Last updated: Wed Feb 27 20:15:40 2008
893 messages
[CPEO-MEF] Study says Navy sonar caused whale stranding Lenny Siegel (01/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Kaho'olawe Access & Risk Management Draft Lenny Siegel (01/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF]Federal Judge Dismisses Puerto Rico Lawsuit CPEO Moderator (01/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] No Live-Fire on Vieques this Month Lenny Siegel (01/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] DOD Promises RAB Rule Lenny Siegel (01/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army Expedites Aberdeen Mustard Agent Disposal Lenny Siegel (01/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Response to Expedited Chem Stockpile Disposal CPEO Moderator (01/11/02)
RESPONSE REQUIRED: Subscription to offered CPEO Moderator, Aimee Houghton, Lenny Siegel (01/15/02)
Re: [CPEO-MEF] Perchlorates Press Release CPEO Moderator (01/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] CSWAB Update: Badger Reports 133 Violations of Nitrogen Discharge Lim olah (01/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] EPA Draft Public Involvement Implementation Lenny Siegel (01/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] DU munitions loc (01/21/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Camp Bonneville's premature EA....... StellaVB (01/22/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] Digest for, issue 454 olah (01/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] RE: Gawarecki's reply to DU query CPEO Moderator (01/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] DERP Annual Report for FY 2000 Lenny Siegel (01/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Fw: Industrial reconversion symposium Steve (01/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Hunters Point Shipyard Agreement Lenny Siegel (01/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Fwd: Radiation exposure threatens Indians UTOSI-Hdqrs (01/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Alaskan Scud launches cancelled Lenny Siegel (01/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Alaska SCUD Launches Scrubbed Lenny Siegel (01/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] DU jdknipp (01/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Perchlorate Workshop Lenny Siegel (01/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Jet Fuel study Lenny Siegel (01/29/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] Digest for, issue 460 olah (01/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Rocky Mountain Arsenal Workers CPEO Moderator (01/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] CSWAB: Media Announcement olah (01/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Ordnance/UXO Incident Reports...... StellaVB (01/31/02)
[CPEO-MEF] CORRECTION - CSWAB: Media Announcement CPEO Moderator (01/31/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Air Force guidance on remedy selection Lenny Siegel (01/31/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Johnston Atoll Waste Permit Renewal CPEO Moderator (02/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] thoughts on DU debate olah (02/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Guidance on Remedy Selection Documentation in RODs CPEO Moderator (02/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] X-ray device may speed up cleanup CPEO Moderator (02/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Jet Fuel Study..... StellaVB (02/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] X-ray device for UXO StellaVB (02/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] groundwater cleanup Steve (02/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Eglin crucial to Vieques replacement CPEO Moderator (02/07/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] [mtpbases] groundwater cleanup ross . vincent (02/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] HASC Readiness Subcommittee to Hold Encroachment Hearings Aimee Houghton (02/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Progress seen in Sandwich water cleanup CPEO Moderator (02/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Demilitarization program gets a failing grade CPEO Moderator (02/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Bill Sheldon Lenny Siegel (02/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Voters to decide fate of El Toro base CPEO Moderator (02/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] DOE plutonium lawsuit filed today! marylia (02/14/02)
[CPEO-MEF] RAB Closures jdknipp (02/14/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Governor sues to halt incineration, includes trial burns CPEO Moderator (02/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] TAKE ACTION 1 of 2 Steve (02/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] TAKE ACTION 2 OF 2 Steve (02/19/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] Digest for, issue 474 john . hopping (02/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Fort Devens taken off Superfund list CPEO Moderator (02/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Base bill clears House CPEO Moderator (02/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Hawaiians revive Makahiki in Makua Valley CPEO Moderator (02/20/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] Digest for, issue 475 CPEO Moderator (02/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Military Exemptions Steve (02/21/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Re: Digest for, issue 475 CPEO Moderator (02/21/02)
Re: [CPEO-MEF] Ft. Devens taken off Superfund list CPEO Moderator (02/21/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Kaho'olawe reservoir project planned CPEO Moderator (02/21/02)
[CPEO-MEF] New Defense Environmental Budget Figures CPEO Moderator (02/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Camp Hale ordnance cleanup may take years CPEO Moderator (02/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Gulf War Veterans Steve (02/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Ogallala seeks the dirt on soil CPEO Moderator (02/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] CERCLA and Federal Agencies Aimee Houghton (02/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] City Saves Brooks Air Force Base From The Chopping Block CPEO Moderator (02/26/02)
Re: [CPEO-MEF] City Saves Brooks Air Force Base From theChopping Block pparks (02/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] CORRECTION CPEO Moderator (02/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Deal struck on Tustin base land CPEO Moderator (03/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Contamination rises at former NOP hot spot CPEO Moderator (03/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Residents say Navy jets would disrupt area CPEO Moderator (03/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Military Exposed To Toxic Dust CPEO Moderator (03/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Controlled Burns Could Light Up Fort Ord Again CPEO Moderator (03/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Vieques: Is It Needed by the Navy? CPEO Moderator (03/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] New Tests Confirm Contaminants in Boundary Wells at BAAP CPEO Moderator (03/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] DuBois Statement Steve (03/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Senate Hearing Statements Steve (03/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Almost All in U.S. Have Been Exposed to Fallout, Study Find Steve (03/05/02)
Re: [CPEO-MEF] Almost All in U.S. Have Been Exposed to Fallout, Study Fi CPEO Moderator (03/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Military Munitions Budget Data CPEO Moderator (03/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Projection of FUDS program completion Lenny Siegel (03/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Base pollutant moves closer to Bourne wells Steve (03/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Base land, groundwater protected CPEO Moderator (03/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] El Toro's future Lenny Siegel (03/07/02)
Welcome to cpeo-military! Topica Support (03/13/02)
Your Topica Registration is Complete! Topica Support (03/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] more on nitrates Lenny Siegel (03/14/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Hearings Scheduled on plan to bury radioactive material in Ka CPEO Moderator (03/14/02)
Re: [CPEO-MEF] Hearings Scheduled on plan to buy radioactive material in CPEO Moderator (03/14/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Lenny Siegel's new mailing address Lenny Siegel (03/14/02)
