2007 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lennysiegel@gmail.com>
Date: 21 May 2007 17:36:39 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Creating Community-Based Brownfields Redevelopment Strategies Training Workshop]
From: 	Lynn Ross <LRoss@planning.org>

Creating Community-Based Brownfields Redevelopment Strategies Training

The American Planning Association and Bethel New Life, Inc. have
designed an interactive, three-hour training workshop designed to
educate and empower community-based organizations dealing with
brownfields issues. The first hour of the program focuses on developing
an understanding of brownfields as opportunities and creating a
community vision. Hour two allows participants to select among three
break-out sessions on redevelopment, cleanup or finance. The final hour
of the workshop involves a group discussion of what was learned in the
breakout sessions and a discussion on next steps - where to locate
resources, get help, and find partners.

Following the three-hour workshop, participants will be asked to
evaluate the program. Program evaluation will last approximately 30
minutes. The evaluation process is a crucial component of the event. The
comments and ideas generated during the evaluation process will be used
to improve the final training module.

Organizations participating in Round I pilot trainings must be able to
organize an event that takes place between July and September 2007. A
second round of training is expected to take place in 2008.

Applications are due by Friday, June 1, 2007. Go to
http://www.planning.org/brownfields/trainingworkshops.htm  learn more
and get the application form. Send questions to brownfields@planning.org


Lynn M. Ross, AICP
Project Manager, Creating Community-Based Brownfields Redevelopment
American Planning Association
122 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1600
Chicago, IL 60603
(p) 312.786.6723
(f) 312.431.9985
brownfields@planning.org <mailto:brownfields@planning.org>

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