1995 CPEO Military List Archive

From: ragusom@acq.osd.mil
Date: 01 Aug 1995 06:45:45
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: Looking for RAB SELECTION PANEL Ideas
Posting from Mary Raguso 79789 <ragusom@acq.osd.mil>
Subject: Re: Looking for RAB SELECTION PANEL Ideas


My name is Mary Raguso. I work for DoD, in Environmental Security, Office of
the Secretary of Defense. I read your e-mail regarding the selection of RAB
members, and was surprised, at best to see local mayors as the selection panel.
 The Department developed policy in regard to selecting RAB members, which is:

Selecting installation members:
- the Commanding Officer (CO) selects one rep. and empowers that individual
with the authority to implement RAB initiatives
- CO may select a second installation member
- Other installation representatives such as the technical support staff,
public affairs officer, and the judge advocate may provide support

Selecting government members:
- each organization selects one representative who has sufficient authority to
implement the RAB mandate and who can dedicate the time necessary to fulfill
- EPA region - usually the Remedial Program Manager
- State - the lead agency as established by Defense and State Memoranda of
Agreement shall identify the appropriate representative
- Local Government - the local government shall identify the appropriate

Selecting community members:
 This is the most complicated step. If the process is not perceived as being
open and unbiased, the RAB will not get off to a good start. Therefore, we
developed policy that clearly explains how this process should take place. 

- A selection panel that represents a cross-section of the community must be
organized by the CO, in consultation with EPA and the State. The individuals
organize the panel, but do not serve on it, as explained below.

The process for establishing a selection panel, according to joint DoD and EPA
guidelines state:

- there must be a selection panel
- the selection panel must reflect the diverse community interests
- the selection panel must be made up of community members only
- the selection panel will recommend a slate of RAB community members who
represent diverse local interest.

Diverse community interests include:
local residents, installation employees/residents, current TRC members, local
government, business community, school districts, reuse committees, local
environmental groups/activists, civic/public interest organizations, religious
community, local regulatory agencies, homeowner associations, medical
Native Americans.

 We have available the full implementation guidelines for RABs. What I have
provided here is an exert, but I think it gives you the general idea of how we
envisioned the selection process. If you want a copy of the guidelines, e-mail
me with your address and we will get it right out to you. In the meantime, I
will ask the Army public affairs person who sits on our RAB work group to
contact you and offer her assistance. I hope this information will assist you.
 Feel free to contact me if you need more info.

Mary R.

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