[CPEO-MEF] ICMA Forms Alliance with Army Mgmt Staff College Aimee Houghton (03/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Encroachment Hearing Testimony Available On Web Aimee Houghton (03/15/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] ICMA - AMSC - local community linkages borderlands (03/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Nanoparticles Revolutionizing Ground Water Cleanup CPEO Moderator (03/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] EPA model based on one test CPEO Moderator (03/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Missile testing suit settled CPEO Moderator (03/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Do we need a national EPA Standards Oversight Committee? borderlands (03/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Nike site to be tested for possible cleanup CPEO Moderator (03/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Copter scans Wellfleet beach for ordnance CPEO Moderator (03/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] EPA Seeks Nominess for Science Advisory Board Steve (03/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Test burns begin at Army chemical weapons incinerator CPEO Moderator (03/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Radioactive material found near McClellan CPEO Moderator (03/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Judge: Navy Violated Migratory Bird Act Steve (03/21/02)
[CPEO-MEF] EPA Restricts Access to Databases Steve (03/21/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army: No chemical hazard at McClellan CPEO Moderator (03/21/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Complaint filed over Bellows dump CPEO Moderator (03/21/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Health Tracking Network Steve (03/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Safe burning OK'd on base CPEO Moderator (03/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Encroachment legislative proposals Lenny Siegel (03/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Ships to be exported for scrapping? Lenny Siegel (03/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Perchlorate from MMR Lenny Siegel (03/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Draft "Encroachment" legislation Lenny Siegel (03/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Section 1041 "Defense Impact Review" Lenny Siegel (03/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Favorable Prognosis for Cleanup at Pease Tradeport CPEO Moderator (03/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] PSR......... StellaVB (03/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Marine Training on BLM Land CPEO Moderator (03/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Explosive Remnants of War report CPEO Moderator (03/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] DoD Exemption Legislation Steve (03/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army won't burn depot stockpile CPEO Moderator (03/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Glowing fish put tribes at risk along Columbia UTOSI-Hdqrs (03/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] ITRC unveils UXO Basic Training course CPEO Moderator (03/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Contamination under military housing at Moffett Field Lenny Siegel (03/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Pentagon Seeks Exemption From Environmental Laws UTOSI-Hdqrs (04/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Contamination under Moffett housing.......... StellaVB (04/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Kahoolawe cleanup lagging CPEO Moderator (04/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Sick Agent Orange vets owed benefits CPEO Moderator (04/02/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] the Pentagon exemption attempt pparks (04/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Hazardous Waste Site Seeks to Reopen CPEO Moderator (04/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Aerojet requests expansion of cleanup CPEO Moderator (04/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Bourne closes third well CPEO Moderator (04/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] EPA 1 Administrative Order #5: Textron joelf (04/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] UXO Safety Webpage CPEO Moderator (04/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy delays cleanup of Nomans Land CPEO Moderator (04/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Guard set to dig up J Ranges CPEO Moderator (04/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] UXO Cleanup Prioritization Notice CPEO Moderator (04/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army develops pilot program to protect base CPEO Moderator (04/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Leaks lead to indictments CPEO Moderator (04/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] UXO Training offered by ITRC ddigenti (04/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] 2nd ITRC UXO Training Course Scheduled for May 21-22 Aimee Houghton (04/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] CO AG's Comments on Encroachment CPEO Moderator (04/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Program saves bundle cleaning contaminated soil CPEO Moderator (04/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] anonymous comments on DoD-EPA negotiations Lenny Siegel (04/11/02)
Re: [CPEO-MEF] Program saves bundle cleaning contaminated CPEO Moderator (04/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Justice for Cold War heroes CPEO Moderator (04/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Military's environmental spokesperson? parrish (04/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Military Out of Mabry? CPEO Moderator (04/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Reilly attacks Pentagon maneuver CPEO Moderator (04/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Mystery barrels unearthed CPEO Moderator (04/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Spring Valley RAB TAPP RFP CPEO Moderator (04/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Greely cache appears free of hazardous chemicals CPEO Moderator (04/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] 2001 version of DERP CPEO Moderator (04/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Bartlett advocates buried chemicals CPEO Moderator (04/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Suit Filed to Stop Military Contamination of Eagle River Flat CPEO Moderator (04/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Environmental Groups, Navy Square Off on Sonar System CPEO Moderator (04/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Congressman Barlett's comments......... StellaVB (04/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] SAGEEP 2003 Call for Papers loc (04/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Controversy continues over Bartlett's comments CPEO Moderator (04/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Lead Levels CPEO Moderator (04/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Request for Information James . Toburen (04/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] letter about Roscoe Bartlett's comments Lenny Siegel (04/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Lead and risk CPEO Moderator (04/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Pit of munitions, fluids found on base CPEO Moderator (04/19/02)
Re: [CPEO-MEF]Pit of munitions, fluids found on base StellaVB (04/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] ASTSWMO Letter CPEO Moderator (04/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Readiness and Range Preservation Initiative - #3 DoD Sectional Analys Lenny Siegel (04/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Readiness and Range Preservation Initiative - #1 Legislative Language Lenny Siegel (04/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Readiness and Range Preservation Initiative - #2 DoD Talking Points Lenny Siegel (04/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Bombs dot Utah deserts CPEO Moderator (04/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Missouri Messes Lenny Siegel (04/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Marines Say Combat Training Suffers CPEO Moderator (04/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Military Begs Exemption From Environment Laws CPEO Moderator (04/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Pentagon Asks Easing of Rules (LA Times) CPEO Moderator (04/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Defense Department RRPI Documents Available CPEO Moderator (04/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] The Need for Debate over "RRPI" Lenny Siegel (04/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Pentagon Environmental Proposals joelf (04/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Detecting Land Mines loc (04/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] ombudsman resigns CPEO Moderator (04/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Senate Armed Services Committee Takes Up Defense Bill Aimee Houghton (04/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Military proposes test-range extension CPEO Moderator (04/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] U.S. fails to protect river CPEO Moderator (04/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Military cash flows for new water supply CPEO Moderator (04/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Group Letter to the House CPEO Moderator (04/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy Sinks Last Chance of Airport at El Toro CPEO Moderator (04/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Pentagon Proposals: A response to R.S. Taylor joelf (04/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] See No Evil CPEO Moderator (04/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Amendment for UXO Single Point of Contact passes Sub-Committee Aimee Houghton (04/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Munitions Action Plan released Lenny Siegel (04/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Environmental Funds to be Raided CPEO Moderator (04/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Munitions Response Program data Lenny Siegel (04/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Readiness Subcommittee Passes 2 Environmental Exemption Provisions Aimee Houghton (04/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Arsenic Inquiry Expands to Md., N.Va.] cpeo (04/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Mission shift] cpeo (04/29/02)
Re: [CPEO-MEF] Environmental Funds to be Raided] cpeo (04/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] UXO Response...A Report to the Congressional DefenseCommittees StellaVB (04/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Sprawl Threatens Operation of Arizona's Luke AFB CPEO Moderator (04/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Pentagon Seeks Release From Environment Laws CPEO Moderator (04/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] ISIS MilWaste Workshop in Oakland, California ddigenti (04/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy to Stop Vieques Bombing by 2003 CPEO Moderator (04/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] No environmental relief for military CPEO Moderator (05/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Press Release from Endangered Species Coalitition CPEO Moderator (05/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Utah overflights proposal Lenny Siegel (05/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Civilian housing a step closer at former Fort Ord CPEO Moderator (05/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Feinstein Tells Navy to Clean Up El Toro CPEO Moderator (05/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] House Defense bill schedule Lenny Siegel (05/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Dear Colleague letter and Update on HASC Actions Aimee Houghton (05/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Court orders halt to FDM bomber training Lenny Siegel (05/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] RRPI Round Over - the House Committee marks Lenny Siegel (05/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Can Navy sonar hurt whales? CPEO Moderator (05/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Superfund Agency Seeks Public Comment on IC Monitoring Guide CPEO Moderator (05/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] AP Story on New Chemical Weapons Whistleblower bobschaeffer (05/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] States criticize RRPI Lenny Siegel (05/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] sprawl Steve (05/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Textron pledges cleanup at base CPEO Moderator (05/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Leukemia cluster sparks lawsuit CPEO Moderator (05/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Congressional Letter of Appeal CPEO Moderator (05/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Lines in the sand Lenny Siegel (05/06/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] Lines in the Sand StellaVB (05/06/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] Textron pledges.......... StellaVB (05/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army Land Use Control Memorandum Lenny Siegel (05/06/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] Textron pledges... StellaVB (05/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Alert - Call Senators! CPEO Moderator (05/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Env. Insurance Helps Contain Cleanup Costs At Ft. Gordon CPEO Moderator (05/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Hill warns of unexploded bombs CPEO Moderator (05/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Additional amendments Aimee Houghton (05/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Senate Update on Encraochment Legislation Aimee Houghton (05/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Hunter Amendments Aimee Houghton (05/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy approves Pinecastle Range renewal Lenny Siegel (05/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] The future of munitions regulation Lenny Siegel (05/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Hunter Offers RCRA Amendment CPEO Moderator (05/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Hunter Proposes CERCLA Amendment CPEO Moderator (05/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Hunter Amendments to HR 4546; RCRA &CERCLA CPEO Moderator (05/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Anchorage paper on military exemptions ramcnally (05/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Congressmen Dingell and Rahall Urge for Debate on Defense Bill CPEO Moderator (05/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Update on Defense Authorization Bill CPEO Moderator (05/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] EPA and national secrets Lenny Siegel (05/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Third-Party lawsuits Lenny Siegel (05/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Homeless Shelter Takes Root at Base CPEO Moderator (05/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Departure of Subs to Impact Port City Economy CPEO Moderator (05/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Pentagon researchers train insects to detect explosives CPEO Moderator (05/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy re-submits Moffett Wetlands plan Lenny Siegel (05/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy to sample Moffett housing indoor air Lenny Siegel (05/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Chat with DOD UTOSI-Hdqrs (05/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] CSWAB Asks WDNR to Set Health Standard for Perchlorates CPEO Moderator (05/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Gun range will be a distant neighbor CPEO Moderator (05/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Luke Air Force Base squeezed by crowded skies CPEO Moderator (05/14/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Draft GAO Report on Encraochment Aimee Houghton (05/14/02)
[CPEO-MEF] ICMA Releases Second Edition of Base Reuse Handbook CPEO Moderator (05/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] GAO Draft Report Aimee Houghton (05/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Alaska Enviornmental Exemption Passes Aimee Houghton (05/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Decade-Old Tip Spurs Munitions Search loc (05/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] GAO: "Encroachment" Not Affecting Readiness CPEO Moderator (05/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] DOD: The Emerging Disconnect Between Policy and Practice Aimee Houghton (05/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army accused of hiding plans CPEO Moderator (05/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] "Defense Streamlining Initiative" Lenny Siegel (05/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] More on Defense Streamlining Initiative Aimee Houghton (05/21/02)
[CPEO-MEF] ITRC document supports DNAPL source reduction CPEO Moderator (05/21/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Defense Streamlining Initiative Aimee Houghton (05/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Congress Presses for 'Safer' Land Mines CPEO Moderator (05/22/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] Third Party Lawsuits StellaVB (05/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Sailors exposed to deadly agents CPEO Moderator (05/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Moffett wetlands Lenny Siegel (05/24/02)
