1998 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Eileen Carey <EileenC@ci.bridgeport.ct.us>
Date: 24 Mar 1998 14:38:49
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Re: What do you think about the Showcase Communities?
The working group started out, and has largely remained, the
representatives from each of the pilots.  Therefore they were, two
people from the Bridgeport Economic Development staff most involved in
the pilot, the ED Director from New Haven, and two people from the
Valley Regional Planning Agency (VRPA) for the Naugautck Valley pilot.
Since the Naugatuck Valley it itself made up of 9 communities, they are
represented under the VRPA.

This group of 5 was primarily responsible for writing the grant
application, with Bridgeport as the lead agency on the application.  We
had the support of every Mayor in the collaboration, totalling 11...as
well as the 2 Senators, and the 3 Congresspeople whose districts we fall
under (two Democrats, and one Republican). 

Since we submitted our grant we have brought in more people from a more
diverse background to provide input...such as a Bridgeport City Atty,
New Haven Foundation (a non-profit), Chamber of Commerce, Mayors,
Private Attys, United Illuminating, People's Bank, Chase Manhattan Bank,
Bridgeport Regional Business Council, Housatonic Valley Association,
Naugatuck Valley Project, and maybe a few others.

So, I guess at this point it is a pretty large joint effort begun by the
pilots and the 11 towns and cities, but we would desire to expand the
participation to other organizaitons, non-profits, etc. 

We have not gotten the award, and therefore, are unsure about what lies
ahead.  We are meeting this Friday to discuss our plans to continue to
move forward, but obviously we have to alter our plans.

I would be happy to give you more information if you have any other
questions...and of course, I always welcome comments/suggestions as we
look for ways to continue our efforts without the designation.

>From:  Lenny Siegel[SMTP:lsiegel@igc.apc.org]
>Sent:  Tuesday, March 24, 1998 1:19 PM
>To:  cpro-brownfields@igc.apc.org
>Subject:  Re: What do you think about the Showcase Communities?
>I'm interested in learning more about your regional working group. Is it
>joint effort of several cities, or are there other organizations
>(non-profits, community organizations, etc.) involved.
>In the Bay Area we have a cross-constituency regional working group with
>regular participation from most of the pilot cities in the area.
>Lenny Siegel
>Director, SFSU CAREER/PRO (and Pacific Studies Center)
>c/o PSC, 222B View St., Mountain View, CA 94041
>Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545
>Fax: 650/968-1126

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