1998 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Career/Pro <cpro@igc.apc.org>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 18:47:25 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: ATSDR Funds for Brownfields Showcase Communities (fwd)
Deadline August 10 for ATSDR Funds for Brownfields Showcase Communities

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) announces 
the availability of FY 1998 funds for pilot activity with a select number of
local health departments to demonstrate effective public health
interventions around Brownfields properties.  The purpose of this project
is to assist the local public health departments (LHDs) with jurisdiction
in the 16 Brownfields Showcase Communities to develop and implement
strategies to ensure that efforts to remediate and redevelop properties do
not present environmental public health hazards to current and future
community residents.

(A copy of the Federal Register notice is available on the EPA Brownfields
Web site at: http://www.epa.gov/brownfields/mmatters.htm#fund
a synopsis follows:)

Enhancement of Local Public Health Departments Participation in Brownfields 
Decisions and Actions; Notice of Availability of Funds

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
(ATSDR) announces the availability of FY 1998 funds
for pilot activity with a select number of local health
departments to demonstrate effective public health
interventions around Brownfields properties.  The purpose
of this project is to assist the local public health
departments (LHDs) with jurisdiction in the 16 Brownfields
Showcase Communities to develop and implement strategies
to ensure that efforts to remediate and redevelop properties
do not present environmental public health hazards to
current and future community residents.

Approximately $350,000 is available in FY 1998 to fund an
estimated five to seven awards.  The average award is
expected to be $60,000, ranging from $50,000 to $70,000.
It is expected that the awards will begin on or about
September 30, 1998, and will be made for a 12-month budget
and project period.  Funds may be expended for reasonable
program purposes, such as personnel, travel, supplies, and

Eligibility for the funding is limited to the 16 Brownfields
Showcase Communities, and each community may send only one
application.  The deadline for application submissions is
August 10, 1998.  Applications will be considered as
meeting the deadline is they are either: 1) received on or
before the deadline date; 2) sent on or before the deadline
date and received in time for submission to the objective
review group.

For more information concerning the ATSDR funding, contact
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) home page
at www.cdc.gov.

Information on this funding can also be found via the Internet
on the EPA Brownfields Home Page at:

The Federal Register references are:
[Federal Register: July 1, 1998 (Volume 63, Number 126)]
[Page 35933-35937]
>From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

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