1995 CPEO Military List Archive

From: nullm@saf2.hq.af.mil
Date: 12 Oct 1995 13:36:22
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: RABs in AF Priority-setting
Posting from nullm@saf2.hq.af.mil (Null/MIQ)

--------- The following is a converted OFFICEPOWER mail message ----------

 To: careerpro@igc.org 


 Subject: RABs in AF Priority-setting New [*] Codes: [ ] 
 Message: Following is a policy signed today by Mr. Tad McCall, Deputy 
 Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Environment, Safety and 
 Occupational Health. This policy provides for active involvement 
 of Restoration Advisory Boards in AF priority-setting. If you 
 have any questions, please let me know. 
 Marilyn Null 

 Priority: 2 Delivery Acknowledge [ ] View Acknowledge [ ] 

 From: Null/MIQ By: nullm@saf2 Attachment [*] 

-------------------------------- ATTACHMENT ------------------------------

 12 Oct 1995



 SUBJECT: Role of Restoration Advisory Boards in Environmental 
 Cleanup Priority-Setting

 In accordance with SAF/MI memorandum dated 11 Sept 95 regarding 
 DERA devolvement principles, attached is the policy our offices 
 have agreed to regarding the appropriate role of RABs in relative 
 risk evaluation and sequencing cleanup activities. Request 
 immeidate distribution and implementation of this policy. Contact 
 Marilyn Null of my staff at 703/693-7705 if you have any 

 Deputy Assistant Secretary
 of the Air Force
 (Environment, Safety and
 Occupational Health)

 Role of RABs in Priority-setting




 AF Policy on
 Role of RABs in Priority-setting October 1995

 In keeping with our Devolvement Strategy Principles for the 
 Defense Environmental Restoration Program and Department of 
 Defense Guidance on environmental restoration at Base Realignment 
 and Closure Bases (BRAC), the Air Force will provide sufficient 
 opportunities for regulator and other stakeholder involvement in 
 risk-based priority-setting decisions for environmental cleanup. 
 Because our Restoration Advisory Boards (RABs) include regulators 
 and representation of diverse community interests, they will play 
 a significant role in this process.

 In addition to RABs, BRAC installations also receive advice which 
 may influence cleanup priorities from Local Redevelopment 
 Authorities (LRAs). As such, to the extent appropriate, BRAC 
 installations will coordinate the results of risk-based cleanup 
 evaluations with both RABs and LRAs.

 In FY 96, installations will consult with their RABs (and LRAs at 
 BRAC installations) on sequencing activities when FY 96 funds are 
 allocated. Subsequently, RABs will be more fully involved in 
 future years, as follows:

 1. Where RABs have been convened, installations will review 

 membership and membership selection processes to guarantee 
 adherence to the September 1994 DOD/EPA RAB Guidelines, ensuring 
 an open, unbiased membership selection process which provides for 
 diverse community representation, as well as regulator 
 representation. Where RABs have not been convened, installations 
 will convene RABs in accordance with the September 1994 DOD/EPA 
 RAB Guidelines. If RABs are not convened, the installation will 
 document what has been done to determine community interest, 
 provide a date for resurveying community interest, and develop a 
 plan to identify and address sudden or evolving changes in 
 interest levels.

 2. Installations will provide RAB members (and LRA members at 
 BRAC installations) with sufficient training on the relative risk 
 approach, the federal budgeting process, and how these affect 
 prioritizing of cleanup actions so that RABs (and LRAs) can 
 provide informed advice on priority-setting issues.

 3. Prior to submission of cleanup funding needs at the Program 
 Objective Management (POM) stage, installations, with their RABs 
 (and LRAs), will conduct and/or reassess relative risk evaluations 
 of their sites. RABs (and LRAs) will actively participate in this 
 evaluation process.

 4. Installations will develop their budget request through 
 effective application of the Restoration Program Guidelines, along 
 with RAB (and LRA) advice on sequencing (including relative risk 
 evaluations and other factors important to the community and the 
 Air Force). When the RAB (and/or LRA) sequencing varies from the 
 Air Force program guidelines, installations will record the 
 differences (and rationale for them) and provide this information 
 to their respective MAJCOMs, along with their POM submittal.

 NOTE: In cases where the RAB (and/or LRA) feels that low risk 
 cleanup activities are more important than high or medium risk 
 activities, documentation of other factors to be considered and an 
 analysis of impact on program management is particularly 
 important. Other factors may include, but not be limited to, 
 legal agreements, community perceptions and cultural values, 
 redevelopment plans, national defense issues, etc.

 5. MAJCOMs will submit budget requests to the Air Staff (Air 
 Force Civil Engineer or Air Force Base Conversion Agency), with a 
 summary of installations' relative risk ranking and impacts of 
 other factors to be considered.

 6. When MAJCOMs advise installations of substantial programmatic 
 changes that will either positively or negatively affect the scope 
 of restoration programs, installations, in consultation with RABs, 
 will determine what modifications, if any, are needed for 
 effective program execution.

 7. Effective management of restoration activities is a dynamic 
 process, often requiring reallocation of restoration funding 
 throughout the fiscal year. Cleanup decisions should take into 
 account both program management considerations and RAB (and LRA) 
 advice. As base-specific allocations are made (which may occur 
 more than once during the year), the installation will advise the 

 RAB (and LRA) of the funds received, environmental restoration 
 projects funded or to be funded, and work remaining. 
 Installations will discuss funding and priorities with their RABS 
 (and LRAs) and provide the opportunity for the RAB (and LRA) to 
 update advice based on the most current information. The 
 installation will fully consider the RAB (and LRA) advice along 
 with other management issues in making cleanup decisions.

 8. Once a year, installations and RABs (and LRAs) will recommence 
 consultation in preparation of the POM submission as specified in 
 steps 3 and 4, above.

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