2000 CPEO Military List Archive

From: bieke@coqui.net
Date: 18 Dec 2000 23:27:56 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Comunicado re Sila Press Release re Sila

(English Version)

Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques

P.O. Box 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765

Tel. (787) 741-0716 Email: bieke@coqui.net

December 17th, 2000

Press Release

Viequenses support Sila's stand against Navy threats

Spokesmen for the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques =
(CRDV) expressed support for governor-elect, Sila Mar=EDa Calder=F3n, in =
her efforts in favor of demilitarization of the island municipality. =
Ismael Guadalupe, Viequense activist, said that "Sila has demonstrated =
the capacity to confront with dignity, the "blackmailing" tactics and =
pressures by the Navy and we want her to know our committee and the =
people of Vieques in general, offer the support necessary so she can =
keep her promise of helping us get the Navy out of Vieques. Meanwhile, =
we will maintain an active struggle here with protest and civil =
disobedience actions when necessary to defend our right to live in =

Robert Rabin, another spokesman for the CRDV, expressed that the =
community organizations have great hope that Sila will stay firm in her =
position against the continued military use of Vieques. "We hope the =
Governor-elect will maintain a constant dialogue with our organizations =
here, through Mayor-elect, D=E1maso Serrano or through a special =
commission, to fullfil her promise that she will not make any decisions =
about Vieques without first consulting our people," Rabin said. "We =
anxiously await the removal of the Riot Police and hope Sila will =
energetically denounce Navy plans to carry out large scale maneuvers =
here in the coming months," concluded the representative of the CRDV.

Rabin also mentioned that the Vieques committee begins this week an =
educational and organizational campaign in the different barrios of the =
island municipality. On Wednesday, December 20th, the Committee will =
present the video documentary, Vieques: a People Forging Futures, by =
Puerto Rican film maker, Johanna Bermudez.

Contact: Nilda Medina (787) 741-0716

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