From: | Lenny Siegel <> |
Date: | 9 Aug 2003 00:41:35 -0000 |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] Community group at Aberdeen transforms itself |
On July 20, 2003, the Baltimore Sun reported that the Aberdeen Proving Ground Superfund Citizens Coalition (APGSCC), one of the nation's most successfully public oversight groups at military facilities, was giving up the U.S. EPA Technical Assistance Grant that the organization had used effectively for the past decade. APGSCC explained the organization's transformation in the July, 2003 edition of its newsletter, Coming Clean, and it outlined the unresolved issues facing the community surrounding the Maryland base. CPEO reprints the first two-thirds of that article with permission. The remainder of the article describes "Unresolved Issues Specific to Study Areas." Lenny Siegel *** COMING CLEAN Aberdeen Proving Ground Superfund Citizens Coalition Community Update July 2003 COMING CLEAN is published by the APGSCC, advocates for the citizens of Harford, Baltimore, Cecil, Kent Counties, and Maryland. APGSCC to Continue Work with U of Md, APG, and EPA APGSCC will continue as a citizens group to ensure community participation in the complex issues facing the cleanup process at APG. For a decade, APGSCC has obtained funding through EPA Superfund grants to help the community participate more effectively in the cleanup of hazardous waste sites at APG and to help educate the public. We used these funds to hire independent technical experts from the University of Maryland (UofMd) to review Army documents and to help the community better understand the complex site contamination problems and cleanup solutions proposed by APG. APGSCC has been very successful in changing the focus of the APG cleanup program to include post boundary areas that have impacted public health and critical drinking water resources. One of our key accomplishments is meaningful participation in the decision making process overall, this is evidenced by APG removing tons of tainted soil and constructing a water treatment facility to remove Army contamination from the Perryman wellfield wells. This public service was made possible by more than five thousand citizen volunteer hours. We have decided not to apply for a grant in the future, so we can free up volunteer hours to focus on primary site contamination issues (perchlorate, IC's, censorship, UXO, Land Use) that we are currently working on with APG, EPA and U ofMd. We are very pleased to inform the community that we will continue our long working relationship with UofMd toxicologists and the Law Clinic. They will provide technical and legal assistance as we move forward with our goals to ensure that public health and crucial environmental resources are protected for future generations. APGSCC Community Blueprint For Oversight of the Environmental Cleanup at Aberdeen Proving Ground For more than a decade, APGSCC has been very effective in focusing the attention of the Army and the EPA on issues of concern to the community. Our approach has been to become involved as early as possible in the investigation of an area so that we could help shape the definition of the areas of concern and the approach to characterizing the problem. In doing so, we could make sure that attention to community concerns is incorporated at the outset of the investigation. Due to these efforts, the cleanup of highly contaminated Superfund sites at APG has been more effective than it would have been without such participation. But APG is an extremely large and complex Superfund site so there are many issues that have been highlighted by the community that have not been addressed. The reasons for this are multifaceted. There are issues of cost, data gaps that are confusing, as well as philosophical differences that lead to disagreements over remediation plans. Many of the problems that we have encountered over the years are due to the intransigence of the Department of Defense (DoD), Army, or Army Environmental Center or are the result the unwillingness or inability of the EPA to contradict the DoD. There is an enormous amount of pressure on the APG Installation Restoration Program to minimize costs and perhaps more importantly, to avoid "setting an example" that will raise expectations and increase costs at other facilities around the country. THE POLITICS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP We firmly believe that many of these obstacles could be overcome if the EPA were to take a strong position in support of a precautionary approach to protecting human health and the environment. But ultimately the EPA is governed by political appointees who reflect the philosophy and judgements of the current president and his party, so when disagreements are elevated to the highest levels, politics wins out. The EPA justifies this approach by stating that the administration must "speak with one voice". However, this approach ignores the vital democratic need for a transparent debate of the issues. The EPA is effectively blocking the democratic process in favor of the justifiably discredited "decide and defend" approach to decision-making. One lesson that we have learned by witnessing this process in action at APG is that to ignore the political features of these issues is both dangerous and naïve, and puts us at a distinct disadvantage. After all, the EPA and DoD are engaged in a highly sophisticated political venture. If we exclude ourselves from this process, we will be prohibited from