2004 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lsiegel@cpeo.org>
Date: 28 Oct 2004 05:35:36 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Rocky Mountain Arsenal offpost groundwater
Presentation delivered by John Yelenick <yelenick@earthlink.net> to the Rocky Mountain Arsenal Citizen Advisory Board (CAB), formerly the Medical Monitoring Advisory Group (MMAG) on October 19, 2004. Dedicated to the late Roland Russell – MMAG Co-Chairperson and Co-Author of the MMAG Minority Report:

Members of this Committee:

Pursuant to page one of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal Offpost Record of Decision, groundwater contributes approximately 75 percent of the total carcinogenic risk to the RMA offpost population. However, during August of 1988, medical monitoring of the public for exposures related to groundwater contamination was politically negated. Instead MMAG emphasis was placed upon exposure prevention related to onpost soil remediation and air monitoring.

Since the December 1995 formation of the MMAG, the groundwater offpost community has experienced a statistically significant elevation in lymphoma’s, brain, lung and pancreatic cancers. We are currently witnessing genetic abnormalities in the RMA groundwater impacted South Platte sucker fish – abnormalities which are the first of their kind discovered in Colorado and perhaps the nation. DIMP exposure results in liver and kidney damage. However, only one week ago, a conclusion by the federal Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses confirmed a "probable link" between neurological damage and to acetylcholinesterase inhibitors – of which DIMP contaminated groundwater, in combination with fluoride or chloroform, could reasonably generate comparable affects.

Obscuring offpost groundwater medical monitoring was justified by the regulators who emphasized the planned construction of an alternate water supply for citizens located in the offpost groundwater contamination pathway – a federally recognized Environmental Justice community without neighborhood medical clinics. It is the alternate water supply quality and delivery, a project that is to be completed by the end of October 2004, that I now will address.

Despite written indemnification's to the contrary, the US Army/Shell Oil Company installation designee, South Adams Water and Sanitation District in unison with and under the purported supervision of Commerce City construction inspectors, did allow for the improper installation of distribution pipelines relative to the final finished grade elevations. Construction so improper, that during July 2004, a buried fire hydrant had its top hex bolt, sheared-off by a weed-mowing contractor. Extensive pre-construction improvements, including asphalt paving and private driveways that were removed from private property/and public right-of-ways without their warranted replacement. Regulators have subsequently directed that the onus of repairs and replacement be placed on adjacent property owners.

Despite current USEPA-CERCLA statutory rights of access to potentially contaminated property, State and local regulators have imposed or are attempting to impose additional non-compensated surface and sub-surface easements across private property as a condition precedent to private development under the RMA-ROD, Institutional Controls - for new domestic wells. As an example, an Adams County 2003 building permitted, fully-framed residence, having petitioned regulators for an alternate water supply because of DIMP contamination at or exceeding 8ppb, -sits idle - awaiting water connection assurances from the US Army/Shell Oil Company. Surprisingly, County and City regulators are currently attempting to impose residential development upon Industrially zoned lands - yes, zoned Industrial for decades, also impacted by RMA groundwater contamination and operating pursuant to a State sanctioned "Voluntary Clean Up Plan".

Let me not omit the current delivery of questionable SACWSD "alternate" water quality, which compared to the previously utilized aquifer water quality, is deteriorating private metal water lines and metal plumbing fixtures.

In conclusion, during February 1998, Chemical Weapons Treaty Organization- Director General: Jose Bustani, himself confirmed, that DIMP is covered by the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). The CWC prohibits the release of DIMP into the environment. However, in February 2004 the US Department of State, responding to an inquiry made by US Colorado Senator Allard disclosed that the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment may waive international CWC requirements in lieu of domestic legal standards (concerning DIMP). I was, and am currently - appalled. No other United States ‘state’ has ever over-ruled the protections afforded people under the Chemical Weapons Convention. I urge the MMAG to meet its purported mandate to prevent exposure, identify health concerns, and inform the community by re-engaging issues related to the RMA-ROD offpost groundwater contamination pathway and the purported Institutional Control protections which lie dormant or unabated.

John Yelenick, Community Co-Chairperson 1996-1998: RMA US Army's Restoration Advisory Board

Lenny Siegel
Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight
c/o PSC, 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041
Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545
Fax: 650/961-8918

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