From: | Kathleen Dallaire <> |
Date: | Mon, 20 Sep 1999 09:57:05 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-brownfields |
Subject: | Survey - Perceived Liability as a Barrier to Brownfields Redevelopment Projects |
Original Message from Kathleen Dallaire ( I am requesting your participation in a research project for a doctoral dissertation at the University of California, Irvine, and related articles regarding the significance of liability in the brownfields process. The attached Survey seeks to obtain your perceptions of liability in light of EPA guidance/policy tools (i.e., prospective purchaser guidance, comfort letters, etc.) to clarify liability; other state and federal government tools and incentives; the private sector's mechanisms to reduce or transfer potential liability risk (i.e., insurance policies and indemnity agreements); and outside market factors. For purposes of this study, "liability" includes remedial (cleanup) liability, liability to repay government agencies or private parties for costs of cleanup or oversight, tort liability (personal injuries, property damage or other losses), or contractual liability. "Brownfields" is defined as any abandoned, idled, or under-used industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination. Your participation is greatly valued and shall remain confidential. Please forward the completed Survey AND the attached original Consent forms signed and initialed as follows: Kathleen L. Dallaire, Ph.D.c. 4533 MacArthur Boulevard, # 541 Newport Beach, CA 92660 If you have any questions regarding this Survey or would like to discuss the research project, please contact me at (949) 488-8397. We sincerely appreciate your participation in this study. NOTE: There is a second important aspect to this research project. I am seeking participation of prospective purchasers and investors of brownfields to learn their perception of liability risk relating to particular sites. The data will be collected from a 30-question survey instrument. To maintain confidentiality, I do not disclose the names of parties, ask the precise location or name of the site. I do ask the type and extent of contamination, type of studies conducted, availability of financing, etc., to identify patterns in the data serving as factors that might enhance or offset concerns of potential liability. Your willingness to participate in this aspect of the research project is critical to the success of the project. Please contact me at (949) 488-8397 or by e-mail: If you are interested in obtaining the results of the study, please contact me. Thank you. --=====================_937868825==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="uci.Consent.txt" UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE CONSENT TO ACT AS A HUMAN RESEARCH SUBJECT Perceived Liability as a Barrier to Brownfields Redevelopment Kathleen L. Dallaire Environmental Analysis & Design (949) 488-8397 NAME OF SUBJECT: _____________________________________________________________ PURPOSE OF STUDY: To determine to what extent perceived liability is a barrier to brownfields redevelopment. Which of the recent environmental laws, policies, programs, and insurance mechanisms to clarify and/or reduce liability actually increase certainty among parties? And, do these attempts to clarify and/or reduce liability actually reduce fear and promote brownfields redevelopment? I have been asked to participate in a research project designed to: Determine my perception of liability associated with the purchase of or involvement with contaminated property. PROCEDURES: If I agree to participate, the following will occur: I will be asked to complete a Survey Instrument. RISKS: Although the Survey Instrument and related records shall remain confidential, there is a possibility these documents could be subpoenaed in the event of a potential claim or lawsuit. BENEFITS: To provide environmental policy makers with knowledge relating to perceptions of potential liability by purchasers, builder/developers, and lenders of contaminated properties; and the effectiveness of recent environmental laws, policies, programs, and insurance mechanisms to clarify and/or reduce liability. COST/COMPENSATION: None OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: None known If, during the course of this study, significant new information which has been developed during the study becomes available, which may relate to my willingness to continue to participate, this information will be provided to me by the investigator. I consent to participate in this study. I understand that any information derived from this research project which personally identifies me win not be voluntarily released or disclosed without my separate consent, except as specifically required by law. I have read this consent form and have been given a copy of it and Part 11 to keep. I consent to participate. ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________ SIGNATURE OF SUBJECT DATE ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________ SIGNATURE OF INVESTIGATOR DATE CONSENT FORM - PART II 1. Participation in research is entirely voluntary. You may refuse to participate or withdraw from participation at any time without jeopardy to future medical care, employment, student status or other entitlements. The investigator may withdraw you at his/her professional discretion. 