From: | CPEO Moderator <> |
Date: | 31 Oct 2002 18:56:05 -0000 |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] Bermite water cleanup at issue |
Bermite water cleanup at issue By Heather MacDonald Staff Writer SANTA CLARITA -- Castaic Lake Water Agency officials said this week they are frustrated that state officials have yet to approve their plan to clean the polluted groundwater below the defunct Bermite munitions factory. Agency officials want to pump polluted water from the four wells shut down five years ago after tests revealed high concentrations of perchlorate, a rocket fuel byproduct, and treat it with a high-tech ion-exchange system. "We can't wait anymore," said Mary Lou Cotton, the assistant to the CLWA general manager. "It's crazy just to sit back and let the perchlorate seep deeper and spread further." However, officials from the Department of Toxic Substances Control, the state agency overseeing the cleanup, have their reservations about CLWA's plan. Their concern is that pumping the contaminated wells could spread the pollution plume and make the problem worse. This article can be viewed at:,1413,200%257E20949%257E951529,00.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
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