1999 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: "Arlene K. Wong" <awong@pacinst.org>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 12:49:21 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Re: Tax the Subsidies and Gentrification
Perhaps someone is able to comment on what can be learned from the policies
related to affordable housing (i.e. housing set asides and subsidies). How
successful have policies requiring affordable housing units been in
preserving communities and preventing gentrification?

-Arlene Wong

At 04:37 PM 2/12/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Why not "tax" the "subsidies" and profits and use the revenue generated to
>promote low-income housing and home ownership, retention of those elements
>that contribute to the "social capital" and other techniques.  Brownfields
>are in some ways the "baths of Ibsen" and therefore can be viewed as the
>"enemy of the People!  Can  we structure the acquisition cost, appraisal,
>tax benefits, profits so that the current and future residents of the
>community benefits. For ex. if a community is attractive because of  the
>prominence of a particular environmental amenity -- park space-- can we
>dedicate a percentage of the revenue that goes to the local, state and
>federal gov't  to be used for maintaining the park and even better educating
>others-- especially children about the importance of open space.  What
>values are promoted and sustained through brownfield revitalization?

Arlene K. Wong			
Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security		
654 13th Street			
Oakland, CA  94612

Voice: 510-251-1600
Fax:  510-251-2203
Website:  www.pacinst.org/pacinst

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