From: | Lenny Siegel <> |
Date: | 5 Nov 2001 18:27:44 -0000 |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] National Security Impact review |
Below we are posting a November 1, 2001 letter from Sen. Carl Levin (D-Michigan) to the White House about a House-proposed amendment to the pending Defense Authorization Act. This provision would replace the version actually passed by the House. The earlier version would have required that Defense Department actions be subject to National Security Impact Statements under the National Environmental Policy Act. Apparently, when staff at the Defense Department recognized that such Statements, as proposed, would be more cumbersome for the military than for its environmental critics, it developed an alternative proposal. As the Levin letter suggests, the Administration never signed off on the proposal. Still, members of the House Armed Services Committee have put it forward as part of the Conference process. Instead of subjecting Defense actions to new scrutiny, the substitute language would allow Defense to "identify those classes of actions of Federal agencies other than the Department of Defense that it is reasonably foreseeable may have an adverse impact on national defense." The Defense Department would then prepare a National Defense Impact Statement analyzing those impacts and recommending "means to eliminate or [reduce]/[mitigate] those adverse impacts." The other agency would be required, as part of its decision-making process for the proposed action, to respond to each Defense Department recommendation. In short, the mission of the Defense Department would permanently be elevated, giving it extraordinary powers to challenge environmental and other rule-makings and other actions initiated by other agencies. Lenny *** United States Senate Committee on Armed Services Washington, DC 20510 November 1, 2001 The Honorable Mitch Daniels Director, Office of Management and Budget Old Executive Office Building Washington, DC 20503 Dear Mr. Daniels: The Armed Services Committees of the Senate and House of Representatives are currently engaged in a conference on the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002. In the course of this conference, we have received a piece of draft legislation from the House conferees. This proposal would establish a new process under which Federal agencies other than the Department of Defense would be required to identify proposed actions that may have an adverse impact on national defense and consult with the Secretary of Defense before finalizing the proposed actions. That is an extraordinarily broad and cumbersome requirement in my judgment, but the point of this letter is to get the Administration's reaction to the proposal, since I understand that this draft has not been reviewed by either the Department of Defense of the Administration. Accordingly, I would appreciate if you would provide the conferees with the Administration's views on the proposed legislation. Because the proposal would appear to affect regulations, formal opinions, enforcement actions, permits and other actions of a broad array of federal agencies outside the Department of Defense, I would appreciate if you would consider the views of those agencies in responding to this request. Your prompt response is urgently requested. Sincerely, Carl Levin Chairman -- Lenny Siegel Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight c/o PSC, 222B View St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/961-8918 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
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