In the near absence of federal funding … CPEO/PSC needs help I know everyone gets lots of
funding requests. I seem to hear from a presidential candidate every 15
minutes. So I promise to limit the number of pleas I send out to each of CPEO’s
lists. Early in 2019, the Pacific
Studies Center (CPEO’s host) board of directors asked me to consider closing
our office/library when our lease runs out at the end of February, 2020. However,
as I saw how our unique collection of decades worth of hard-copy documents and
files – focused on environmental contamination and reuse issues - provides valuable
information for people who have nowhere else to go, I’ve decided to keep it
open. I’ve also decided to continue our newsgroups and discussion lists. Our rent, even in Mountain View’s
low-rent district, will be $1700/month. Donations are our principle source of
income. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation. Even without salary, I
am committed to making up the difference from my limited personal funds. To donate, go to Lenny (Since the Trump Administration
cut EPA’s funding, we’ve lost our federal-origin funding. We do get, through
EPA, a small amount from the polluters at local Superfund sites. Nearly all
that money goes to pay a technical consultant.)
Lenny Siegel Executive Director Center for Public Environmental Oversight A project of the Pacific Studies Center P.O. Box 998, Mountain View, CA 94042 Voice/Fax: 650-961-8918