1998 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Shasta2hi@aol.com
Date: 11 Aug 1998 14:11:03
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Re: Title VI - Resolving Uncertainty

In re-reading your original message, I see that there is intent to consider
blight, but is it up to the community to determine its impact or would you
propose they just speak up about it.  If the onus falls upon the community,
efforts to inform all ethnicities would be up to developers, right?

I believe it is essential that all affected communities become informed and be given an opportunity to comment, but I also believe that hard numbers could justify action - a formula for degrees of blight perhaps? 

When government entities award brownfield grants, do they have a scientific
formula to provide money to those most deserving or do they look at grant
writing ability?   If they base their decisions on numbers, what management
process do they use?  What I am looking for is a precedent in determining
actual amount of blight.

Sandra Lunceford

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