2000 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: jamie.pickard@cclr.org
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 11:57:56 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Managing Environmental Challenges on Your Project
On September 28 in the San Gabriel Valley, the California Center for Land
Recycling (CCLR) is presenting a one-day, practical, interactive workshop:
"Managing Environmental Challenges on Your Project: Tools, Techniques &
Resources." Recycling abandoned and underutilized properties to revitalize
communities requires skilled management of contamination issues. This
workshop provides tools, techniques and resources for community developers,
redevelopment officers, and other practitioners for on-time/on-budget
project management. 

No Cost to Participants: Southern California Edison is making this workshop
available at no cost to participants to support economic development in the
region. The program was developed through the generous support of The James
Irvine Foundation. Co-convenors are the San Gabriel Valley Economic
Partnership, the USC Center for Economic Development, San Gabriel Valley
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban
Development, and LISC.

Space is limited: Call 415.820.2080 for registration information. CCLR is
offering this workshop throughout the state. To arrange a workshop in your
region call Paula Blasier, Deputy Director. For more information, go to

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