1999 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: "Dan Durett" <ddurett@oncon.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 09:30:03 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Re: DC'S Relationship between BF Laws and RCRA

Thanks for the insight and the questions re:  WY and TX.  As a resident of
the District of Columbia, often viewed as a "colony" of the feds, I to would
like to gain any info. re: bwnfields and community revitalization and
"state" DC policy.  Thanks !

>Hello Everyone,
>After reading the press release about the Brownfields Bill in Wyoming, I
>noticed that "state primacy" was an issue the Governor was concerned
>about.  Last friday, I asked a WY resident what she thought of the
>Brownfields bill and and she reiterated the same concerns the governor
>had.  She was concerned the "... WY brownfields law would place in
>jeopardy WY's primacy in RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act)
>and Clean Water & Air." She also goes on to say that in she heard of a
>similar situation in Texas where EPA threatened to take away their RCRA
>"primacy" due to an extreme brownfields bill there.
>Here are some questions I have for the newsgroup:
>1)Since I have little knowledge of RCRA, can someone give an explanation
>on the relationship between state regulations, brownfields, and RCRA?
>What exactly is "primacy"?
>2)Do you know of any states where Brownfields-related hazardous waste
>legislation has been questioned by US EPA, particularly to the point
>where delegated authority, such as under RCRA, is threatened?
>3) Is anyone familiar with the Texas situation that the WY resident
>talked about?
>Thanks in advance for your help
>Tony Chenhansa
>Tony Chenhansa,  Program Coordinator
>Center for Public Environmental Oversight (CPEO)
>425 Market Street 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA  94105
>ph: 415-405-7751 fx: 415-904-7765
>e-mail: tonyc@cpeo.org
>A program of the San Francisco Urban Institute

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