2001 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 7 Feb 2001 23:10:17 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] (repost)EPA loan being used to turn ex-dump into athletic fields
(repost with URL link

Saturday February 03 08:00 AM EST
EPA loan being used to turn ex-dump into athletic fields 
By Marlys Duran, News Staff Writer 

ENGLEWOOD -- The largest loan to come out of a federal environmental-cleanup
program is being used by city officials to turn a former dump into athletic

Englewood borrowed $709,000 through the Environmental Protection Agency's
"brownfields" program to vent methane gas and put a clay cap on the former
landfill, which is in Sheridan but will become part of Englewood's adjacent
Centennial Park. 

The city will spend more than $2.2 million in additional money to develop the
9.4 acres with three lighted ball fields, restrooms, trail connections and
kayak access to the South Platte River. 

Full story at Denver Rocky Mountain News 

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