Re: [CPEO-MEF] DOD: The Emerging Disconnect Between Policy andPractice StellaVB (05/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy plan restricts access to shoreline CPEO Moderator (05/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] EPA Policy on Formerly Used Defense Sites Lenny Siegel (05/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Work to clean Cape Cod pollution continues CPEO Moderator (05/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Panama wants U.S. to clear explosives from former ranges CPEO Moderator (05/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Alaska First State to Exempt Military Waste from Environmenta CPEO Moderator (05/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Fallon pipeline "OK" Lenny Siegel (05/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Guardian Trust evaluated Lenny Siegel (05/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] ITRC Press Release CPEO Moderator (05/31/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Guide for Characterization of Sites Contaminated with Energetic Mate loc (06/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Perchlorate at Aberdeen Proving Ground Lenny Siegel (06/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] DOE and Agreed Orders... StellaVB (06/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Environmental professionals learn about cutting-edge solution CPEO Moderator (06/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Military policy on Strays Criticized CPEO Moderator (06/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Admiral Speaks Out On Vieques Site CPEO Moderator (06/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army, Alaska and environmental exemptions... StellaVB (06/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] "Sole Source Aquifer" explained Lenny Siegel (06/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Aberdeen Proving Ground perchlorate response Lenny Siegel (06/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] House cuts Defense environmental R & D Lenny Siegel (06/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Air Force to cleanup contamination near Kelly AFB CPEO Moderator (06/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Housing debates hold up the fort CPEO Moderator (06/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] BRAC and LRA's... StellaVB (06/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Air Force selects Montana site for new range CPEO Moderator (06/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] New development plan for Sunflower site stirs officials CPEO Moderator (06/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] EPA Completes Removal of Ordnance in Area of Washington Towns CPEO Moderator (06/13/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] EPA Completes Removal of Ordnance in Area of Washington T CPEO Moderator (06/14/02)
[CPEO-MEF] CPEO-MEF] Device Turns Contaminants into Harmless Byproducts CPEO Moderator (06/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] U.S. residents can sue for nuke exposure, says court CPEO Moderator (06/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] more on perchlorate Lenny Siegel (06/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Ft. Wingate Fires and UXO Lenny Siegel (06/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Guardian Trust discussion Lenny Siegel (06/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Perchlorate: How much is too much? CPEO Moderator (06/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Trees may hold clues in Fallon cancer cluster CPEO Moderator (06/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] UXO Basic Training Class In Seattle, July 23-24 Aimee Houghton (06/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Whale death sparks charges against Navy CPEO Moderator (06/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Wisconsin French Island Incinerator UTOSI-Hdqrs (06/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Weapons debris found at arsenal CPEO Moderator (06/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Dioxin and breast milk: the French Island incinerator CPEO Moderator (06/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Community Consultant Directory CPEO Moderator (07/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Toxic Nazi legacy threatens Europe CPEO Moderator (07/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Studies flawed, board claims CPEO Moderator (07/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Perchlorate Lenny Siegel (07/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Closure of the RAPIC Project in September 2002 loc (07/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] A 'show and tell' grenade Woman finds it, takes it to work CPEO Moderator (07/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Energy Department Five-Year Review Guide Lenny Siegel (07/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Will You Be Silent and Let Them Develop New Nukes? LLNL SWEIS marylia (07/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Rocky Mountain Asenal Linda Samuel (07/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Arms destruction raises concerns CPEO Moderator (07/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Senate EPW to Hold Hearings DOD RRPI Provisions Aimee Houghton (07/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Veteran fights for information about biological, chemical tes CPEO Moderator (07/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army inquires about expanding into park CPEO Moderator (07/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Big Island residents worry about Army expansion CPEO Moderator (07/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] TCE standards Lenny Siegel (07/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] GAO says env. laws aren't getting in the way ofmilitary training mervtano (07/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Wildfire burning in Camp Hale--WW II UXO site Aimee Houghton (07/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Water contamination in Korea Steve (07/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy's training is essential CPEO Moderator (07/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Pentagon expands probe of 1960s chemical weapons tests CPEO Moderator (07/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] nonstockpile chemical weapons program walshw (07/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Legislation to encroach on Camp Pendleton Lenny Siegel (07/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Two live mortar shells found in house CPEO Moderator (07/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Business leaders take tour of duty at Wurtsmith base CPEO Moderator (07/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army Captain Says Military Can Balance Training and Environment Aimee Houghton (07/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy Cleared To Use a Sonar Despite Fears of Injuring Whales CPEO Moderator (07/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Expert panel scrutinizes studies of radar safety CPEO Moderator (07/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] UXO Basic Training Short Course and The UXO/Countermine Forum2002 loc (07/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] RRPI Update Lenny Siegel (07/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] UXO containing lands in other countries George . Teachman (07/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] UXO Short Course date correction loc (07/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army engineers plan $200 million ordnance cleanup at old base CPEO Moderator (07/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Marion Engineering Depot, Ohio Lenny Siegel (07/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Air Force apologizes for practice bombs CPEO Moderator (07/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] report on Moffett wetlands Lenny Siegel (07/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Troops may use Waikane for counterterror drills CPEO Moderator (07/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Air Force Kills Windfarm on Nevada Test Site CPEO Moderator (07/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Lab workers get help for work-related illnesses CPEO Moderator (07/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Defense memo on Perchlorate Lenny Siegel (07/20/02)
