From: | Lenny Siegel <> |
Date: | 7 Jul 2006 08:13:32 -0000 |
Reply: | cpeo-brownfields |
Subject: | [CPEO-BIF] Environmental Justice grant request for applications |
The requests for applications (RFAs) for both the EJ Collaborative
Problem-Solving (EJ CPS) and EJ Small Grants (EJSG) Programs have been
re-released for fiscal year 2006. Funding through these two programs is
available for projects that build the capacity of community-based
organizations to address environmental and/or public health issues at
the local level. Note that completed applications for both programs are
due on Oct. 23, 2006. Earlier RFAs for the EJ CPS and EJSG Programs were released and later cancelled because the National Office of Environmental Justice did not receive enough applications to meet national program objectives. If you applied under the previous RFA, you must submit a new application, because significant changes have been made. Some of the changes include: -The definition of eligible applicant -The contents of the application package - The format of the workplan - The Threshold Eligibility Criteria To be eligible to receive funding through either of these programs you must meet the eligibility definition listed below. Please follow the links below to read the all eligibility criteria and application instructions for both programs. If you need hard copies or a Spanish version, please contact Davina Wysin at 617-918-1020 or Several conference calls have been scheduled in July, August, September and October for potential applicants to ask questions and receive other pre-application assistance. The dates for these calls and registration instructions appear at the end of this message. Eligibility definition: An eligible applicant must be either: (1) a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization as designated by the Internal Revenue Service; OR (2) a non-profit organization, recognized by the state, territory, commonwealth, or tribe in which it is located. In addition, an eligible applicant must be able to demonstrate that it has worked directly with, or provided services to, the affected community. An "affected community," for the purposes of this assistance agreement program, is a community that is disproportionately impacted by environmental harms and risks and has a local environmental and/or public health issue that is identified in the proposal. A "non-profit organization," means any corporation, trust, association, cooperative, or other organization that: (1) is operated primarily for scientific, educational, service, charitable, or similar purposes in the public interest; (2) is not organized primarily for profit; and (3) uses its net proceeds to maintain, improve, and/or expand its operations. The focus of these assistance agreement program is to build the capacity of community-based organizations to address environmental and/or public health issues at the local level. Therefore, for this assistance agreement program, the term "non-profit organization" excludes: colleges and universities; hospitals; state and local governments and federally-recognized Indian tribal governments; quasi-governmental entities (e.g., water districts, utilities)*; national-, multi-state-, or state-wide- organizations with chapters; non-profit organizations that engage in lobbying activities as defined in Section 3 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995; and those non-profit organizations which are excluded from coverage under paragraph 5 of OMB Circular A-122 (see OMB Circular A-122, paragraph 5 at Links to RFAs: The RFAs for both programs containing detailed eligibility requirements and application instructions are available on the following websites: Site of RFA for EJ Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreements 2006 Site of RFA for EJ Small Grants 2006 Pre-application assistance: Seven conference calls have been scheduled to answer questions from potential applicants. If you wish to participate, please send an e-mail to and provide the following information: (1) your name; (2) the name of your organization; (3) the address of your organization; (4) your phone number; (4) and the preferred date for the call. If you cannot reply by e-mail, you can also register by calling the toll-free number 1-800-962-6215. Once you have registered you will be provided the call-in number and conference code to access the conference call. Call #1 July 11, 2006, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. EST Call #2 July 25, 2006, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. EST Call #3 August 15, 2006, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. EST Call #4 August 29, 2006, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. EST Call #5 September 12, 2006, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. EST Call #6 September 26, 2006, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. EST Call #7 October 12, 2006, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. EST
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