2003 CPEO Military List Archive

From: themissinglink@eznetinc.com
Date: 18 Jun 2003 19:26:17 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: RE: [CPEO-MEF] Lessons of MMR
Actually my comment was facetious in that without the use of a sole aquifer
no one would have any soul because we cannot survive without water for more
than a few days.  I don't think innanimate objects have souls.

Steven Pollack

-----Original Message-----
From: Polly Parks [mailto:pparks@igc.org]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 1:20 PM
To: Steven; cpeo-military
Subject: RE: [CPEO-MEF] Lessons of MMR

Aquifers have no soul.  It is a purely human concept which some of us, at
times, transfer onto other animals or even inanimate objects -- or physical
properties such as space.

That said, I assume you are inferring something with a soul is denying you
potable water from the aquifer.  This begins to infer morality, and my
sense is that the US Army is a pretty secular institution when it comes to
morality; the flag and the 50s clause in the Pledge of Allegiance
notwithstanding.  Of course, this begins to get into the discussion of the
old and new testament gods....but outside of pretty much everyone agreeing
that it is the same thing that made us and the water and the soil and rocks
that the water goes through and as such we are molecularly linked...well I
guess an extrapolation would be that an injury to one is an injury to
all....But I still don't think that aquifers have souls.  Though I am, in
fact, beginning to think that water is pissed off at us. We have had maybe
five days with sunshine this year thus far.  We do not live in Seattle,
this is DC for criminey sakes.  It's mid-June and we are still having the
Maine mud season.  I have a fifty foot steel trawler on the Chesapeake that
has rust to be sanded, the metal primed and painted (imagine what its like
down at the James River Reserve Fleet -- those vessels aren't even painted
-- bottom or hull).  But till it stops raining I can't.  So I think maybe
the rain is mad at us, but I'm not sure that infers soul. Maybe somebody
else in the listserve can answer that.

   38 PM 6/18/03 -0500, Steven wrote:
>After three days without potable water what is the difference between sole
>and soul?
>Steven Pollack
>-----Original Message-----
>From: pparks@igc.org [mailto:pparks@igc.org]
>Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 10:23 AM
>To: cpeo-military
>Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Lessons of MMR
>I realize the residents of Cape Cod treasure their aquifer, but it is a
>source (drinking?) water aquifer, not soul source.
>Polly Parks
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Polly Parks

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