NATO countries, 
bombed intensely the Eastern part of the island last week. In the middle 
of the bombing practice, nine Viequenses entered the impact area and 
remained in the bombing zone for twenty four hours until being arrested.

The process of taking down the military fences has been continuous, with 
small brigades working in different areas of the base perimiter. 
TodayB4s protest, however, was the first organized action in which 
hundreds participated in the project of taking down the NavyB4s fence, 
symbol of military control of the lands the people of Vieques want back.

When military vehicles approached the area, protesters threw baloons 
filled with water and paint and continued with the work of taking down 
the Navy fence.Church leaders, merchants, fishermen, elderly people, 
children and representatives of the diverse groups that struggle for an 
end to the military presence on the island municipality all participated 
in the Human Chain.

Puerto Rican university professor,Carlos Ala, was the only person 
arrested during the action, when he entered the NavyB4s restricted area 
through one of the many large opennings created in the fence

Robert L. Rabin Siegal
Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques
Apartado 1424   Vieques, PR  00765
(787) 741-0716   cel. 375-0525


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