From: | |
Date: | 31 Jan 2002 14:56:08 -0000 |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | RE: [CPEO-MEF] DU Munitions |
Ted Henry has made a couple of incorrect assertions regarding my previous post, consequently I feel obliged to respond. If any of you have already written to me calling me "PsyOps" or "baby killer," no need to repeat it. I agree that the toxicity of DU is more of a concern than its radiological properties. As I recall, that's what I said in the original message. There is agreement among health physicists that DU would cause a toxic reaction in the kidneys long before you received sufficient radiological dose to cause cancer. That's why it would be a lousy dirty radiological bomb. The recent DU literature, for example the EU study previously cited and the Rand study, point to no significant health affects attributable to DU. Monitoring of veterans with DU shrapnel fragments in their bodies show no harm from it, from either a toxic or radiological perspective. I'm not familiar with the Deitz study you cite, but I've seen data from field studies in the Balkans that show DU doesn't disperse far from the point of impact and is nearly impossible to re-suspend with wind--it's an extraordinarily heavy element. Uranium oxide isn't very soluble, either. By the way there is no "DU ore"--there is uranium ore, which has relatively more of the quite radioactive U-235, the isotope that has been removed from "depleted" uranium. Natural uranium is a common trace element in many rocks and is relatively more concentrated in certain rock formations and their derived soils. The Department of Energy has good data from the people who worked in the uranium enrichment plants. These workers had exposures to more radioactive forms of uranium FAR IN EXCESS of US soldiers and civilians in war zones. Rates of cancer are only slightly elevated over the general populations--certainly not at the levels to suggest that the less radioactive DU would be a significant hazard. I really don't care to argue about this much more. So many of the responses I've seen say, "I'm not a scientist, but..." I'm sure you are all well-meaning, but I AM a scientist. I've taken two semesters of health physics to round out A PhD in geology and a ten-year background with hands-on experience cleaning up hazardous waste sites. I consult with health physicists on a regular basis and follow their often esoteric arguments about relative risks of different types of radioactive exposure. If your information all comes from anti-DU or anti-nuclear sources, then you are not getting the correct story. All I have ever suggested is that readers broaden their horizons and talk to experts who have done significant research in the field. Maybe when you see where the preponderance of evidence is, you will choose to devote your energies to a more productive cause. Regards, Susan Gawarecki |
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