Re: Who is using this Newsgroup?
10 Oct 1997 09:58:08

From: Charles Lee <>

I am Charles Lee, Director of Environmental Justice for the United Church
of Christ Commission for Racial Justice. I also chair the Waste and
Facility Siting Subcommittee of the EPA National Environmental Justice
Advisory Council. As many know, we conducted a series of public dialogues
which resulted in the report "Environmental Justice, Urban Revitalization
and Brownfields: The Search for Authentic Signs of Hope." My interest in
brownfields is long standing and focuses around environmental justice and
public health, in an expanded definition that deals with race, class and
social equity, health and sustainability.

Presently, I am a Visiting Scholar at the Rutgers University Dept of Urban
Studies and Community Health and the Environmental and Occupational Health
Science Institute. I am in the process of putting together a national
symposium/conference on Public Health and Brownfields. EOHSI has agreed to
host such a conference. If anyone is interested in the subject, please
contact me.

Charles Lee