From: | CPEO Moderator <> |
Date: | 25 Jul 2001 14:26:58 -0000 |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] Another View on Vieques |
HC-01 Box 6615 Vieques PR 00765 July 6, 2001 The Honorable Gordon R. England 1000 Navy Pentagon Washington DC 20350-1000 Dear Secretary England: I am a resident of Vieques, Puerto Rico. I, along with many other residents think the Navy should keep training here. A small group of protesters has waged a well-orchestrated propaganda campaign to convince people both here and around the world that there are serious problems in Vieques which have been caused by the Navy. There is no evidence or reason to believe the exaggerations and lies these people have fabricated. They have created hysteria here and throughout Puerto Rico with this misinformation, while their unsubstantiated allegations are reported verbatim by the media. Because of a very small group of people who have no regard for the truth the United States and the Navy are in jeopardy of losing a primary military training area. And no one, almost no one, seems to be doing anything about it. Why hasn’t the United States sent investigators here to find out what is going on? Why hasn’t the United States waged a publicity campaign of their own to combat the lies these people tell? Why aren’t you fighting this situation? Why are the President and his Cabinet basing decisions on rumors and unsubstantiated accusations? The Navy is permitted little involvement with political situations such as this. The media will not present the truth with the same coverage given the lies. Many of us who really care about Vieques, including Navy personnel, have written to newspapers and television networks disputing what the protest groups have said - we have all been ignored. Famous people come here for a couple of hours and quote the protest leaders verbatim without checking any facts; the media swarms. Protest leaders are quoted without verification; lies appear as truth. It is ludicrous. This whole thing was started by a small group of Independenistas and left wing radicals who hate the United States and the military. Others picked it up and ran with it. It has nothing to do with the people of Vieques and the Navy. It has to do with politics and greedy people who want the valuable land owned by the Navy (and the United States taxpayers). They say the land was stolen from the people, but the US purchased it from plantation owners. The people lived and worked on the land as virtual slaves, but they did not own it. The Navy is not the problem here, though they should have been much better neighbors over the years. There are several thousand Navy supporters in Vieques. Others think we are the minority, but we are not so sure. Most of the protesters are not from Vieques. Most of the people who live here do not participate in these demonstrations; they stay home and quietly mind their own business. When local protest rallies are held without the outside agitators, less than 100 people show up. I am not sure what the count is now on a petition the Pro-Navy people have circulated., but at the last count over 2,500 registered voters had signed it. That is a significant segment of the voting population of 6,400. We are sure there are many more who have not signed the petition. Many here have said they will vote against the Navy simply because they want the trouble the protesters have created to end, not because they want the Navy to leave. There are fears the protests will continue until the Navy is gone even if a democratic vote says the people want the Navy to stay. Recent polls and surveys indicate about 40% of Viequenses want the Navy to stay. Other data shows that 60% of the population believes the Navy has caused cancer in Vieques - cancer which doctors have stated does not exist. If a campaign were waged to present the truth on the same scale that the protesters have told their lies, we should be able to swing enough votes to have these referendums go in favor of the Navy. If the United States and the Navy want to keep Vieques there must be some effort put forth. Not up in the States, but down here on this little island. This is the only place anything regarding this situation matters. But no one comes here and little is done to support the Navy. Many Viequenses do not speak English or understand what is going on in Washington, nor do they care. They only care what happens here. You can sit up there in Washington and do all the talking you want. If you wan to keep Vieques you have to come here or send people here to find the truth. Use the truth to convince the people to vote for the Navy. Send us celebrities with more credibility than Al Sharpton. What can it take? The only thing that can overcome the protesters is the truth. I have spoken at length to doctors, teachers, environmentalists, conservationists, and other living in Vieques who are familiar with the facts; very few think the Navy is the problem. Navy supporters are afraid to speak out publicly because of what the protest leaders might do to them. Violent retribution and destruction of property are very real concerns. There may be health problems, but they are nowhere near as serious as has been reported. The teachers who are not protesters will tell you the children are not sick. Recent reports tell us that it is dust clouds from Africa which cause asthma. If there are health issues here it is unlikely the Navy is the cause. We have the brightest and bet bioluminescent bay remaining in the world, the only one that is not polluted. There are many rare and endangered animals living quite happily on the Navy land. The underwater life here is healthier than many areas of the Caribbean. Coral, sponges, and anemone grow on Navy debris near the target area. An extremely fragile environment exits here which simply could not exit if what the protesters have said were true. Please come down and see for yourself and then do something to help us to fight to save this place. We are afraid that if this land is turned over to Puerto Rico greedy developers will destroy this island. If the Navy loses this land it is vital that it remain a conservation zone - or becomes a National Park of some kind. I am ready and willing to help anyone who seeks the truth. Sincerely, C. C. Robertson cc: President of US, House and Senate Armed Services Committees, Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Navy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
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