2. If, during the course of the study, significant new information which has been developed becomes available, which may relate to your willingness to continue to participate, this information will be provided to you by the investigator. 3. Any information derived from this research project that personally identifies you will not be voluntarily released or disclosed without your separate consent except as specifically required by law. 4. If at any time you have questions regarding the research or your participation, you should contact the investigator who must answer all questions to the best of his/her knowledge. A telephone number is provided at the top of Part I of the consent form. 5. If at any time you have comments regarding the conduct of this research or questions about your rights as a research subject, you should contact the UCI Office of Research Administration, 152 Administration Building, Irvine, CA 92697-7600, (949) 824-6068 or (949) 824-2125. For additional information regarding the items above, please telephone the IRB Administration Office at (949) 824-6068 or (949) 824-2125. Subject's Initials ____________ Date ___________________________ USE FOR BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES RESEARCH PROJECTS ONLY Revised 2/97 --=====================_937868825==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="uci.CPEOSurvey.txt" SURVEY 1. Which of the following categories best describe your role(s) in brownfields projects? (Check ALL that apply.) ____ Seller ____ Attorney ____ Buyer or Prospective Purchaser ____ Real Estate Developer or Builder ____ Lessor ____ Officer of Corporation ____ Lessee ____ Stockholder of Corporation ____ Investor/Financial Organization ____ Director of Corporation ____ Real Estate Broker ____ Envtl. Consultant/Contractor ____ Insurance Agency/Co. ____ Construction Contractor ____ Redevelopment Agency ____ Government Agency:______________ ____ Other: _________________________ ____ Other: _________________________ 2. Approximately how many brownfields projects have you been involved in? _______ (By involvement we mean at least actively considering a role in some project.) 3. In which states have the sites been located: __________________________________________________ 4. Have you encountered property owners being reluctant to sell a facility or site? ____ Yes ____ No If yes, please explain the reason why: ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________ 5. In your opinion, please rate in order the five (5) most significant barriers to brownfields projects. 1 Most significant barrier 2 Second most significant barrier 3 Third most significant barrier 4 Fourth most significant barrier 5 Fifth most significant barrier ____ Competition from Agreenfields@ (non-industrial or commercial clean sites) ____ Lack of available brownfields sites ____ Potential for continuing stigma of property ____ Lack of marketability of the property after redevelopment or reuse ____ Potential difficulties in securing tenants ____ Inadequate financial viability of the project ____ Lack of available financing ____ Liability issues ____ Costs associated with environmental cleanup ____ Delays due to environmental cleanup ____ Regulatory process issues ____ Public health concerns ____ Neighborhood opposition ____ High crime rate ____ Environmental justice issues ____ Other: __________________________________________________________________ 6. How concerned are you of becoming liable under environmental laws due to your involvement in a brownfields project? ___ Very concerned ___ Concerned ___ Somewhat concerned ___ Neutral ___ Not concerned 7. In your opinion, what market factors offset concern of potential liability? (Please rate each item. Leave item blank if unknown.) 1 Significantly offsets concerns 2 Offsets concerns 3 Significantly offsets concerns 3 Neutral 4 Does not offset concerns ____ Actual/expected rise in local real-estate values ____ Favorable speculative occupancy/sales ____ Financing acquired with favorable terms ____ Funding from EPA ____ Good financial viability of the brownfields project ____ Good price for the property ____ No land use restrictions ____ Prime location of site ____ Tax incentives ____ Other: __________________________________________________________________ 8. For non-attorneys, do you seek legal advice with respect to potential environmental liability associated with brownfields projects? ____ Always ____ Sometimes ____ Never 9. Which, if any, tools were entered into with a local, state, federal environmental agency to clarify potential environmental liability or clarify uncertainties associated with site cleanup? ____ Prospective Purchaser Agreement Agency: ________________________________ ____ Covenant Not to Sue Agency: ________________________________ ____ Comfort/Status Letter Agency: ________________________________ ____ No Further Action Letter Agency: ________________________________ ____ Other: __________________________ Agency: ________________________________ ____ Other: __________________________ Agency: ________________________________ 10. Were indemnity agreements (or indemnity clauses in the sales agreement) entered into between seller and buyer as part of the brownfields real estate transactions? ____ Yes always ____ Yes in some ____ No 11. Which, if any, types of insurance were purchased for brownfields projects: ____ Professional liability (errors and omissions by public agencies or private firms that manage or deal with contaminated land) ____ Owner/operator liability (covers firms or agencies working on the site) ____ Cleanup cost-cap/stop loss (places upper limit on the cleanup costs for site redevelopers) ____ Legal defense (covers lawsuits associated with liability claims) ____ Re-opener or regulatory action (covers costs associated with any future government actions that require further site cleanup) ____ Other: __________________________________________________________________ ____ None 12. Please rate your concerns regarding uncertainty associated with potential risk of liability with brownfields projects. (Please rate each item. Leave item blank if unknown.) 1 Very concerned 2 Concerned 3 Somewhat concerned 4 Neutral 5 Not concerned ____ Future EPA enforcement under CERCLA ____ Classified as AOwner/Operator@ under CERCLA ____ Classified as AArranger@ under CERCLA ____ Future enforcement under non-CERCLA federal liability ____ Future claims by private or third-parties ____ Future enforcement to more stringent levels of cleanup ____ Future detection of previously undisclosed contamination ____ Future enforcement caused by changes in environmental laws, regulations or technology ____ Other: _________________________________________________________________ 13. In your opinion, to what extent would the following reduce uncertainty relating to environmental risk? (Please rate each item. Leave item blank if unknown.) 1 Significantly reduces risk 2 Reduces risk 3 Somewhat reduces risk 4 Neutral 5 Does not reduce risk ____ Purchase of insurance policies ____ Entering into indemnity agreement ____ Disclosure laws (Seller/Broker to Buyer) ____ Creation of limited liability company/partnership, or equivalent company structure ____ Due Diligence: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and further investigation ____ Entering into voluntary cleanup program with state environmental agency ____ Site closure letter from state regulatory agency ____ Prospective Purchaser Agreement with state regulatory agency (without signed State Memorandum of Agreement (SMOA) with EPA) ____ Site closure letter from EPA ____ Prospective Purchaser Agreement with EPA ____ Comfort/Status Letter from EPA ____ Elimination of re-opener clause in agreements with environmental agency ____ State Memorandum of Agreement (SMOA) signed with EPA ____ Reauthorization of Federal Superfund law (CERCLA) to clarify and reduce liability for prospective purchasers, innocent third parties, and others ____ Other: _________________________________________________________________ 14. Please identify all the statutes, government liability guidance policies and private mechanisms for managing liability risks that, in your opinion, have been effective in overcoming perceived risks from uncertainties about liability and cleanup costs? (Please rate each item.) 1 Very effective 2 Effective 3 Somewhat effective 4 Not at all effective 5 No knowledge ____ Insurance policies ____ Indemnity agreements ____ Third party and innocent landowner defenses ____ Prospective purchaser policy ____ Policy on Comfort/Status letters ____ Removal of site from federal CERCLIS database ____ Owners of property containing contaminated aquifers guidance ____ Lender liability rule for underground storage tanks ____ Asset Conservation, Lender Liability and Deposit Insurance Protection Act that clarifies liability for lenders ____ Other: __________________________________________________________________ ____ Other: __________________________________________________________________ 15. Please rate your concern of the types of potential liability associated with brownfields projects. (Please rate each item. Leave item blank if unknown.) 1 Very concerned 2 Concerned 3 Somewhat concerned 4 Neutral 5 Not concerned ____ Strict liability under CERCLA (liability without fault) ____ Joint and several liability under CERCLA (any party may be liable for the full cost of cleanup if other parties cannot be found or are without resources) ____ Retroactive liability under CERCLA ____ Liability under other federal environmental statutes (i.e., RCRA, CWA, etc.) ____ Liability under state environmental statutes ____ Liability under common law causes of action such as trespass, nuisance, and negligence (i.e., torts such as personal injury, property damage) ____ Contractual liability between Buyer and Seller, and other contractual relationships ____ Other: __________________________________________________________________ Please return this Survey with the signed and initialed Consent forms as follows: Kathleen L. Dallaire, Ph.D.c. 4533 MacArthur Boulevard, #541 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Thank you! --=====================_937868825==_-- | |
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