full participation. Unfortunately the TAG discourages, and in some cases prohibits such participation, effectively handicapping community groups from the outset. While there is a distinction between "lobbying", which is prohibited, and discussing the political dimensions of these problems with political leaders, the line between the two is not always clear. The perceived threat of legal action against a community group has a chilling effect on the willingness of individuals to legally engage in the political issues. No group should feel that the only means of action is silence if in disagreement with the reigning political philosophy. To be effectively prohibited from engaging in the political dimension of these problems is unfortunate and inherently unjust, because all of the other stakeholders are engaging in these discussions. Two prominent examples of this are the perchlorate contamination in the City of Aberdeen production wells, and the absence of an aggressive unexploded ordnance (UXO) remediation policy. Perchlorate was released into the environment during testing and training activities at APG and it rapidly migrated into the shallow groundwater that is a source of drinking water for thousands of people in the City of Aberdeen. Despite a careful risk characterization conducted by the EPA (which relied in part on research conducted by the Air Force), the DoD refuses to acknowledge the potential health risks of the consumption of perchlorate in the drinking water. Much of the debate is taking place behind closed doors and involves the DoD and their contractors, who are responsible for the contamination, but excludes those who are affected by the contamination. The EPA appears to have been greatly marginalized and ignored in this debate, hence we are left with the feeling that our needs and concerns are totally unrepresented. The debate over what to do about UXO has been ongoing for years. We have watched while the DoD succeeded in defining away the problem with the release of the EPA's Military Munitions Rule, a laundry list of exemptions from responsibility to remediate UXO. Although UXO anywhere is a risk and a hazard, it is only considered to be "waste" if it has been removed from its landing spot and discarded as waste. If it is not waste, it cannot be addressed under CERCLA Superfund and the EPA has no jurisdiction. The DoD can therefore spend millions of dollars to remove chemical contamination from a site, while leaving any residual UXO in place. From the EPA perspective, the site cleanup is complete, despite the fact that UXO remain, along with the risks and hazards. BLUEPRINT FOR COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IN APG CLEANUP DECISIONS The following outline contains a brief discussion of the major issues that we have identified over the years that remain unresolved or un-addressed. We do not have the time to go into the details on these issues, however more information can be obtained in the APGSCC TAG Close Out Report, which also lists the background documents and summaries that have helped to frame this outline. TOP PRIORITY ISSUES Perryman and Aberdeen Well Fields The most abundant drinking water resources in Harford County lie beneath Aberdeen Proving Ground. This is unfortunate because Army activities continue to threaten these important natural resources. There are two well fields that straddle the base boundary. The Perryman well field is contaminated with TCE from historic activities. The TCE came from a former fire training area. While the contaminated soil has been removed, the TCE remains in the groundwater. Explosive chemicals are periodically detected in monitoring wells and one of the production wells. The exact source of the explosives has not been determined, but it could be from anywhere since UXO are everywhere throughout the area. The contamination in the Perryman well field is being removed by carbon filtration. The temporary water treatment plant is in the process of being replaced by a larger permanent plant. The City of Aberdeen well field is contaminated with perchlorate from historical as well as recent training activities. Perchlorate has been found in nearly all of the wells and is known to have migrated off-post. Although the DoD prohibits APG from taking specific action to remediate the perchlorate contamination, several interim steps have been taken. The perchlorate contamination has been delineated and the production wells are being sampled weekly. Activities that are known to result in the release of perchlorate have ceased (in the vicinity of the Aberdeen well field) to prevent additional contamination. APGSCC has made it very clear that we expect APG to address the perchlorate contamination. We have been told by EPA that action will be taken, although no one has specified what this means. Finally, we are waiting on the development and implementation APG's proposed well head protection plan. This is something that we have recommended for years. A well head protection plan should restrict activities that could result in the release of chemical contaminants in the well head recharge zones. By prohibiting or limiting such activities APG will reduce the likelihood of introducing additional contamination into the well fields. Unresolved Issues: 1. Progress on the construction of the new treatment plant for the Perryman well field should be monitored. 2. Routine groundwater monitoring reports for the Perryman well field should be reviewed to make sure that the water treatment plant captures the groundwater contamination. 