Re: [CPEO-MEF] Army engineers plan $200 million ordnancecleanup at old base StellaVB (07/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Senate boosts BRAC funding Lenny Siegel (07/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Goodman column on "encroachment" Lenny Siegel (07/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Depleted Uranium May Pose Risk to Children CPEO Moderator (07/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Panel suggests radar analysis CPEO Moderator (07/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Community Involvement at test and training ranges Lenny Siegel (07/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] New DOD Interim Guidance on RODs Lenny Siegel (07/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] jeff . edson (07/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] URL CORRECTION CPEO Moderator (07/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Storm King cleanup progresses Lenny Siegel (07/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Agent Orange Victims Need Urgent Help CPEO Moderator (07/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Spring Valley GAO Report Lenny Siegel (07/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Presidio (SF) hazwaste allegations Lenny Siegel (07/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army proposes pumping systems to clean plume CPEO Moderator (07/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Cape Cod Cleanup of Perchlorate, RDX Plume joelf (07/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] 12,000 tons of chromium soil stored above Ogallala aquifer CPEO Moderator (08/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] perchlorate detection joelf (08/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Defense Appropriations update Lenny Siegel (08/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Toxic waste blamed for children's death CPEO Moderator (08/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] DOD Response To Goodman Op-Ed Aimee Houghton (08/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Rocky Mountain Arsenal Grand Jury Report Lenny Siegel (08/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] The worms turn: Air Force base gets into composting loc (08/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Munitions Dialogue Report CPEO Moderator (08/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Court orders feds to pay for toxic cleanup at Dow rubber plan CPEO Moderator (08/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] El Toro Vote to Seek Full Navy Cleanup CPEO Moderator (08/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Environmentalists sue to block Navy sonar CPEO Moderator (08/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Spring Valley Excavation to Focus on 2 Sites CPEO Moderator (08/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] "Communities in the Line of Fire" Lenny Siegel (08/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] illness jscheck (08/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Update on SERDP and ESTCP funding Lenny Siegel (08/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Feds to help nuclear workers get compensation from states CPEO Moderator (08/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] DOE Groundwater Optimization Guidance Lenny Siegel (08/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Vertical vs. horizontal well technologies... StellaVB (08/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Beale ordnance mapping done CPEO Moderator (08/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Lowry privatization details CPEO Moderator (08/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Lowry answers owed CPEO Moderator (08/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Lowry articles CPEO Moderator (08/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] 230 homes to be built at defunct Navy Base CPEO Moderator (08/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Remote-Controlled Vehicle Detects & Destroys Mines Lenny Siegel (08/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Camp Bonneville, WA web site] Lenny Siegel (08/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Learn Not to Burn,Protect Public Health and the Environment CPEO Moderator (08/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Two Leukemia clusters Lenny Siegel (08/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Draft document addresses Joint Toxic Action of Chemical CPEO Moderator (08/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Researcher calls sonar tests OK CPEO Moderator (08/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Chemist Whistleblower Wins $1.5 Million Judgment Against Army CPEO Moderator (08/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Weldon Springs "Stewardship" Precedent marylia (08/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Sign-On Comment on Livermore Lab Operations marylia (08/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Almaden Air Force Station, CA Lenny Siegel (08/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] BSL-3: The Anthrax is Coming (Livermore Lab) marylia (08/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Presidio (of SF) Plan Lenny Siegel (08/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] trap/skeet range question CPEO Moderator (08/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Summary of LTM Roundtable now available CPEO Moderator (09/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Planners approve Apex development CPEO Moderator (09/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Developers seek delay in Apex project CPEO Moderator (09/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Media Advisory for Anniston, AL CPEO Moderator (09/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Miccosukee Trive of Indians of Florida v. S. Everglades Restoration CPEO Moderator (09/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Emercency IRA under CERCLA CPEO Moderator (09/06/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] CSWAB press release info (09/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Old explosives, new jitters in Butner CPEO Moderator (09/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Action Alert - Urgent Ericka Taylor (09/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] PLEASE NOTE CPEO Moderator (09/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] EPA approves Army's closure plan for Jacads on Johnston Atoll CPEO Moderator (09/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Organizational endorsements needed! CPEO Moderator (09/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] research reorganization Lenny Siegel (09/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Military Environment and International Criminal Court CPEO Moderator (09/10/02)
Re: [CPEO-MEF] EPA approves Army's closure plan for Jacads CPEO Moderator (09/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] U.S. Navy says sunken ship off Vieques isn't radioactive CPEO Moderator (09/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Underwater OE detection Lenny Siegel (09/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Santa Clarita Lenny Siegel (09/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] San Bernardino County officials are blamed for contamination. CPEO Moderator (09/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] S.B. County rapped over old waste site CPEO Moderator (09/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Money transferred for flyover CPEO Moderator (09/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Builders, City Clash Over Hidden Threat CPEO Moderator (09/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Cal space authority legislative opposition & VAFB air show needed pedal4mother (09/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Nuclear weapons workers get OK CPEO Moderator (09/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Burning of Chemical Arms Puts Fear in Wind CPEO Moderator (09/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] APGSCC Tech Update: Letter and Info CPEO Moderator (09/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] RAB reports progress in all cleanup areas CPEO Moderator (09/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] A week of atomic tests, a life in medical hell CPEO Moderator (09/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Perchlorate: A Summary Lenny Siegel (09/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Alaska Community Right to Know Report CPEO Moderator (09/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Military opposes proposed Forestdale subdivision CPEO Moderator (09/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] After Decade of Delay, Hanford Nuclear Mess to be Cleaned Up CPEO Moderator (09/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Hanford bonuses paid out despite overruns CPEO Moderator (09/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Bush says Area 51 data must remain secret CPEO Moderator (09/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Us vs Them CPEO Moderator (09/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Environmental Review of Navy's Sonar Testing Upheld CPEO Moderator (09/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] 11th hour appeal to STOP TOXIC BURNINGS! Vs3trees (09/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] GAO FUDS Report Lenny Siegel (09/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] No fuel found in soil near Fallon CPEO Moderator (09/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Rare moth identified at Westover air base CPEO Moderator (09/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Gulf War syndrome study absolves chemical weapons