2004 CPEO Military List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 10 Mar 2004 20:31:59 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Army to test more wells near plant
Army to test more wells near plant
By Scott De Laruelle
March 10, 2004

The Army is expanding its sampling program of private wells south of the
Badger Army Ammunition Plant after two wells tested positive for

Badger Installation Director Joan Kenney said the Army will be going
door-to-door to contact residents to test about 75 private wells.

In December, two private wells on Keller Road tested positive for the
chemical dinitrotoluene, considered a possible human carcinogen by the
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry -- the first time the
substance was discovered in wells outside the plant. According to the
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, DNT is used in the
production of explosives and ammunition.

DNR hyrdogeologist Steve Ales, who has been advising the Army in its
cleanup effort, said the Army will begin identifying homes to sample
this week. He said the testing region extends roughly from Gruber's
Grove Bay south to Prairie du Sac.

"We're going to go door-to-door and make sure we get all the folks in
the area concerned -- it's part of the investigation," Kenney said. "In
addition to sampling the wells to make sure the water is safe, we're
mounting a groundwater investigation of all monitoring wells in the area
to further check on groundwater."

The Army samples monitoring wells in and outside of the plant every
three months, Kenney said, and the two wells that tested positive for
DNT in December did not in September. She said the Army is still
receiving results from its December testing.

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