3. The perchlorate contamination in the City of Aberdeen well field must be addressed. We continue to recommend the installation of ion exchange resins on the wells with the highest levels of perchlorate. This will be the cheapest and easiest solution for the problem at APG. 4. It is imperative that APG implement a strong, effective well head protection plan to prevent additional contamination from reaching these important groundwater resources. Boundary Buffer Zone For many years APGSCC has requested that APG designate a strip of land along the entire base (land) boundary to be preserved as a buffer zone between the off-post community and the active ranges. Our vision is that this strip of land would be cleaned up so that it is free of UXO and chemical contamination. While some at APG have expressed support for this concept, there appear to be significant obstacles to its implementation. One step that we took was to request that the EPA conduct a study of historical aerial photographs of the base boundary in order to help identify suspect or problem areas. This will help us to prioritize the cleanup of the base boundary. EPA will soon make a formal request that APG conduct a survey to detect metallic anomalies along the Aberdeen Area boundary - both on- and off-post. This will provide us with some basic information regarding the location and density of metallic anomalies, which may represent UXO. Based on this information, in combination with the aerial photographs, we can determine where additional, more detailed surveys are needed. Unresolved Issues: 1. The community will need to evaluate the results of the surveys and discuss response options with APG and the EPA. 2. Since we have no guarantee that future activities that could harm the environment or present a risk to human health will be prohibited from the boundary buffer zone, we will need to continue the dialogue with APG regarding appropriate land uses in the boundary buffer zone area. Land Use Controls, Institutional Controls, Five Year Reviews and Long Term Oversight While it is best to remove contamination and hazards from a site so that the site is safe for any use, this is often not possible for economic or technical reasons. At APG, for instance, chemical contamination cleanup may be approached in such a way that a site is safe for industrial use but not for residential use. Even when chemical contamination is removed to permit unlimited use, the likely presence of UXO may prevent site access. It is important that APG be clear that UXO remain an unresolved problem. When waste is left in place, institutional and land use controls are required to prevent unacceptable human exposures. Institutional controls are generally thought of as legal and regulatory mechanisms restricting land use. Examples of institutional controls include deed restrictions, and requirements to get permission before drilling a well. Land use controls are restrictions on how land may be used, for instance a prohibition on residential use. These are extremely important concepts, because institutional and land use controls can be difficult to implement. At APG for instance it is nearly impossible to prevent trespassers from accessing the shoreline. With over 100 miles of shoreline, adequate policing is just not available. It is therefore imperative that community stakeholders play a prominent role in the process of critical evaluation, implementation and oversight of the management of these residual risks and hazards. Community input is required not only in the development of appropriate institutional and land use controls, which is feasible during the selection of remedial actions, but for long-term oversight of the implementation of institutional and land use controls. There is currently no mechanism for such long-term oversight. Related issues are that of Five Year Reviews and Annual Certification. Every five years, APG must conduct a review of remedial actions and evaluate whether they continue to be protective of human health and the environment. Some remedial actions require annual certification. It is imperative that a mechanism be developed to incorporate the community into this oversight, and these responsibilities can and should be bundled into that of the long-term oversight of land use and institutional controls. Unresolved Issues: 1. There is currently no plan for the inclusion of concerned and interested citizens in the long-term oversight of institutional controls. There needs to be a better-organized effort of oversight, including institutional controls as well as five-year reviews, and annual certifications. This could be accomplished through the Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) itself, but we would recommend that the RAB establish a subcommittee to focus on these issues. 2. There has yet to be a clearly articulated approach to the integration of site-specific institutional controls with the more general facility-wide institutional controls. Site-specific controls are governed by clear regulations and guidance for selection, implementation and criteria for release. Facility-wide institutional controls are not designed to address specific toxic wastes that have been left in place precluding unlimited use and unrestricted exposure. The integration of site-specific and facility-wide institutional controls must be accomplished in order to increase the effectiveness of institutional controls. 