2001 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 24 Apr 2001 17:39:58 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Additional background info about Sacramento's old railway propertie
US EPA's Brownfields web site


Brownfields Success Stories:
Sacramento's Old Railways Steam Towards a New, Promising Future 

Sacramento's Brownfields Pilot focuses on the cleanup and redevelopment of two
of the City's old railway properties. The City had been working toward
revitalizing the Southern Pacific property for five years when EPA provided a
$200,000 grant under the Agency's Brownfields Pilot Initiative. Following the
EPA grant, procedures were established from an existing agreement among the
City, Southern Pacific (the previous owner of the site) and the State, whereby
the State would oversee initial cleanup, and the City would oversee any cleanup
required during redevelopment of the distressed property. This multi-year,
multi-phase project will produce 10 million square feet of office space, 2,700
new units of mid- to high-rise apartments, and 28 acres of parkland. The
project includes a new Federal courthouse, which is scheduled for completion in
the fall of 1998. Several contamination issues arose during courthouse
construction, which the City resolved using the "Pilot Environmental Oversight
Program" manual developed with Pilot funds. A community center, a school, and
an intermodal facility for light rail, Amtrak, and buses are also planned. At
the project's completion, 40,000 permanent jobs are expected to have been
created, along with 15,000 construction jobs and additional environmental
cleanup positions. This effort inspired Union Pacific to plan for redevelopment
of another of its properties in cooperation with the State, the City, and EPA.
Union Pacific's 66-acre site will eventually be transformed from an abandoned
railway into retail, residential, and multi-use properties with the potential
to create hundreds of new jobs. Sacramento received a $350,000 EPA Brownfields
Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund (BCRLF) grant in 1997, which will be used for
environmental cleanup on sites targeted under the Brownfields Pilot. A
revolving loan fund charges low interest, and uses loan repayments to make new
loans for the same purposes. Discussions are underway with the Capitol Area
Development Agency to use BCRLF dollars to assess and clean up potential
contamination on another of Sacramento's old, abandoned properties, for
eventual conversion into market-rate housing. For more information on the
Sacramento Brownfields Pilot, contact Thomas Mix at (415) 744-2378. 

EPA Brownfields Pilot Fact Sheet


To learn more about this and other railyard projects go to the Institute for
Responsible Management's web site about 


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