1999 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: "Robert G. Paterson" <rgfp@mail.utexas.edu>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 16:01:03 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: help request: Materials for Graduate Seminar on Brownfields
I'm putting together a syllabus for a graduate seminar on brownfield
redevelopment that I will be teaching this summer in Austin, Texas. 
Just checking to see if any new materials are out (or about to be out)
that I have not run across.  I'm very interested in any *videos* on
brownfield issues--since 3 days in a row of three-hour classes each week
will benefit from some alternative instructional media (e.g., videos of
successful projects, programs etc, or on ESA process/or use of
remediation technologies etc.,). It will be an aggresive course with
just six weeks to go through the ABA text and we will have field trips
to US EPA Region 6, the Dallas Showcase community, Houston model
program, TNRCC Voluntray Cleanup Program, and we will look at some
brownfield redevelopment projects in Austin in some depth. 

I plan to use the ABA text by Davis and Margolis (1997) Brownfields: A
Comprehensive Guide to Redeveloping Contaminated Property (ABA Press),
unless someone can suggest a more complete treatment of legal,
financial, environmental, and economic issues (in one or two texts).  I
have the ULI reader, ICMA reader, Midwest Institute texts, Government
Institute texts, ASTM brownfield publications, and about 100 journal
articles (and have downloaded the IRM materials and have links to about
20 other decent brownfield webpage sites that students can explore).

Please recommend any texts, journal articles, web-sites, videos that you
think are particularly valuable/instructive (and ideally where I can
find them -- if its a video or web page). Respond to me directly, and
I'll re-post the composite list of suggestions to the entire list-serv.

Thanks for any suggestions,

Bob Paterson

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