3. APGSCC discourages any land transfers or joint use land agreements. The risk of UXO and toxic waste dumps make these ventures very dangerous. UXO and CWM Issues APG has recovered hundreds if not thousands of UXO. Unfortunately, there are millions of UXO that remain both on land and in the water surrounding APG. Some of these UXO contain chemical agents. There are technical as well as economic reasons, which limit the recovery of UXO. APGSCC supports the aggressive policing of the APG shoreline to identify and remove UXO where the community (specifically, boaters) is most likely to encounter them. Our concerns for UXO tie directly to our recommendations for a safe boundary buffer zone and the development and implementation of effective institutional and land use controls with community oversight. A related concern is the destruction of UXO by open detonation (OD) and the destruction of excess propellants by open burning (OB). These methods of destruction release contaminants into the environment and we are not convinced that attempts to reduce or contain contaminant release are adequate. Millions of dollars have been spent to develop alternatives to OB/OD. It is time to make a full transition to the use of alternative destruction and disposal methods. The State of Maryland is in the process of finalizing the interim RCRA permit that governs the OB/OD sites at APG. The community should make sure that they voice their concerns during the public comment period of the RCRA permit process. Unresolved Issues: 1. The search for and removal of UXO and chemical warfare materiel (CWM) along the APG boundary and shorelines must be accomplished to protect the off-post community. These are the areas where the local community is most likely to encounter UXO/CWM. This initiative must be aggressive and persistent. 2. The open burning of propellants, which are a source of perchlorate, must cease immediately. Similarly, the open detonation of UXO should be ended. 3. APGSCC should take the opportunity to comment on the RCRA open burning and open detonation permit when the opportunity arises. 4. EPA should encourage states to adopt CERCLA models of public participation for more effective citizen involvement. In RCRA oversight. The current model, which only permits public comment at the end of the RCRA permit process, is clearly inadequate. Biological Warfare Agents APG was historically the site of tests using biological warfare agents and simulants. This is and has been a significant concern for the community. APGSCC has repeatedly requested more detailed information regarding the location of these testing activities, and was successful in triggering a survey of these activities and test sites by APG. Unfortunately, the Army has declined to release any of this information to the community, or to answer our most general questions regarding the location of any areas that might merit additional sampling. We have been told by APG that of all the biological agents that may have been tested at APG, only anthrax would remain viable after decades in the environment. We have not been given any documentation to corroborate this assertion. Unresolved Issues: 1. Despite repeated requests, APG refuses to provide additional information regarding the results of the historical document research on the testing of biological warfare agents at APG. 2. It is not clear if APG is implementing precautionary testing for the presence of anthrax throughout the Other Edgewood Areas, or only in select locations. Radioactive Waste and Depleted Uranium Concerns Radioactive wastes are generated by testing training exercises, routine laboratory work, and munitions testing (e.g., depleted uranium, DU). There are several types of contaminated sites that have been documented at APG. First, there are the radioactive waste storage sites that have been contaminated by leaking waste. Second, there are the open-air test sites that have been contaminated by the use of open air testing of DU. Third; there are the undocumented dump sites. The location of the storage sites are known, and are allegedly under the control of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). We know the location of some of the major areas of DU testing. We do not know the location of the undocumented dumps. One site was found in the Bush River Study Area, and was remediated several years ago. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and EPA cleanup guidelines differ in their level of protectiveness, with EPA cleanup guidelines representing the more stringent of the two. Community stakeholders should make sure that radioactive waste cleanups in the future adhere to the EPA cleanup guidelines. Unresolved Issues: 1. The depleted uranium contamination will remain a concern as long as it is present. Particular concern is for the potential migration pathways. 2. EPA should support the complete remediation of radiological waste sites and former storage areas, regardless of whether the site was cleaned up previously under an NRC license, such as the Fords Farm radiological waste storage site. ... -- Lenny Siegel Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight c/o PSC, 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/961-8918 <> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CPEO: A DECADE OF SUCCESS. Your generous support will ensure that our important work on military and environmental issues will continue. Please consider one of our donation options. Thank you.|721-0 | |
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