CPEO Moderator (09/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] 12,000 acres eyed for habitat CPEO Moderator (09/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Chemical detected in well near base CPEO Moderator (09/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] EPA ombudsman could gain more power with Senate vote CPEO Moderator (09/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Chemical detected in well near base URL CPEO Moderator (09/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Residents stand up for Marines CPEO Moderator (09/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Researchers Probe Whether Sonar Caused Deaths of Whales CPEO Moderator (09/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Judge dismisses claims over toxins released from Oak Ridge nuclear CPEO Moderator (09/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Debate Continues Over ESA and MBTA Aimee Houghton (09/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] APG criticized over policies tied to cleanup CPEO Moderator (09/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy training killing fish in Puget Sound CPEO Moderator (10/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Sonar Tests a Likely Link to Whale Deaths CPEO Moderator (10/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] "Green Troops" Lenny Siegel (10/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Review of GAO FUDS Report Lenny Siegel (10/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] VAFB ECAMP- air permit compliance,storage tanks, hazmat label & stora pedal4mother (10/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Press Release: Public Meeting Called A Sham info (10/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Elevated levels of PCBs in people associated with military site on CPEO Moderator (10/03/02)
Re: [CPEO-MEF] "Green Troops"] CPEO Moderator (10/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Malaria Research CPEO Moderator (10/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Security at APG and elsewhere Lenny Siegel (10/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Moffett Field baylands Lenny Siegel (10/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Court: DOE Stacked NIF Reviews marylia (10/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Green foxholes? CPEO Moderator (10/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Toxic PCB levels soar above norm in St. Lawrence Natives CPEO Moderator (10/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Rocky Flats Will Remain Radioactive CPEO Moderator (10/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Group calling for cleanup of perchlorate in Aberdeen CPEO Moderator (10/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Bush tweaking key environmental act CPEO Moderator (10/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] EPA Orders TCE Air Sampling at MEW Lenny Siegel (10/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Senate to hear witnesses on testing CPEO Moderator (10/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Japanese workers awarded $1.87 million for sickness from work aboar CPEO Moderator (10/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Doctor Opposes Gulf War Syndrome 'Mythology' CPEO Moderator (10/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Super Hornets welcome in SC CPEO Moderator (10/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Louder warplanes expected at Davis-Monthan AFB CPEO Moderator (10/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Activists say soil on U.S. base is destroyed CPEO Moderator (10/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Engineered Plants Soak Up Arsenic CPEO Moderator (10/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Guard seeks quick action on extension CPEO Moderator (10/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Land deeded to local office CPEO Moderator (10/08/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Perchlorate Health Risk and Emergency Response Action CPEO Moderator (10/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] In the mid-1960s, Army dropped sarin, VX at Gerstle River CPEO Moderator (10/09/02)
Re: [CPEO-MEF] Perchlorate Health Risk and Emergency CPEO Moderator (10/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Pentagon Releases Reports on '60s Toxic Tests CPEO Moderator (10/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Clean-Up Confusion CPEO Moderator (10/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Feds defend secret '60s tests CPEO Moderator (10/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army seeks to expand chemical, biological drills CPEO Moderator (10/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Three U.S. Marines Injured in Kuwait Accident CPEO Moderator (10/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Perchlorate spreads, more wells close CPEO Moderator (10/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Defense Appropriations and MilCon Agreements CPEO Moderator (10/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] 03 Appropriations Summary Lenny Siegel (10/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] "Post-ROD" Dispute Apparently Resolved - 1 Lenny Siegel (10/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] "Post-ROD" Dispute Apparently Resolved - 2 Lenny Siegel (10/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Congress Approves Funds for Ship Scrapping Aimee Houghton (10/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] New web site on ordnance and explosives Lenny Siegel (10/14/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Woodley's letters Lenny Siegel (10/14/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Governors' Association "Brief" on Encroachment Lenny Siegel (10/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Water treatment plant's future in limbo after fire CPEO Moderator (10/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] PCBs, arsenic, petroleum high on clean-up list CPEO Moderator (10/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy shift to boost Key West CPEO Moderator (10/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Critical habitat proposed CPEO Moderator (10/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Standardized UXO Site CPEO Moderator (10/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Corps ordered to open door to privatization CPEO Moderator (10/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Firm says toxin threat at site diminished CPEO Moderator (10/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Toxic Ranges Lenny Siegel (10/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Cleanup Work in Colorado Reduces Risk of Plutonium Accident CPEO Moderator (10/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] APG working to defuse hidden explosives CPEO Moderator (10/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Scientist: It's hard to determine safe levels CPEO Moderator (10/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy to leave Vieques, Calderón says] cpeo (10/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Lab, DOE to Fight N.M. Over Cleanup cpeo (10/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] California law promotes planning re encroachment cpeo (10/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] California law promotes environmental review of encroachment cpeo (10/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Demilitarized zones cpeo (10/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] County targets land deal cpeo (10/22/02)
[Fwd: [CPEO-MEF] Chemical in vials found at Presidio injures staff archaeologist] cpeo (10/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Puerto Ricans Outraged Over Secret Medical Experiments cpeo (10/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy War Games to Go Virtual cpeo (10/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Wamego wells contaminated with toxic solvent CPEO Moderator (10/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] DOD Announces New INRMP Guidance Lenny Siegel (10/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Bird Nests and Bomb Ranges CPEO Moderator (10/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Gov. debate shows differences in military vs. environment CPEO Moderator (10/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Mass. base considered for security center site CPEO Moderator (10/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Naval base seen as a potential site for low-cost housing CPEO Moderator (10/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Liability concerns loom over Johnston dump CPEO Moderator (10/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Sen. Jeffords, Lieberman, and Leahy Oppose DoD Exemptions from Envi CPEO Moderator (10/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] R&D Symposium in December Lenny Siegel (10/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Pentagon accused