SAVE THE DATES: March 17-18 EPA Vapor Intrusion Stakeholder Forum & Technical Workshop EPA Vapor Intrusion Stakeholder Forum Monday, March 17, 2014, 1:00-4:00 pm Pacific time. U.S. EPA will hold its 2014 Vapor Intrusion Stakeholder Forum at the Mission Valley Marriott in San Diego on Monday afternoon, March 17, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm PDT. This year the Forum will consist primarily of role-playing exercises, including "door-knocking" and a community meeting. Before we learn from the experts about the state of the art for investigating, mitigating, and monitoring vapor intrusion, let's spend a few hours reflecting the best way to engage the public in addressing contamination in their homes and other buildings. If you can attend the AEHS West Coast Conference*, please join in person. We are still recruiting volunteers at the conference to play the roles of regulators knocking on residential doors as well as community participants at the community meeting. If you cannot be at the Conference, for the first time you will be able to observe the session via VIDEO STREAMING. This real-time broadcast will be provided free of charge. We will provide instructions and details as the event approaches (streaming will be provided using a different mechanism than the webinar for the technical workshop described below). We hope to invite online questions and comments at the appropriate time during the event. EPA Vapor Intrusion Technical Workshop Tuesday, March 18, 2014, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Pacific time EPA will convene a technical workshop on vapor intrusion entitled, Long Term Stewardship: Challenges, Need, & Benefits. If you can attend the AEHS West Coast Conference at the Marriott*, please join in person. If you cannot be at the Conference, you can observe the session via webinar. There is no cost to attend this webinar. Attendees may choose to listen using their computer speakers or via a toll-free number provided by GoToWebinar. Participants will have the opportunity to submit questions online through the webinar software. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar. Please be sure to answer the survey question on the number of people attending per line so that we can get an accurate attendance count. You will also receive a link to the presentations prior to the webinar.
Lenny Siegel Executive Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight a project of the Pacific Studies Center 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/961-8918