1995 CPEO Military List Archive

From: diamonds@smdis01.mcclellan.af.mil
Date: 06 Feb 1995 09:20:33
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: McClellan AFB - levels of groundwater contaminants
Posting from diamonds@smdis01.mcclellan.af.mil (Steven M Diamond yWo{ )
Subject: Re: McClellan AFB - levels of groundwater contaminants

In your message of 4 Feb 1995 at 1557 PST, you write:
> >From: Ted Schettler <tschettler>
> Subject: McClellan AFB - levels of groundwater contaminants
> I would appreciate help from anyone who has info on
> specific levels of groundwater contamination at McClellan - I'm
> particularly interested in plumes which have migrated off-base
> affecting surrounding communities. Which communities, how
> many families requiring alternative drinking water supplies, what contaminants, at what levels? I'd also appreciate a reference for citation
> purposes.
> Thanks
> Ted Schettler
Ted, I'm a historian working on annual histories, oral histories, and
environmental history at McClellan. There is agreat deal of
information on groundwater at various sites available thru the
Directorate of Environmental Management. There is also much info from
various contractors (e.g., Radian, CH2M Hill) who have conducted
studies at the base.
Do you know which "sites" or "operable units" you want information
for? For example, Radian just completed and published the IRP
Management Action Plan for McClellan (USAF Contract No.
FO4588-93-D-0018)--you can pay Radian for a copy, or use microfiche
available to the public at the Rio Linda COmmunity Center.
Hope this helps.
Steve Diamond

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