2006 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lsiegel@cpeo.org>
Date: 5 May 2006 02:56:04 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [CPEO-MEF] Perchlorate in fireworks, Marshfield, MA]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [CPEO-MEF] Perchlorate in fireworks, Marshfield, MA
Date: 	Thu, 4 May 2006 15:18:38 EDT
From: 	Karen4theCamp@cs.com
To: 	lsiegel@cpeo.org

In a message dated 5/3/06 10:15:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
lsiegel@cpeo.org writes:


Lenny I would like to post a response to this letter.
Karen Kingston

Kathryn Webers should be lauded for her exceptional service to her community and her understanding of our generations endeavor to deed a sustainable environment to future generations.

Camp Bonneville Military Reservation was closed under BRAC and suffers
with issues of a PERCHLORATE Plume that is today unmitigated.  In 2004
an acre plus munitions landfill was remediated via a cleanup action.
During the excavation, by Tetra Tech, a gigantic pit of burned and
unused fireworks was found.  This find was not unsuspected as records
supported the knowledge that Clark County and federal agencies were
burying confiscated fireworks at Camp Bonneville for more than 30
years.  We just were not certain where.

Supporting documents and testimony from the Army, FBI, Clark County, the
WA Department of Ecology, and the EPA make the issue of what an
absolutely serious threat to society this past practice has become.
Kathryn Webers needs to know that her concerns are founded and here in
Vancouver, Washington, proof exists.  The federal documents detailing
fireworks contamination, what it has done to groundwater, watershed, and
the millions of federal tax dollars already spent due to the burial of
fireworks at Camp Bonneville, are public record.

I have never been to Marshfield and yet I grieve for Kathryn and the
public she serves.  At Camp Bonneville, the fireworks pit dug at
Landfill 4/Demo Site 1 was large enough to drive cars into.  As the
plume was not completely mitigated and is still on the move toward
residential homes.  We can only guess where else the fireworks were
buried.  It is not a surprise that the testimonies taken on the burials
are lacking and are marginally trustworthy.  Camp Bonneville sits upon
the Troutdale Aquifer which supplies water to most of southwest
Washington and then travels under the Columbia River and supplies water
into Portland, Oregon.  PERCHLORATES sinking characteristics mean that
any aquifer, especially those with shallow formations, with PERCHLORATE
in the soil above it jeopardizes the sustainability of clean water for
all generations to come.

Karen Kingston
Civic Volunteer
Camp Bonneville Restoration Advisory Board Co-Chair
Twenty year history with Camp Bonneville, Vancouver, Washington
Email: Karen4TheCamp@CS.com

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