From: To: Sent: 11/19/2010
10:14:49 P.M. Pacific Standard Time Subj: Re: [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Will
Moffett Field (CA) be sold?
I would think that most any "city" or community, would in the
future find it self in need of an airport (unless they
can absolutely determine they they will never need one) for
their transportation needs. This would be their golden opportunity to claim
one for the future. So many decisions are made without the far future
considered, and regretted later for not being inclusive enough on things that
they may need or like to have later on. Even Big Bear & Jacumba CA
have airfields, San Diego's (Lindberg Field needs to expand, but alas
they can't find a suitable area, even though we have at least 8 major
military/civilian airfields. (Lindbergh, North Island, Miramar, Brown Field,
Ream Field, Gillespie Field, Palomar and Montgomery)
Well, aircraft maintenance/repair, fueling, waste disposals etc.
have for too long and at too many facilities been done wrong
and incorrectly. If proper procedures and best practices are
followed, fueling and "fuel cleanup", and other aircraft and vehicle
operations should not create "problems". Things just need to be done
correctly, which should be a condition for government (especially
government) and private business operations, anywhere &
everywhere. Yes, and they need to "clean up" their act, no pun
intended. For too many years people have been doing things that are
harmful to the environment, and that it has to change. My
point here is to give something valuable to the community, especially if it's
needed in the future, and not give it to a developer who will build
houses and malls on it, and then sometime later wish they had and functional
"airport", instead of "over development" Just some thoughts on
this. ~Cfw~~
In a message dated 11/19/2010 6:39:13 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
does Mountain View need an airport? The cause of much of the Navy's
environmental problem for cleanup is the result of aircraft maintenance.
This same problem plagues many airports around the country.
Peter Strauss
I think this is another of those "developer opportunities" that will
ultimately brood bad for citizens and people of the area. I believe
what should happen is that the Military (Government) retain ownership, at
least until the cleanup is completed, and then give (sell for a
dollar) to the City or community of Mountain View for their main
municipal airport for their future use. Do not sell out
to the developers, they will exploit it, make area citizens responsible
for "clean-up", and then develop it and make lots of money on it, as they
will expect to get it for next to nothing. Also, it makes be hard in
the future for the City to buy land and develop an airport when they need
one. ~Cfw~~
In a message dated 11/19/2010 12:30:58 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
find this story confusing because it blends the various sections of
the former Moffett Naval Air Station, but it seems to be based upon
information from someone in Washington wanting the federal
government to sell the runways and perhaps more. -
Should Government Airport Used by Google Founders be
By Jane Wells CNBC November 19, 2010
costs $6.7 million a year to operate.
It's a convenient parking
lot for the private jets of two of the world's richest
And it's sitting on a prime piece of real estate - the heart
of the Silicon Valley - which has some murmuring it should just be
But, its greatest treasure is a towering toxic nightmare
that may cost as much as $50 million to repair and
Moffett Field is a legendary Naval Air Station in
Mountain View, Calif. best known for the massive hangars which
famously accommodated wartime military blimps. The base was closed
in 1994 and taken over by NASA Ames Research Center. Spread over
1,800 acres, the airfield houses important wind tunnels for testing
and an Air National Guard wing.
For the entire
story, see
Lenny Siegel Executive Director, Center for Public
Environmental Oversight a project of the Pacific Studies
Center 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918
or 650/969-1545 Fax:
650/961-8918 <>
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