2004 CPEO Military List Archive

From: lsiegel@np.craigslist.org
Date: 15 Sep 2004 18:25:01 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Noise at Little Rock Air Force Base
Air base seeks to extend noise controls

Arkansas Leader
September 15, 2004

Because the all-new C-130Js are slightly noisier than their predecessors
and more flight training is being done at night, the noise from Little
Rock Air Force Base is extending farther than it did just five years ago.

In a presentation before the Jacksonville Planning Commission Monday, Lt.
Col. Gene Taylor, 314th Operational Support Squadron commander, told the
commissioners that the base has recently completed a new air installation
compatible use zone study (AICUZ). The last one was done in 1992, and
based on that study the city developed tighter building and development
ordinances for civilian land within the study zone.

Now the base is recommending even tighter controls over a broader area.

The major concern base officials have is with the noise the base's
training program emits. "Flying at night and with the type of aircraft we
are now using, the noise travels further," Taylor said.


fro the entire article, see

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