2003 CPEO Military List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 17 Jun 2003 16:57:10 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Bill Seeks to Save Sacred Sites on Federal Lands
The following was posted by Laura Olah <info@cswab.org>

CSWAB Update: Bill Seeks to Save Sacred Sites on Federal Lands

Environment News Service, June 12, 2003

WASHINGTON, DC, June 12, 2003 - In an effort to stop the destruction of
Native American sacred sites on federal lands, Congressman Nick Rahall
Wednesday introduced the "Native American Sacred Lands Act." The bill
would give tribes the legal opportunity to halt proposed mining, logging
and other activities which would desecrate sites they hold sacred for
religious purposes.

American Indian sacred sites are in danger of desecration under the Bush
administration's federal land management policy regime, said Rahall, a
Washington Democrat on the House Resources Committee, which has
jurisdiction over federal land issues and Indian affairs.

"Let their voices be heard above the roar of mining operations which
threaten to sweep away sites that are sacred to them," he said at a
press conference announcing the legislation.

"Let their voices be heard above the din of drilling rigs which seek to
desecrate their places of religious worship, Rahall said. "Let their
voices be heard above the babble of corporate greed which would
sacrifice their lands and waters on the altar of profit and wealth."

Several laws already aim to protect the religious freedom of Native
Americans and the historic and cultural value of their lands. There is
no legal mechanism to guarantee protection of sacred lands from energy
development and other potentially harmful activities.

The bill would enact into law a 1996 executive order designed to protect
sacred lands, ensuring access and ceremonial use of sacred lands and
mandating all federal land management agencies to prevent significant
damage to those lands. The legislation also gives Indian tribes the
ability to petition the government to place federal lands off limits
when they believe proposed action would cause significant damage to
their sacred lands.

[This article can be viewed at:
http://ens-news.com/ens/jun2003/2003-06-12-09.asp#anchor1 ]

Laura Olah, Executive Director
Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger
E12629 Weigands Bay S
Merrimac, WI 53561
phone: (608)643-3124
fax: (608)643-0005
email: info@cswab.org
website: www.cswab.org

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