2002 CPEO Military List Archive

From: kforeman@dtsc.ca.gov
Date: 30 Oct 2002 18:51:22 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: [CPEO-MEF] RAB questions
>>> <info@cswab.com> 10/30/02 05:08AM >>>

Are RABs in other communities commenting on things like cleanup of
contaminated buildings, pipelines, spills not covered under RCRA or
CERCLA, PCB cleanups, asbestos removal, etc. (ie, cleanup projects that
are not necessarily listed as an IRP cleanup)?

I have seen a wide variety in the treatment and policies of RABs in the Southern California area.  At some bases the RAB is routinely given information on, and formally discusses, non-CERCLA cleanup issues such as fuel-contamination sites, etc.  At one base the mission of the community board was expanded (by the military) to encompass all environmental issues--including ones unrelated to contamination or cleanup. Yet, at another base, the RAB members have specifically asked to discuss non-CERCLA cleanups (base gas stations, for example) and have been denied.

So it really depends on the specific base, the military staff involved, and the RAB members themselves. 

Kim Foreman
Public Participation Specialist
California EPA
Department of Toxic Substances Control

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