of attacking migratory bird law CPEO Moderator (10/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Consultants zero in on what's missing from environmental study CPEO Moderator (10/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Puerto Rico Gov. Releases Letter CPEO Moderator (10/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Habitat proposal decried CPEO Moderator (10/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy secretary promises cooperation in Nev. leukemia probe CPEO Moderator (10/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy denies sending letter pledging end to Vieques bombing CPEO Moderator (10/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army losing burn time CPEO Moderator (10/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Farewell to family farm CPEO Moderator (10/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Complete control CPEO Moderator (10/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] letter to Whitman CPEO Moderator (10/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Wamego silo-area wells dirty CPEO Moderator (10/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] U.S. ordered to investigate contamination CPEO Moderator (10/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Toxic tug-of-war CPEO Moderator (10/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] No red flags in probe of factory site CPEO Moderator (10/28/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Pentagon official says sprawl could endanger bases CPEO Moderator (10/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Plume focus of Rialto meeting CPEO Moderator (10/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Marines worry environmentalists to use old law to limit training CPEO Moderator (10/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] RAB questions info (10/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Undersea weapon dumps a worry CPEO Moderator (10/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] IAAP sweep ends CPEO Moderator (10/30/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] RAB question info (10/31/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Bermite water cleanup at issue CPEO Moderator (10/31/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] RAB questions] cpeo (10/31/02)
[CPEO-MEF] U.S. Tested Sarin in Hawaiian Rain Forest CPEO Moderator (11/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Judge orders naval sonar delay ramcnally (11/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy web pages for southwestern bases Lenny Siegel (11/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Coalition question Beale area development Lenny Siegel (11/01/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Testing begun on site of propoposed school CPEO Moderator (11/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army Weighs Privatizing Close to 214,000 Jobs CPEO Moderator (11/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] question: what to do when AIr Force gives wrong date for hearing pedal4mother (11/04/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] question: what to do when AIr Force gives wrongdate for hearing paul . reinke (11/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Los Angeles lawfirm files NTC Tidelands Trust lawsuit CPEO Moderator (11/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Court to Take Agent Orange Case CPEO Moderator (11/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] New Study Raises Legal, Environmental Concerns Over "Precision Bombin CPEO Moderator (11/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Colorado challenges DIMP study CPEO Moderator (11/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] The Guardian Trust Pilot Study Lenny Siegel (11/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Guardian Trust pparks (11/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Erosion control: Training PLUS Environment Lenny Siegel (11/07/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Women Voters: community needs more input on Moffett cleanup CPEO Moderator (11/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] League is right: public needs more input in Moffett cleanup CPEO Moderator (11/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] High-level feds speak at ITRC annual meeting CPEO Moderator (11/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] MG Antwerp/ACSIM begins scientific studies to counterregulator/activi Peter Schlesinger (11/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Conferees Complete FY2003 National Defense Authorization Bill CPEO Moderator (11/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] ACSIM's proposed study and the Army Audit Report on MMR joelf (11/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] FUDS cleanup liability CPEO Moderator (11/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Iraqi cancers, birth defects blamed on U.S. depleted uranium CPEO Moderator (11/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Single Point of Contact for UXO Aimee Houghton (11/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Air Force to pay state for cleaning up dump site CPEO Moderator (11/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] MBTA language in Conference Report language Aimee Houghton (11/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Md. on battle line over water pollutant CPEO Moderator (11/14/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Group takes its fight over base toxins back to D.C. CPEO Moderator (11/14/02)
[CPEO-MEF] CPEO Updates Technology Tree Aimee Houghton (11/14/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Story on states' responses to next BRAC round loc (11/14/02)
[CPEO-MEF] JO CO May Develop Sunflower Ammo Plant CPEO Moderator (11/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Researchers discover that concrete degrades VX and can predict rate CPEO Moderator (11/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] SF Supervisors Study Proposed Hunters Point Bridge CPEO Moderator (11/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Hill AFB Tells Residents of Water Pollution CPEO Moderator (11/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Radiation in former military bases in Clark, Subic at safe level CPEO Moderator (11/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Meade cleanup targets skeet range CPEO Moderator (11/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Expansion or New Base in Jefferson County, MO? Aimee Houghton (11/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Texas air base disease rates not elevated CPEO Moderator (11/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Defense Authorization; Section 2811 Aimee Houghton (11/15/02)
[CPEO-MEF] SERDP Annual Core Solicitation for FY 2004 Aimee Houghton (11/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] APGSCC letter to Governor-Elect Ehrlich CPEO Moderator (11/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Utah RDX Suit Steve (11/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Enviro military? Bombing ranges safely "tucked away frompopulation ce pedal4mother (11/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Regulatory Framework Profile Lenny Siegel (11/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Those near base fear plan to end testing of water CPEO Moderator (11/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] The Navy, a top polluter, botched cleanup CPEO Moderator (11/18/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Controversial Navy Sonar Cleared for Limited Testing CPEO Moderator (11/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Ladner announces arsenic cleanup end in sight CPEO Moderator (11/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Base housing area blamed for overflow CPEO Moderator (11/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Proposed wilderness used by military CPEO Moderator (11/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Suit may delay arms incineration in Alabama CPEO Moderator (11/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Half of tainted soil taken from base CPEO Moderator (11/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Contaminated Picatinny site needs cleanup, arsenal says CPEO Moderator (11/21/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Lawsuit filed against Beale CPEO Moderator (11/21/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Chemical weapons will be neutralized at Blue Grass Army Depot CPEO Moderator (11/21/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Dingell Letter to Horinko CPEO Moderator (11/21/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Wompatuck State Park will soon include more land CPEO Moderator (11/21/02)
