2001 CPEO Military List Archive

From: jdknipp@earthlink.net
Date: 16 Jul 2001 17:56:37 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Politics
         I understand Stella's view of Bush, but I do not believe that the 
frustration about the "do-nothing Federal environmental policy" can be 
attributed only to him. The problem began long before he came on the scene.

         In June 1988, long before the RABs were established, I tried to 
get Federal understanding of the of the problem. The Milan Ammunition Plant 
had been designated a Superfund site; I wrote my then-Senator, Albert Gore 
Jr., asking to meet with him to discuss the problem. No answer. In October 
1988 I wrote again, stating that (1) he may not have received my letter, so 
I enclosed it again, or (2) he may have just chosen to ignore the massive 
problem; if so, there was no need to reply and I would not contact him 
again. No surprise; I didn't get an answer from Al Gore to that letter either.

         A few years ago, while in D. C., I met with my representative, 
D-TN John Tanner, and the staffs of both R-Fred Thompson and R-Bill Frist. 
Tanner was the most responsive; he gave me a ball-point pen with his name 
on it (paid for, of course, by all of us) and talked about how busy he was. 
None of the three (Democratic Representative or Republican Senators) 
expressed any interest, although Fred Thompson did send a local staffer to 
daydream through two RAB meetings. Note that both Democrats and Republicans 
responded in the same fashion.

         Like Stella, I didn't vote for Bush (I didn't vote for Gore either).
What we are seeing here is true Bipartisan arrogance and apathy. I am 
beginning to think the Founding Fathers of this country, concerned about 
the "Tyranny of Government", took the only effective approach.

Jim Knipp
(Formerly of Milan TN; now of Williamsburg, VA)

Jim & Lynne Knipp

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