2001 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 29 Jun 2001 21:15:38 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Mississippi Statewide Environmental Justice Summit
Mississippi Statewide Environmental Justice Summit

The Mississippi Statewide Environmental Justice Summit is a multi-stakeholder
partnership and conference on environmental justice compliance and health
issues. The Summit and its sponsors are focused on promoting public-private
partnerships in Mississippi that foster community empowerment, environmental
justice compliance and environmental health education, linkages between
Brownfields revitalization and economic progress, coalition building and

The Mississippi Statewide Environmental Justice Summit will be held August 2-4,
2001 at the Quality Hotel and Conference Center in Jackson, Ms. The event will
commence on Thursday with an EPA workshop on Brownfield's redevelopment and an
evening welcome reception. On Friday and Saturday, plenary and breakout
sessions are scheduled on environmental and health issues in the State,
environmental justice and compliance and public-private partnership models,
along with a Friday afternoon tour of the environmental justice community in
Columbia, MS.

Goals and Objectives

The Mississippi Statewide Environmental Justice Summit will focus on building
stakeholder partnerships and coalitions that will result in environmental
awareness and developing just solutions to environmental issues in the state.
Strengthening community capacity to meaningfully participate in environmental
decision-making in Mississippi is a key ingredient of building these
relationships and coalitions. Summit partners intend to promote among
communities and other integral stakeholders opportunities to learn, provide
input and proactively participate in understanding the issues and developing a
plan for Mississippi.

The summit is a tool to advance efforts on working together with key players in
the State and leverage community input into the decision making process.
Focusing on public-private partnerships between environmental and health
agencies, the regulated community and impacted communities, the partners
anticipate creating a model for stakeholders as they develop and enhance
working platforms to utilize the resources and knowledge gained from the

The Summit will provide scholarships and travel stipends for communities and
grassroots workers to support their participation in Summit events. In addition
to convening the Summit, the partners intend to conduct follow-up activities to
ensure that the work is ongoing.

For more information about lodging and agenda please go to:


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