1996 CPEO Military List Archive

From: dmarron@cwsl.edu
Date: 08 Oct 1996 12:52:19
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: Global Green's 3rd Annual Forum
From: "Dottie Marron <dmarron@cwsl.edu>" <djm@cwsl.edu>

On 7 Oct 1996 zweifel@nexus.chapman.edu wrote:

> Other notable and quotable happenings occurred in our afternoon workshops: 
> One particularly memorable remark referred to public participation in RABs
> as, "Being largely worthless because these groups are toothless, all bark
> and no bite, having no real power to do anything but go through the
> motions." This particular individual ostensibly indicated that the RABs 
> were not really watchdogs, but in actuality lapdogs to be coddled and
> petted into fawning submission and coaxed into rubber-stamping FSs and
> RODs. 
> This I ask you: Is there a ring of truth to these grave charges? 
Them's fightin' words, buster!

RAB's are not toothless lapdogs. We have a real impact on clean-up, 
and we have the ability to change the attitudes of some of the 
military involved in clean-up. For example, how many RAB members 
started out in RAB's where the military just assumed their way of 
clean-up was the best way, but over time have seen the military first 
resist, then start seeking out the ideas and views of the community 

RAB members are also in the position to influence the way regulators 
view cleanup. For example in Coronado, the members of the RAB have 
become increasingly concerned about the overall amount of toxic 
emissions being created by base operations. Currently, environmental 
laws look at each source of emission separately. There is no 
requirement to show cumulative amounts of toxic emissions. We have 
been asking the Navy for the information for months. Last month I was 
pleased to see a letter from the DTSC representative asking the Navy 
to provide the RAB with information. We intend to continue our 
campaign until we get a complete picture of what the air our community 
is breathing in looks like.

RABs are effective. Perhaps we don't provide the drama of a Rainbow 
Warrior whale rescue, but we are doing our part.


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