2007 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: bobh@np.craigslist.org
Date: 21 May 2007 14:21:25 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Pawtucket (RI) bike path planned on brownfield parcels
Plan to extend bikepath through Pawtucket explained

Pawtucket Times
by Douglas Hadden

PAWTUCKET, Rhode Island
Till now, taking your two-wheeler, jogging shoes, or baby carriage out for a
bucolic spin hereabouts meant ferrying yourself to the Blackstone Bikepath segments
in Central Falls, Cumberland, Lincoln and Woonsocket.
Now Pawtucket's about to join that party.

The lynchpin funding to make it happen is coming via $600,000 in so-called
Brownfields grants announced Tuesday by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The city's chunk was among $1.6 million in similar grants in Rhode Island - all the
rest for projects in Providence - out of $18 million allocated throughout New
England and almost $71 million nationwide.

The money will pay for land purchase and any needed environmental cleanup along the
industrial Front Street area that will become part of the approximately 1.3 mile
stretch of the bikepath in the city, City Planner Michael Cassidy said.

Cassidy said the city is receiving three separate grants of $200,000 each for
purchase and/or environmental cleanup of three separate lots on Front Street. "The
hardest acquisition area and the hardest for brownfields has been Front Street,"
said Cassidy, noting that the rest of the bikepath's route will be on land already
owned by the city or Pawtucket Redevelopment Agency, or granted access via
easements from private owners.

For the entire article see:

Bob Hersh

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