1999 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: 34.PM@igc.org
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 18:11:05 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Request for help: Looking for prototype agreements
Subject:  Looking for prototype agreements

Thank you for responding to my inquiry and for your willingness to help
my search. I would appreciate your forwarding this message to members of
your mailing list.

As we discussed over the phone, I'm looking for examples of agreements
contracts between community or citizen groups and government entities or
private industries, pertaining to community oversight of and involvement
the clean up of sites with toxic, hazardous or radioactive waste. The
Environmental Defense Fund would be using the fruits of this research
ideas to draft a contract between a community advisory committee and a
laboratory involved in restoring a site contaminated with low-level
radioactive waste.  Information about any conceptually related
would be welcome.

Responses may be directed to Jaclyn Savolainen or 
Jim Tripp, both reachable at 212-505-2100.
Or by email:  jaclyn_savolainen@edf.org or jim_tripp@edf.org

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