[CPEO-MEF] New Perchlorate Policy CPEO Moderator (11/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Judge hits Aerojet asbestos denial CPEO Moderator (11/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] TCE in Moffett military housing area Lenny Siegel (11/22/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Unexploded Arms Require Big Cleanup At 16,000 U.S. Sites CPEO Moderator (11/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Toxic talk resumes with new NAS study CPEO Moderator (11/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Rarer form of childhood cancer pops up in Fallon leukemia cluster CPEO Moderator (11/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] City finally owns Truman waterfront CPEO Moderator (11/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Ghost fleet CPEO Moderator (11/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Foothill housing sparks debate CPEO Moderator (11/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] State's bid to regulate rocket fuel contamination delayed CPEO Moderator (11/25/02)
[CPEO-MEF] What is wrong with the way the RAB's are set up? UTOSI-Hdqrs (11/26/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] Washington Post on UXO ramcnally (11/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Veterans learn of secret tests decades afterward CPEO Moderator (11/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Cleanup studies planned CPEO Moderator (11/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Investigation into dummy bomb drops completed CPEO Moderator (11/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army misses some lessons from Tooele chemical weapons incinerator CPEO Moderator (11/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Conferees Oppose RDT&E Devolvement Lenny Siegel (11/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Can't see the forest for the trees pparks (11/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Camp Beale Letter CPEO Moderator (11/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Los Alamos Nuclear Lab Warns of Radioactive Trees CPEO Moderator (11/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Pollution lawsuit drops feds CPEO Moderator (11/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] I & E Reorganization Lenny Siegel (11/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] 2 year statute of limitations UTOSI-Hdqrs (12/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] History as it happens CPEO Moderator (12/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] New plans reduce pollution CPEO Moderator (12/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] City delays accord update CPEO Moderator (12/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] State Mandates Cleanup at Lab CPEO Moderator (12/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] DoD Memo CPEO Moderator (12/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] BRAC memo CPEO Moderator (12/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] I&E Reorganization Lenny Siegel (12/02/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Polluted Denver parcel turns wildlife refuge CPEO Moderator (12/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Albany company puts safe water in the bag CPEO Moderator (12/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Voice editorial on risk Lenny Siegel (12/03/02)
[CPEO-MEF] U.S. Air Force, Navy sued CPEO Moderator (12/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] What's RIGHT with the way RABs are set up? Ihray (12/04/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Sand, designed for beaches, would have to be screened CPEO Moderator (12/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Filtration for Atlas base area CPEO Moderator (12/05/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] Digest for, issue 657 Jana Herbert (12/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] EPA to review possible pollution at Wingfoot CPEO Moderator (12/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Yuba site for homes, golf sits atop WWII explosives CPEO Moderator (12/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Spiking Land Giveaway Best for Tinker CPEO Moderator (12/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Taylor Concerned With Portofino Condos CPEO Moderator (12/05/02)
[CPEO-MEF] California Proposes Perchlorate Health Goal Lenny Siegel (12/06/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Carcinogens found at base CPEO Moderator (12/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Is proposed housing project explosive? CPEO Moderator (12/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Alabama community left with chemical relics CPEO Moderator (12/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Number of toxic waste victims continues to rise CPEO Moderator (12/09/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army, state differ on chemical levels CPEO Moderator (12/10/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Last night, Colorado's Water Quality Control Commission, by a vote o jeff . edson (12/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Arsenal ready to burn arms CPEO Moderator (12/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Mustard agent stockpile to be disposed of faster CPEO Moderator (12/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] UXO stories jeff . edson (12/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Text of Congressman Taylor's letter to the Biloxi City Council CPEO Moderator (12/11/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Vance cleaning up CPEO Moderator (12/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] FUSRAP website CPEO Moderator (12/12/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Protecting people from tainted river CPEO Moderator (12/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] AF eliminates paperwork, saves money CPEO Moderator (12/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] EPA says Vieques cleanup will be a priority CPEO Moderator (12/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Build stadium, homes on deadly dump? CPEO Moderator (12/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Feinstein on Perchlorate CPEO Moderator (12/13/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Debate Rages Over Safe Levels Of Toxin for Adults and Infants CPEO Moderator (12/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Perchlorate Runoff Flows To Water Supply of Millions CPEO Moderator (12/16/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] Digest for, issue 664 pedal4mother (12/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] U.S. Bio-warfare Building Boom CPEO Moderator (12/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] A toxic legacy comes to light CPEO Moderator (12/16/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Mission pays off for cancer victim CPEO Moderator (12/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Save the Valley says Army?s plan for JPG is flaw CPEO Moderator (12/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Calculating risk CPEO Moderator (12/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Mountain View Voice edit on Moffett Field wetlands Lenny Siegel (12/17/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army puts old MOT in Bayonne's hands, officially CPEO Moderator (12/19/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Boxer, Eshoo Urge Moffett Wetlands Cleanup Lenny Siegel (12/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Excerpts from Dubois Press Conference Lenny Siegel (12/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Feinstein to seek funds for toxic water woes CPEO Moderator (12/20/02)
[CPEO-MEF] New State Report Looks at Plutonium in Your Garden CPEO Moderator (12/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Students' 'high-stakes science' eyes Aberdeen water pollutant CPEO Moderator (12/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Navy heads cleanup of point across from academy CPEO Moderator (12/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Environmental concerns hinder digging training, Marines assert CPEO Moderator (12/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Tests expand at Superfund cleanup site CPEO Moderator (12/23/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Bermite cleanup may start CPEO Moderator (12/24/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] Environmental concerns hinder digging training,Marines assert themissinglink (12/24/02)
[CPEO-MEF] This Friday evening, December 27, 2002 PBS stations across the natio Lenny Siegel (12/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Army to reduce planned chemical monitoring at Aberdeen facility Lenny Siegel (12/26/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Perchlorate vs. Development Lenny Siegel (12/27/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Perchlorate in Lettuce - a new report from EWG Lenny Siegel (12/29/02)
RE: [CPEO-MEF] EPA Public Participation? Give me a break! (issue 670) borderlands (12/29/02)
[CPEO-MEF] The Fallout of War CPEO Moderator (12/30/02)
[CPEO-MEF] Fallon (Nevada) grassroots health survey Lenny Siegel (12/31/02)