1995 CPEO Military List Archive

From: ross.vincent@sfsierra.sierraclub.org
Date: 02 Feb 1995 18:28:56
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Department of the Air Force
[Federal Register: January 30, 1995]


Department of the Air Force

Record of Decision (ROD) for the Disposal and Reuse of Castle Air 
Force Base (AFB) California

 On January 3, 1995, the Air Force signed the Record of Decision 
(ROD) for Castle Air Force Base (AFB), California. The decisions 
included in this ROD have been made in consideration of the Castle AFB 
Disposal and Reuse Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), which 
was filed with the Environmental Protection Agency and released to the 
public on November 25, 1994, and other relevant considerations.
 Castle AFB is scheduled to close on September 30, 1995. The major 
methods which will be utilized to dispose of the approximate 2,777 acre 
base are: public airport conveyance (approximately 1,580 acres), 
Federal transfer to the Federal Bureau of Prisons (approximately 659 
acres), public park conveyance (approximately 18 acres) public 
education conveyance (approximately 128 acres), and public or 
negotiated sale (approximately 350 acres).
 The uses proposed for the property by prospective recipients of 
property under the ROD are consistent with the community's 
redevelopment plan for the base. The ROD announced that any potential 
environmental impacts would result directly from reuse and 
redevelopment by others. Likewise, most of the mitigation of 
environmental impacts would be the responsibility of future owners and 
developers. The Air Force has tried to take all practical measures to 
avoid or minimize environmental harm that may occur as a result of its 
disposal action.
 Any Questions regarding this matter should be directed to Mr. John 
P. Carr, Program Manager, Northwest Region. Correspondence should be 
sent to AFBCA/NW, 1700 N. Moore Street, Suite 2300, Arlington, VA 
Patsy J. Conner,
Air Force Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 95-2126 Filed 1-27-95; 8:45 am]

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