2003 CPEO Military List Archive

From: dzweifel@earthlink.net
Date: 21 Jan 2003 14:59:27 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] EPA & CA DHS Impasse on Radiological MCL
To all interested parties:

The Restoration Advisory Board for former MCAS Tustin, Ca. has unanimously
stipulated that a formal letter of inquiry be rendered to the following

California Dept. of Health Services, lead state agency.

However, pending probable pro forma approval of the final version by co-chair
Mary Lynn Norby & Jerry Dunaway, BRAC Environmental Coordinator/BEC
NAVSWDIVENGCMD the following is an unofficial draft of this letter of inquiry.

Be it hereby understood that our committee formally requests an expedited
resolution regarding the determination of mutually acceptable actionable release
levels for in situ/in-ground alpha, beta & gamma radiation.

This unresolved issue is preventing the survey of radiological emanations on our
base specifically regarding Hanger #1. Incidentally, the County of Orange
intends to have one of the largest military museums in the country @ this site.
So it's applicable & relevant to the reuse factor.

However it not only impacts us, the resolution of all other radiological
evaluations state-wide are in limbo too.

This situation is considered rather serious due to the fact that our community
is missing out on opportunities for timely re-use due to the prolongation of
this unresolved issue.

In summation may we reiterate that failure to resolve this matter in a timely
manner could gravely affect the projected master plan for reuse of the
aforementioned facility/ies not to speak of other sites adversely impacted


Don Zweifel
Charter member

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